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Posts posted by Rushodan

  1. Kiyoshi was filled with dread once the news hit him. He had torn himself to shreds to try and save her, failing time and time again. Even if Naya had stumbled down the wrong path, she was at least alive and. . . not anymore. The devils sat on his shoulders, taunting the young 'ame over his countless failures:


    "Everything you touch turns to ruin, Kyrell." A voice whispers in his ear.


    "You don't deserve companionship. You're just a tool. You exist only to do as you are told and even that is often too difficult for you." Echos in the mind, the elf looking down at the sword sitting on his lap. He could do it, here and now. Resolve a lot of peoples problems.


    "I hate you!" Some of the last words spoken by his prior lover. The elf raises the blade to his stomach, taking in a deep breath and bracing with both arms. . .


    But then the face of his Sensei filled his mind. There was a well-too-known look of disappointment on her features. The stories of her students countless failures. . .


    No. The others would have to wait to achieve their satisfaction. The devils banished for another short while and blade returned to his hip. He was not going to let the last person that retained any sort of faith in him down. He was no longer Kyrell the Slave. He was Kiyoshi, Retainer of the Ugokoyama Clan.


    The yosei returns to the village, thinking of his late friend Naya. He would build a shrine to what she stood for.


    And oh, there would be blood. Vengeance for another friend lost. 

  2. Kiyoshi sat with his tea, thinking about the days events. He reflected on how Hael had tried to murder him by shoving him off into the drydock below. He thinks about how if Naya hadn't come along, he'd most likely be dead. The yosei was coming back from Sakura as a new man, a better man. His first talk with Juniper was how he could better co-exist with her. Improve their relationship. Even his first talk with Hael was to voice his pride for the child and explain how he wanted to be a better companion for the two of them. . .


    . . .a sudden, aggressive push was Hael's reply. Kiyoshi barely catching himself on the dry dock ladder, avoiding a smashed skull.


    Naya caught Hael with her blade, allowing the boy to meet with the consequences of his own actions, yet Kiyoshi and Naya were painted as the villains for this? Even after the boy tried to kill him, Kiyoshi still held Naya back and attended to Hael's wounds, likely saving his life.


    A simple conversation would have resolved all of this. But no, violence is always the answer, isn't it? 


    Why were people so bloody dramatic?


    The man was tired of trying to do his best for everyone. To act selflessly. It was time to be selfish for a while. His heart once filled with Juniper's joy now falling empty once again.


    The fact that Hael had made an attempt on Kiyoshi's life felt on deaf ears. He was the son of Sermi, the hound. He had to be the bad guy. Nobody else could do wrong, of course. The White Cat swiftly attending didn't exactly do Kiyoshi any favours, either. 


    A bitter tone, to end the day. The tea wasn't doing much to help, either. Kiyoshi was sure his mother had a bottle of carrion black stashed somewhere around here. . .



  3. Kiyoshi received the news, not taking it amazingly well. After the destruction of bedroom furniture he collapses into a heap, an absolute mess. This wasn't the way she was supposed to die. There was supposed to be CLOSURE. A better ending than THIS.


    The infernal court had been undone, the devils dealt with. So why didn't it all feel better. . .? Why wasn't he HAPPY yet?

  4. 14 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

    ((not sure if this is meant to be read as an IC journal or paper of sorts, but something about the first person POV scratches my brain. probably because it's not seen that often on the server so it stands out nicely. good job))

    ((We can consider it his journal - but it's mostly just to document a critical story moment for Ren ^~^. Thank you for the kind words!!))

  5. klipartzbw.png.78e1ad3bc9a2c1077108716ffdcd4f40.png

    Sermi’s Execution


    I had already lost so much by that day. 


    My closest companion, Juniper, left me in the middle of Lurin after I made it clear that I couldn’t separate myself from my mother. I couldn’t hold her accountable for her deeds.


    Naya had left me after I repeatedly returned to Sermi in a hopeless attempt to save her soul. My actions achieved the opposite of what I wanted; they pushed her further down the path of darkness.


    The people of Kaethul didn’t trust me- they knew I walked in the shadow the cursed child left behind. I couldn’t exactly blame them for it either, seeing what she had done.


    I had hurt so many people in the foolish attempt to preserve my relationship with my mother. I always blamed the others for her actions, and lashed out at those who tried to tell me I was wrong.


    I had been burned, mauled, maimed and manipulated by the Infernal Court of my mother, yet I was unable to tear myself away from her. I still saw the caring, loving woman of years gone by that would have done anything to look after me. . .to keep me safe.


    Sermi requested a meeting with Atsuko - my Sensei and guardian. A brilliant yet troubled Oyashi-woman who tasked herself with guiding me to become a better version of myself, to follow the warrior’s path. I facilitated such a meeting, the three of us below our fortress home in Sakuragakure.


    I did not realize that this was planned to be my final trial. The proposed final step in becoming a Samurai.


    As Sermi and Atsuko spoke, The Yasu-Tori, Danzen entered behind and prevented her from leaving. It was made clear that I would have to make a final choice. Either I could kill Sermi and prove that I was on the path of light, or fail the samurai trials and ultimately fail my Sensei, Atsuko.


    My mother didn’t argue, dropping to her knees and lowering her head. I found tears forming in my eyes, even though I knew it was always going to end this way. I had hoped it would take centuries. . . or at least years, until I was in this position. But fate had decided enough was enough.


    The rasp of my sheath cut through the air as my sabres were drawn. . .and slowly I advanced upon my mother. The blades felt heavier with every step, with walking becoming harder by the second - as if I were wading through tar. I soon found myself standing before the devil; my eyes met hers.


    She knew what had to be done, and gave me her final words. Sermi understood why I was doing what I was doing - appearing content that at the very least she could hurt me no longer. My blades crossed before her neck, with every fiber of my being begging for this to be a simple test of some kind. Of there being an escape.


    Atsuko and Danzen awaited my actions from the corner, a soft re-assurance being provided. I apologized to my savior for what I was about to do. Even after everything she had done, I could only see my beautiful, kind and loving mother - not the monster within her skin.


    In less than a second, the nightmare was over.


    The blades drew together sharply, taking my guardian’s head to finally absolve my sins. Her lifeless body dropped to the ground with a soft thud and just like that - the devil was no more. The Queen of Haense was avenged, the Samurai trials were completed, and the Inferi finally being pushed back, if only an inch.


    A wave of emotion raged within me as the weight of my actions sat heavily on my heart. I gazed down upon her body as the others looked on, tears streaming down my face. The curious yet fearful Fox Kyrell embodied was finally permitted to rest. 


    In its place awakened the Inu, Ren, protector of people. It would be a long, difficult and painful path ahead - time would only tell if it was all worth it.



    (This is a POV post, not a missive. Please do not take this information as IC)

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Laurette Corriveau / Vuthirth “Puppet”


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Zar’ei (Kozun)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Zezimar are creatures with intellect on par with other descendant races they were previously (elves, dwarves, man etc). Their appearance will be twisted by the process in which they are made and must be hellish and monstrous in their look. They can be a twisted form of the descendant they once were, or can be totally alien in appearance (must at least be humanoid).


    The Zezimar are practically carnivorous, with very little nutrition gained from plant-based foods. They can survive on such, however, their strength and muscle mass would fade. They do not die of old age, however gradually take on a more ‘ashy’ appearance over time. They can be killed just like any other playable character and take 1IRL week to reconstitute their own body, unless the Naz they are bound to willingly casts to bring them back.


    Zar’ei are not able to form healthy relationships. They are incapable of genuine affection and will only conceal their overt hostility if they have something to gain from the interaction. They are monsters with little regard for mortals, seeing them as souls to devour or playthings to manipulate. They are selfish and self-serving. 


    For this CA, I will be aiming for the Kozun (Knight) subtype as I believe it fits their previous background of being a Knight-Errant. A Kozun possesses the peak strength of a human, whilst having the brains to make them a dangerous foe to confront. This subtype has the ability to cast a few limited spells and possess a maximum pool of 40 maleus (which refreshes every 12 irl hours). Zar’ei can undergo an evolution process to become even stronger through the devouring of souls, which peaks out at True Evolution (and the character no longer being playable / passed over to STs)


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    This Zar’ei would appear to be a demonic knight, their old platemail dented and battered from many years of fighting. A cloak sits on their shoulders, ripped, torn and burned beyond any sort of recognition. Any identifiable markings had long since faded away. A helmet is perched upon their head, with red glowing eyes peering out from beyond the visor. Two long horns poke out through the helmet just beyond where the creature’s temples would be and curl once, finally coming down to sharp points. A long tail hangs from behind them, coming to a sharp spaded point. It seems to swish from side to side when they get into a fight, or anything else that interests them.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. A Frozen Waywatcher clad in ice-blue firs stood on the battlements, loosing another arrow on the assailants. He noticed the druii fall and offered a light shake of his head. "War druii - Isn't that an oxymoron?"  He muttered, a fleeting thought. The archer  swiftly moved on and directed another volley of arrows towards a different target. . . 

  8. An elf sits in a prison cell, blood staining his uniform. He is informed of the queen's death after it happens and whilst the news was upsetting, he cannot help but feel a soft spot of pride for his kin. It was wrong, but they had accomplished much. . .

    "Another beautiful soul lost to the Inferi." He mutters, curling back into the little ball that provided some level of warmth and comfort.

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



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