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Everything posted by CursedOmen

  1. CursedOmen


    Physical Description of my character *Adalgio Mornshield is a towering half-elf with a well-built body that shows his mixed heritage and his past experiences. He grew up with both human and elven customs, and he later enlisted in the military to defend his homeland. His eyes are a striking green color that stands out from his brown beard, which he keeps in a tidy medium length. His hair is also brown and short, cut in a practical way. His skin has a light tan shade, a sign of his years of farming as a young lad. His face is attractive and tough, with a strong jawline and keen features. He has two scars on his face, one vertical and one horizontal, that cross at his left eye and nose. They are marks of the perils he faced in his life, both as a daring youth and a valiant soldier. His body is also covered with various scars, some old and some new, that narrate the stories of his adventures and battles. Adalgio is proud of his scars, as they demonstrate his bravery and endurance. He wears medium armor with an iron half plate, pauldrons and gauntlets. He also has gambeson pants and a shirt underneath, and a simple helmet, which can conceal his face for protection. Roleplay Scenario & Backstory You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” Adalgio Mornshield, a man of mixed human and elven heritage, found himself standing on the threshold of a town that seemed to have been forgotten by time itself. The town, nestled in the heart of a swamp, was a sight that stirred a sense of dread within him. He had journeyed across vast landscapes, traversed treacherous terrains, and encountered diverse cultures, yet this place was unlike any he had seen before. The air was heavy with a fog that seemed to carry the weight of the town’s despair, while swarms of flies danced in the gloom. The ground beneath his feet squelched with every step, a soggy mixture of mud and decay. The buildings, if they could be called that, were dilapidated structures of rotting wood and moss, teetering on the brink of collapse. He couldn’t help but wonder about the inhabitants of this place, their lives, their struggles, their stories. Among the ramshackle huts, a tattered tent caught his eye. A sign hanging precariously from the entrance read “Fortunes Told”. An inexplicable force seemed to draw him towards it, a silent call that resonated with something deep within him. Deciding to heed this call, he approached the tent, hoping to glean some insight or guidance from within its folds. As he ducked into the tent, he was greeted by an unexpected warmth. The interior was a stark contrast to the bleak exterior, with a cozy ambiance that was both comforting and intriguing. Candles floated in the air, their flickering flames casting a soft, ethereal glow around the room. At a table sat an old woman, her hands resting on a crystal ball and a deck of cards spread out before her. As she lifted her gaze to meet his, he felt the intensity of her piercing eyes. “What brings you to this dingy town?” she asked, her voice a raspy whisper that seemed to echo in the silence. Adalgio paused, caught off guard by her question. “I’m a wanderer, a seeker,” he replied, “driven by curiosity and a desire for a place to call home. I have no specific reason to be here, other than the pull of the unknown and the thrill of discovery.” The old woman’s lips curled into a smile, revealing a set of yellowed teeth. “Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestured towards a cushion, “Tell me your story.” A wave of suspicion washed over the half elf, mingling with my curiosity. ‘How did she know me?’ he throught in the back of his mind. ‘What did she want from me?’ Despite his doubts, The man decided to play along. After all, he had nothing to lose, and perhaps something to gain. Settling down on the cushion Adalgio takes a deep breath, the scent of incense filling up his nostrils. As old as it smelled, there was a hint of sweet and citrus in the aroma; A rather pleasant scent compared to the outside of the town's atmosphere. He begins his tale, his voice steady and firm, ready to weave the tapestry of his life. “I was nurtured by the love of my human mother and elf father. They instilled in me the values of both cultures, teaching me to appreciate the beauty of diversity. I learned the art of farming, hunting, fishing, and woodworking, skills that grounded me and connected me to nature. My childhood was a symphony of love and harmony, a time of peace and contentment.” His gaze drifts away, lost in the memories of his past “As I transitioned into my youth, a restlessness began to stir within me. The world beyond my home beckoned to me, promising adventure and excitement. I yearned for more, for experiences that would challenge me and make me feel alive. I joined the military, eager to serve my people and defend my homeland. The uniform I wore and the sword I wielded were symbols of my pride and determination.” “My journey in the military was a roller coaster of triumphs and trials. I fought against orcs, goblins, bandits, and demons, proving my mettle in the face of adversity. I rose through the ranks, earning respect and admiration from my comrades. I learned valuable lessons of leadership, strategy, trust, and survival. I bore the scars of battle, both physical and emotional, as badges of honor. I was a soldier, a hero, a beacon of hope.” He spoke of his retirement, a decision spurred by the horrors he had witnessed. But before that, He pauses, his hand instinctively reaching for the scar crossing his left eye and nose, a grim reminder of the perils he faced. “But the horrors of war took a toll on me. I witnessed scenes of death and destruction that haunted my dreams and tormented my waking hours. The pain, suffering, and madness I saw shook me to my core, shattering my spirit. I saw friends and foes alike fall before me, their lives extinguished in the blink of an eye. I saw the world, and myself, on the brink of annihilation. Unable to bear the burden of these horrors, I chose to leave the military, seeking solace and healing.” He concluded his tale with his return to his family, seeking solace and recovery from his mental and physical wounds. “I returned to my family, seeking refuge in the familiar comfort of my childhood home. My parents welcomed me with open arms, their joy at my return tinged with sorrow for my suffering. They tried to help me heal, offering their love and support as a balm for my wounded soul. But the ghosts of my past refused to be silenced. Nightmares, flashbacks, and guilt plagued me, a constant reminder of the war I had left behind.” “In an attempt to distract myself from my inner demons, I took up a job as a baker. The simple act of baking bread became a form of therapy for me, a way to find peace and normalcy. I baked for myself, for my family, for my friends, and for my community. Each loaf of bread was a symbol of my resilience, a testament to my will to move forward.” “I also helped my parents with their farm, assisting them in growing crops and selling their produce. I found solace in the rhythm of nature, in the cycle of growth and harvest. I helped my parents support their community, sharing their bounty and spreading their kindness.” “Yet, despite my efforts, I felt a restlessness gnawing at me. I felt lost, out of place, as if I was searching for something I couldn’t quite grasp. I decided to leave my home once again, setting out on a journey to find a place where I could truly belong. I promised my parents I would visit them regularly, and with a heavy heart, I bid them farewell.” His voice softens, a hint of longing seeping into his words. “My journey led me across diverse landscapes, each place offering a new perspective, a new experience. I was drawn to rural areas, places where I could be close to nature. I sought a place where I could be happy, where I could be myself.” “And so, I found myself in this swampy town, drawn to your tent. I didn’t know why I was here, or what I was looking for. But I felt a strange connection to this place, a sense of anticipation that something important was about to unfold. I have shared my story with you, pouring out my heart and soul. Now, I wait, hoping that you would offer me some guidance, some insight, some prophecy. I hope that you would help me find my way, my destiny, my purpose. I hope that you would help me find my home. I hope that you would help me find myself.” As he finished his tale, he looked at the old woman, his eyes filled with expectation. He wondered what she would say, what wisdom she would impart. He waited, his heart pounding in his chest, as the silence in the tent grew heavy with anticipation. His journey had led him here, to this moment, to this crossroads. And now, he waited for the path ahead to reveal itself. He waited for his story to continue. He waited for his life to begin anew. He waited, with hope in his heart and a dream in his soul. He waited, for he was Adalgio Mornshield, a wanderer, a seeker, a man on a quest for home. And his journey was far from over. (I would like to add that I also have the image for the character as well, but I am unable to put the image into the URL. If I am contacted through discord, I am more than happy to post it there via dm's)
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