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Posts posted by graveyard_bones

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy - also known as natural philosophy - as a whole, is the process of harvesting and identifying reagents and symbols to then make potions. With this, there is a three-tier system, in which students can learn a variety of potions depending on said tier. While alchemy is relatively freeform, students must first learn before creating. 

    When a student starts out, they must first learn the six different ways of extraction, that being mundane, air, earth, water, fire, and aether. They must also learn the recipes of common knowledge potions. Afterwards, students can work their way up to making stronger potions, and upon hitting T3, a student not only automatically knows all common knowledge potions, but can make the strongest ones.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    When it comes to alchemical subclasses, they are essentially split into two, that being common knowledge and rare knowledge. Common knowledge is something that is, in short, automatically learned at T3, and rare knowledge being something that must be learned IRPly, no matter the tier. 

    There are, however, feats people must apply to and be taught separately, such as tawkins - that being flesh alchemy - or animii - that being clockwork alchemy. There’s also another “subsection” of alchemy that is learned IRPly, such as black alchemy or warforging. All in all, learning alchemy opens up doors for users to learn much more than the basics.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Making Smoke Whispers
    Starting with earth extraction, Sariel takes the night sap set aside and begins dicing the reagent up. Once neatly cut up, he moves the reagent into a mortar and pestle, a hand grasping around the pestle and starting to grind. Once ground up as best as he can manage, he grabs a vial of salt and carefully pours in a half-ratio of salt compared to the reagent quantity - once more, he grinds until nothing but a dull powder remains. 

    Sariel takes ahold of a sieve, pouring the powder over the filter until symbols are clearly seen and left behind. He takes a pair of tweezers, gently setting aside three counts of blindness in the corner of the tray, and discards the other symbols to the side in a small bowl. He swipes the powder to the tray's other side, returning to the three untouched reagents.

    Sariel repeats the process of cutting up one count of beardweed, one count of aqua nymph, and one count of hiding moss before placing each diced-up reagent into separate mortars and pestles. He works diligently to grind up each reagent, saturating them with aqua vitae, placing the concoctions into pots, and boiling them into powders one after another. 

    Afterward, he sifts each powder, pulling out the main symbols needed for the potion, that being two counts of dark, two counts of growth, and one count of endurance. Each symbol is placed into a respective pile, and Sariel finally moves on to the important part of potion-making.

    In a bowl of distilled water, Sariel throws in three counts of blindness, two counts of dark, two counts of growth, and one count of endurance - slowly, it emits smoky wisps while keeping its liquid consistency. He’s quick to funnel the liquid into a bottle, screwing a cork atop. He slaps a white label sticker on the side of the bottle, jotting down the words ‘smoke whispers’ in messy handwriting. He sets the bottle to the side and begins cleaning up the mess he made.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Mundane Extraction
    "First and foremost, the most important thing in alchemy is mundane extractions," a palm lofts downwards, grasping onto a handle belonging to a cabinet. Sariel swings it open, pulling out a flurry of items, and laying them on the island before him. "When it comes to mundane extractions, you need a mortar and pestle," he extends a digit, pointing at the mortar and pestle. "Aqua vitae, a pot, a sifter, a knife, a pair of tweezers, and a metal pan." He points to each respective item, glancing upwards at his student. "These are the necessities you need for your first alchemy lab."

    [Student replies.]

    Sariel pulls a glass bottle from a satchel sitting on his hip, unscrewing the lid and pulling out two herbs. He slides one towards his student, while placing the other in front of himself, "We will start with Athin, given it is one of the few common reagents in the north." A pause - he takes the knife from its resting place, "Firstly, we cut it up. Follow along," he motions, pointing the tip of the blade at the reagent. He begins chopping up the herb into small pieces, acting quickly with cutting.

    [Student replies.]

    "After that, taking the now diced-up reagent," he slides the blade underneath the athin, scooping it up and sliding it into the mortar and pestle. "We crush it." Sariel takes ahold of the pestle, crushing the reagent until it is nothing more than a dry mush. He slides the aqua vitae forth, carefully pouring in what is required. "Then, we saturate it." He wipes the pestle off, setting it aside. "Finally, we boil. This marks the end of the ah..." He rolls his wrist, the words sitting on the tip of his tongue. "Easier process."

    [Student replies.]

    Sariel trails towards a chimney, taking a match in hand and lighting it with a single swipe. He slips a piece of paper in his free hand, pressing the flame to the paper - it lights, and he promptly throws it into a pile of wood. While he waits for the wood to catch fire, he lifts the mortar and tilts it over the pot, pouring the mixture in. Now and again, he double-checks that his student is following along, and seeing as they are doing such, he is pleased. | Sariel picks the pot up, setting up two makeshift burner coils over the now raging flame. "Now, set it atop the flame." He does so with his pot, "We wait for it to boil until it is merely a dry powder."

    [Student replies.]

    Over time, the concoction boils and eventually turns into a dry powder. "Pull it off, now." He utters, pulling his pot off the burner and putting the fire out. He plants a small cloth, setting the pot atop - he fixes the tray in front of him, motioning for his student to follow along again. He picks up the sieve and pot, gently pouring the powder through the sieve and shaking thoroughly until nothing else is left but the symbols setting in the filter. “Now, you take a pair of tweezers,” he sets the pot down, picking up a pair of tweezers. “Pick out each symbol and lay them away from the powder in three piles.”

    [Student replies.]

    As Sariel’s student works, so does he, laying x3 Coldness, x2 Purity, and x1 Weakness in three separate piles. “What remains is three counts of coldness,” he points at the symbol, “Two counts of purity.” He repeats, “And one count of weakness.” He sets his hand on the counter, “This is how you extract mundane symbols. With these, we can make potions, pastes, syrups, and so much more. When the time comes for another lesson, I will send you a letter and teach you the process of extracting aether, earth, air, fire, and water symbols. Then, we can progress to making the easier potions.”


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Overall, my first course of action will be to make sure my student understand that they are allowed to ask as many questions as they wish, no matter how silly or serious. People can make mistakes at times, something I acknowledge - the first couple of times will be mere warnings, clarifying redlines, and double-checking that students understand that doing such is not allowed.

    However, if something like this persists even with said warnings, I will drop my student entirely. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gravelord Kryndomere


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old enough.


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  4. In a sea of regret, a singular man stands. 


    He doesn’t shed a tear, he doesn’t scream into the night's empty void- he stares. He stares at the letter in hand, standing in Kaethul, feeling gentle waves crash upon his ankles. Something to feel other than crushing grief, something he hadn’t felt since his mother passed. A thumb presses over the creases on paper, flattening them out, gazing at the drawing held in hands, one real, one fake. His mind is blank, perpetually pushing each word etched with love into the forefront of his mind. With a lump in his throat that refuses to die, choking back sobs as reality hits him, he couldn’t bear the heartbreak. 


    Yet, tears never form.


    He remembers snow crashing into his back, the competitive-filled pursuit they had, snowballs in hands, desperately attempting to reach that third hit. Ducking, cowering, scooping, crushing- it almost makes him laugh. In the blistering cold, standing proudly on that boulder, did Naya win.


    Sariel stared at her with disbelief, soon rolling his eyes- a dramatic, drawn out sigh following afterwards. 


    And he wonders, could he build a snowman, adorn it with fake twigs as hair, and have a snowball fight with it? A husk of what she is? Could he win? Could he carve a one next to his name on that very stone? Has it withered away with time? Will she, along with his memories of her, wither away with time?


    In a blind rage, does he return to that very castle he promised he’d get out of, storming up to his room to destroy each and every last bit of furniture that stands. He throws books off their shelves, he breaks glass- blood coats paper, seeping and soaking. Blood drips onto the counters. There is glass entrapped in his palm. 


    He screams at the top of his lungs- so long his voice goes hoarse and raspy, fueled by unbridled rage. Alone, could he no longer keep his act together, destroying even more until nothing could be pieced together, just like Him. 


    No stone will go unturned, no corner will be left unchecked. 


    Not until he finds her. 





    He recalls that night, sitting atop a roof in Vikela, staring at the stars; reminiscing, remembering. They pointed at individual sparkles in a sea of black, comparing it to their mothers. That day they had reconnected, and Sariel was overjoyed, to finally have someone he deems a sibling inside his very first home. 


    The stars look twice as pretty.” Utters Him, “Are you up there?


    No, she isn’t. He knows this, but he wants to believe. He wants to have that hope he promised her.


    His silence is broken off by a singular thought, something to pry his mind off the inevitable.


    His endless wandering leads him to the foot of Naya’s house in Petra, and he jostles the door open, jingling keys to alert his presence; animals seem overjoyed. His feet creek with every given step, slow and painful. He weaves around, meagerly refilling food and water bowls. A Borzoi seems rather delighted to see him, padded paws tapping on the floor. A feasel scurries down the stairs, hissing at him. 


    How is he to tell an animal about Naya, he thinks, how many days until they finally give up hope of her ever returning


    Something tugs at the back of his mind, begging him to step upstairs into her room. He uncovers a baby crying in his crib. Sariel gently scoops the baby into his arms, tending to his very needs. After mere minutes of calming Fynn down, he settles himself at her desk, fingertips grazing over books, beginning to indulge in whatever studies Naya committed herself to.


    The fire is lit.


  5. Cerberus flicks a pen around in his finger, loosely dragging ink across a blank piece of paper- thinking, debating. Humorous, is what he'd call the situation, pitiful too. He glances around the empty halls of the grand castle he resides in, previous feelings subsiding. 


    After enough pondering, he continues forth, outside into the trembling cold to send a letter to his sister, the very name that was slandered, Naya.

  6. Cerberus stifles a laugh, remembering that night filled with countless amounts of fun the group had — or, at least the fun he had. 


    “MORE PAINTINGS!” He yells, in the safety of his own room.


    What a shame though, that the very tower such tomfoolery started at, never fell.

  7. A missive falls into the young man's hands, passed to him from a friend of a friend. The chair underneath him creaks with his weight as he sits, the gentle tap of his heel against hardwood floors echoes throughout his tiny home. A place that harbors dark secrets with hushed whispers nestled in the cracks of the walls. 


    Sariel's eyes squints as he reads the missive over, and over, and over again until the words become nothing more than a jumbled mess. "Hypocrisy in its purest form," he muses. 


    He never had high standards for Yera, he never thought fondly of her; something hides behind her reserved, quiet persona. He was certain of that.


    Steadily, he folds the missive, pressing the creases tightly to sneak it between the glass bottles that sit in his cupboards.


    "What a shame." The words leave his lips, drawn out and slow.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [A + S]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


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