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Posts posted by DizzyGrey

  1. MC Name:



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             Narithen Uialben


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



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    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?




    Caledonia MMA Club 





    Published 6th of The Amber Cold, 178 SA


    Greetings to all! Please take the time to read below!


    Caledonia, Vassal State beneath the Serene State of Lurin, is now officially hosting the Lurinite Mixed Martial Arts Club! An idea that has been brewing for a while, a location has finally been determined to host the elven weekly club's activities!


    Meeting every elven week (Friday 6pm GMT) at Caledonia's underground arena, the club is to be hosted by Prince Domonic Mikhael Snowell-Uialben. Dedicated towards training and developing a variety of mixed martial arts, all are welcome to attend so long as they abide by the following set of rules whilst taking part!

    The rules are as follows:

    • Obey all Lurinite Laws whilst upon Caledonia's grounds.
    • Respect one another, and keep personal animosity outside of the club.
    • No ranged magic, non-ranged magical abilities are allowed and encouraged.


    This club is meant to push oneself to the very brink, to expand their limits, so don't expect an easy time! It will be gruelling, and yet the rewards will be worth it!


    We'll see you there.





    Narithen Uialben, Baron of Caledonia


    Karuna Amal, Baroness of Caledonia


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Kharajyr are cat-like humanoids that stand on two legs and are capable of higher thought and speech. They each have a shared number of traits, being retractable claws, cat-like night vision, the ability to fall great heights with ease, and a propensity towards sugar rushes should they imbibe too much of it. Within the Kharajyr race there are four subtypes:

    The Leparda look like leopard humanoids, and are the most standard-descendent like of the Kharajyr in terms of capability. They often stand between 5' and 5'10'', and weigh between 120 to 160 pounds when healthy. Their tails are notably shorter than the other Kha subtypes.


    The Cheetrah look like cheetah humanoids, and their most noticeable trait is their extreme agility and smaller stature. Growing between the heights of 4'6'' and and 5'5'' and weigh between 80 and 140 pounds when healthy. Weaker in strength to other Kha and most other descendants, they are comparable to goblins in physical might but make up for it with innate agility and reaction time. Also, lots of black spots, as per their cheetah-aesthetic.


    The Pantera look like panther humanoids, defined by their almost pitch black fur. Growing to heights between 5'5'' and 6'4'', they're the second tallest of the Kha subtypes. Weighing between 140 and 200 pounds when healthy, they are naturally very strong for a standard descendent, and their black pelt allows them to blend into the night easily.


    The Tigrasi are the tiger humanoids of the Kharajyr, and the physically strongest of the subtypes. Averaging between 5'10'' and 7', they weigh between 150 and 250 pounds when healthy, and their strength is comparable (if slightly worse than) a fully grown Uruk's.



    Created by the Daemon of Time, Metztli, from the bodies of kidnapped children by merging them with the native ocelots of Khalenwyr, the Kha quickly began to worship her as their primary goddess. For a period of time they lived within a harmonious empire, ruled by the emperor Tla'Jahaan and his partner Ja'Natayshi until the day the Emperor attempted to replace himself as the primary deity of the Kha, and began a civil war. Angered by this infighting, Metztli used the local volcano of the continent to cause a catalcysmic eruption, and sink the continent and its inhabitants into the sea. The only survivors were the faithful, having been warned of the coming apocalypse by Metztli, and lead by Tla'Jahaan's own son. When they landed upon the continent of Asulon, they encountered the four descendent races, and have lived amongst them ever since.




    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    She will be starting off as a child, but will eventually grow to be a Kha'Cheetrah at 4'9'', with a generally soft yet lithe build owing to both copious amounts of sugar and the resulting sugar rushes.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. [!] Flyers have been left upon most major notice boards in towns across the continent, and on more than a few signposts




    Opening Of Caledonia 





    Published 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 177 SA


    Hello everyone! Joyous news is brought to you all!


    Caledonia, Vassal State beneath the Serene State of Lurin, is now officially considered to be open! After many years of building, everything is complete, and now those responsible have turned from looking inwards to looking out!


    A place of tolerance and knowledge, dominated by its grand Academy, Caledonia’s Baron and Baroness now send out an open invitation to any and all looking for a home, looking for a place to both spread and gain academic learning, and for those with nowhere else to go. 


    To that end, Caledonia is officially hosting its first event: A fight night! To be hosted in five elven days (29th of April, 8pm GMT), all are invited to come participate, whether or not they wish to fight. Amenities can be found in the form of the local tavern, and those that decide they would like to learn more about possible citizenry or academic teachings will find themselves more than welcome to approach one Narithen Uialben or Karuna Amal.


    The fight night itself will be held within Caledonia’s own underground arena, with a 100 Mina prize for the winner! There rules are as follows:


    1. Magic is allowed.

    2. Constructs that cannot think for themselves are disallowed (this extends to any other manner of having a creature or unthinking representative fight for you).

    3. Battles go until unconsciousness, surrender, or a ruling is made that one side is too injured to continue. Purposefully killing your opponent will result in being arrested, rather than mina.


    We hope to see many people, and we hope to hear from any interested in possibly becoming denizens!

    See you there.




    Narithen Uialben, Baron of Caledonia


    Karuna Amal, Baroness of Caledonia


  5. The Barony of Caledonia



    [!] The four houses of Caledonia




    Caledonia finds its true origins in the fabled story of the Lurinite Knight: Conor Tsecsar. When this noble soul disappeared, his newly established vassal was passed on to the adoptive son of the Silver Lubba, one Narithen Uialben. From there the young prince set forward to accomplish a dream he and his fiancée had both shared for quite a while: The development of a place for those of all paths to freely share their knowledge, without fear of retaliation or the influence of external prejudices. 


    Thus, the adopted son in turn took in this adoptive Barony, transforming it into what it is today. Found across from Lurin and dominated by its central feature, the eponymous Caledonia Academy, the barony acts as a supporting feature to its overlord state across the path. Here students arrive from all over Aevos to study their chosen topics, with no restrictions or expectations placed upon them that would otherwise be seen in the outside world.


    In Caledonia, the footfalls there are not that of soldiers preparing for war. Nor are they that of priests kneeling in prayer. They are not the steps of politicians furthering their own agendas. The footsteps heard are those of the steady march of progress, found in the meeting of great minds and propelled through the curiosity of the inhabitants. 



    The Landscape

    Caledonia has very little landscape to its name without its walls, but what it does have is healthy and vibrant. A lazy, sparkling river of water filled with all sorts of wildlife (frogs, fireflies, and more) winds its way along the back sides. The land is inundated with greenery, and special attention is paid to ensure this remains the same.



    Caledonia is dominated by the large academy that makes up the centre focus of the vassal state. Larger than the rest of the estate, the academy is designed to draw attention through its imposing nature and dominating stance. Yet despite this, the inside is of warm and cosy wood, and signs of greenery are Small in nature when considering sheer accessible landmass, Caledonia has no forest or owned land beyond that which is contained within and near its walls. Yet, as if to spite this lack of greenery outside, the city itself is all but inundated with plant life. All over, plants and vines can be found across the rooftops and within public centres, the smell of flowers fills the air, and the rustle of leaves can be clearly heard throughout this vassal state at the slightest wind.


    White marble mingles with the typical brick of the Serene State’s construction methods, matching the vassal’s mother state through the use of brick and green rooftops. To the southern side of the vassal are domiciles segmented into the colours of the four school houses, and the northern side houses a small village designed to accommodate living through the use of a cozy bar and market stalls.


    The entirety of the vassal is designed to accentuate comfort combined with purpose, mingling the beauty of nature and the marble accents of the buildings with the overarching purpose to facilitate the process of learning.



    [!] Students join together for an Alchemy lesson



    Tolerance is the name of the game within Caledonia. A vassal state designed to bring in outsiders frequently for the purposes of education and trade, many laws within the vassal state that disagreements that cannot be resolved through debate are to be left at the door. Citizenry and guests are expected to treat one another well, and to leave alone any issue that cannot be peacefully resolved. There is little restriction upon race, creed, nor goal: So long as you come to learn and live, and behave yourself well, you are welcome within Caledonia.


    This is emulated within its centrepiece Academy. Meant to be a haven for knowledge and active academia, many outsiders are invited to run seminars in areas and fields that they are experts in, being paid by the state for their efforts. Granted, some fields are barred- Dark magic outside of pure theory is disallowed, and tolerance only goes so far. Darkspawn are considered enemies, not in the least due to their proclivity to promptly destroy what non-dark magic related knowledge they find. 


    There is no set expectation in any form within Caledonia, owing to its unending wish for outsiders to come and visit. So long as one behaves kindly to themselves and others, lives well and lives full, they will be welcome within it and the Academy’s grounds.





    Karuna Amal, mother of Amal, Baroness of Caledonia


    Narithen Uialben, Prince of the Most Serene State of Lurin, Baron of Caledonia




    Caledonia can be found just across from Lurin's main entrance!


  6. Narithen hunched over, looking down at the letter in his hand. Seated on the edge of his bed, the ker's eyes were shrouded by his stark white hair as he stares down at the note. His thumb creases the paper as emotions overwhelm him, and he lets out a long sigh. His free hand comes up to rub and wipe at his eye, and he leans back with a sniffle, clearly trying to keep his emotions in check.

    "..." The prince crinkles the letter some more, before letting out a calming breath, and making to gently put it down on his dresser before punching his own knee. "Damn it." He mutters.


    He opens his mouth to say something. Anything. Something dramatic, or a message for Floria's spirit. A promise, or... a message, or something worthy of her memory.

    But nothing came, and he hung his head low again. 

    "Damn it." He repeats quietly, sitting alone in his dark room.

  7. "Seems like Atemu's finally bitten off more than he could chew." Narithen hums as he reads the missive. "I suppose it's what he deserves- ...Hope the others stay safe, though." He reads over the part accusing Atemu of 'insolence' and subversive behaviour, and cannot help a chuckle. "Ain't that ironic?"

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