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Everything posted by Zekryn

  1. Zekryn


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) My brother Zekryn's voice resonates in a low whisper beside me, cautioning against engaging with the floaty old hag. "Sister, do not respond to this floaty old hag," he advises. "Oh come on, let's take a seat and listen to what she has to say; we might learn something valuable," I respond in a hushed whisper. Zekryn sits down, seemingly reluctantly, as I encourage him to be open-minded. As we settle, the folds of our forest green dresses gracefully surround us. "We come from lands far beyond, where the sun kisses unfamiliar horizons, and the winds carry tales of distant realms," I proclaim to the old woman. Zekryn, however, sighs in annoyance, observing our surroundings warily. With a stern tone, he interrupts, "Tell us what you have to say; we have places to be." I can't help but kick him sharply in the shin, a typical response to his impatience. "We seek the wisdom that whispers through ancient trees and the mysteries concealed within the hearts of forgotten lands. My brother and I, both Farfolk, are wanderers of diverse cultures—Sons of Karaman, Kadarsi, Mèllè, Li-Guo—all sharing the tapestry of our stories," I tell the old lady, maintaining a calm and serene voice. Zekryn, however, expresses annoyance and powerlessness, begrudgingly yielding to my insistence. "In our homeland, mystical creatures roam freely, and the echoes of prophecies linger in the air. We are drawn to the unknown, guided by the unseen threads of destiny that weave through the fabric of our existence," I continue, sharing the essence of our journey. Despite Zekryn's skepticism, he remains silent, unable to dissuade me from revealing too much to the mysterious woman. As the awkward pause hangs in the air, I sense Zekryn's discomfort. The stench of the town and the creaking of the stools seem to irk him. "We sensed a call, an inexplicable pull that led us to this dim town. And now, as our paths intertwine with yours, we are here to unravel the mysteries that bind our fates together. What secrets and revelations lie within these swampy shadows, and how do they align with the chapters of our own tales?" I conclude.
  2. Zekryn


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "Sister, do not respond to this floaty old hag" I whisper to my sister Serenity. "Oh come on, let's take a seat and listen to what she has to say, we might learn something valuable" Serenity whispers back. I sit down, mostly reluctantly, and try to focus on the old woman. "We come from lands far beyond, where the sun kisses unfamiliar horizons, and the winds carry tales of distant realms," my sister proclaims. I simply sigh and observe our surroundings, you can never be too sure, especially when approached by such a shady figure in this seemingly rotting village. I eye the old lady and with a stern tone I say "Tell us what you have to say, we have places to be." Suddenly I feel a sharp pain against my shin, my sister kicked me, typical. "We seek the wisdom that whispers through ancient trees and the mysteries concealed within the hearts of forgotten lands. My brother and I, both Farfolk, are wanderers of diverse cultures—Sons of Karaman, Kadarsi, Mèllè, Li-Guo—all sharing the tapestry of our stories." my sister tells the lady with a calm and serene voice. I sigh in annoyance and powerlessness before my sister's iron will. She goes on, "In our homeland, mystical creatures roam freely, and the echoes of prophecies linger in the air. We are drawn to the unknown, guided by the unseen threads of destiny that weave through the fabric of our existence." While that might be true, it might not be the smartest idea to tell this to a shady lady in a town where we barely know anything about their customs, traditions, culture. "We should go." I quietly suggest to Serenity. She does not seem to care and has places her full trust in the ugly hag's words. It is to be expected, I thought. She's always so carefree and foolish. "We sensed a call, an inexplicable pull that led us to this dim town. And now, as our paths intertwine with yours, we are here to unravel the mysteries that bind our fates together. What secrets and revelations lie within these swampy shadows, and how do they align with the chapters of our own tales?" A long awkward pause hung in the air, inviting the unpleasant qualities of this town to me senes. The rotten stench and the creaking sound of the brownish green stools we sit on are getting on my nerves. "This better be over quick, this town seems like bad news, I'd rather go back to that abandoned bear cave from three nights ago" I say. "We sensed a call, an inexplicable pull that led us to this dim town. And now, as our paths intertwine with yours, we are here to unravel the mysteries that bind our fates together. What secrets and revelations lie within these swampy shadows, and how do they align with the chapters of our own tales?" my sister says. "Finally, a thought I can relate with, what dark mysteries are dwelling in this place? It looks suspicious enough." I think to myself. "I am quite hungry, when was our last meal again? I can't remember... It has been far too long. A meal. A meal! We might be able to find a cheap meal here!" my mind wanders off about food while my eyes shine of enthusiasm and anticipation. I silently nod to the warming idea of finally filling our aching stomachs.
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