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Everything posted by Novak

  1. O.k...I get that you have your guild based in a city, but I think cities need to be controlled by nations/factions, not a guild.
  2. I was actually thinking of setting something up like this. Just you beat me to it. On several other war servers, I built the "neutral" city where people, no matter what race, faction, or class, were able to stay and live without conflict. Only rule was don't cause problems and you're good. Just one thing: I really don't want to join any formal organization like the Brotherhood until I have actually played the server, but the way you make it sound kind of tips the town off as a Brotherhood-owned city, which is a real turn off. Again, it's like the Templars where they control land, cities, etc...
  3. I say good luck to you my friends with your quest to end evil. Be wary though, as you might find it difficult to contain. May I ask, how do you intend to stop the evil factions? Is it through brute force or coercion? I am interested in knowing... OOC: This is sounding a lot like the Templars to me. Just wondering, how do you guys intend on making this work? I might be interested in joining, but I might not. Just seems odd to put a "mini faction" together to stop evil, but I think it would go better if you pursued this plan with the consent of allied nations, and not being an independent agency.
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