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Everything posted by bughalover2008

  1. bughalover2008


    Boghat entered into the hut and sat down with her legs crossed. "I am Boghat. I waz raized in a zmall town on the edgez of the iron horde'z territoriez. I kome here to zeek a fortune of zhiny thingz, ezpezially moniez." She smiled at the thought. "I waz a good at kollekting and zelling a lot of thingz in me village, and learned to be a merchant from me father. He uzed to run a fizh ztore that me would help out with." She looked around the room. "You zeem like you dont have too many good thingz, maybe there is zomething me can get youz for a little bit of coinz if you have dem." Boghot offered the old lady with a greedy smile.
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