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Lawrence Berell

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Everything posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. thanks.now for expansion before we go underground upon server release.muhahaha
  2. ooc ah,but it isn't just evil.I have added a backstory which i have been furiously brainstorming for almost an hour.I feel that all it needs is a bit more of a motive and it will be complete.All im asking is just a mention, or at least put it as an enemy to the humans. EDIT:In fact, the elf is actually a victim if you think about it...
  3. And may the curse of Satan(or whatever the dark,manevolent force is in this cruel,twisted world)guide my path. just ooc here availer,but could you put my guild up on the mc forum thread?it seems like the whole good versus evil thing can come into play here,with my satanic cult and any others versus the rest of us!
  4. mostly political as a human did something unspeakable to Relok'oth during his nomad days.however,humans can still join.they just have to go through alot of tests. JUST A NOTE THAT THIS WILL PROBS NOT BE OFFICIAL FOR A FEW DAYS>I NEED TO BUY THE LAND AND FIND A SUITABLE WILDS PLACE>IT IS OPEN TO THIEVES ORCS ETC WHO ARE ON THE RUN>
  5. Relok'oth/Fawkes bio: Ingame Name:NiNjAxR3M1Xx Roleplay name:Relok'oth/ Fawkes Occupation:An insane wanderer and the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood Hobbies:Relok can be seen hanging around places like whisper ilses, and Laurelin gates. He hopes for reaccess some day. Dislikes:((metagaming));He doesn't like people he doesn't know shortening his name,although he has learned to tolorate it;He doesn't like dying,being impaitient;He will deny the brotherhood even existing in rp chat(ooc is another matter)he accepts that people will talk about it,but trys hard to make it sound a myth. Habits:Wandering the world before he dies. ((If the Khajit are accepted :3)) My skin: How do i post images that aren't in an attachement box?other wise here-
  6. This is probably the first ever guild on the server, and an evil one as well...better make this interesting... PLEASE NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH THIS IS TALKED ABOUT IN OOC,IT IS IN OOC.DON'T REPEAT AS IN-GAME FACT OR I WILL GET YOU BANNED Levels of Assassins. -Initiate This is not really a level more like a recruit who has not passed the test yet. If they are successful they will be promoted on the spot. -Neophyte Assassn [Neophyte Sicarius] The first real level of the guild, this is where they start getting paid and ****. They don't have any pull in the system and aren't allowed to give orders to anyone but they are given steady (but easy) work. -Primary Assassin (aka just "Assassin") [sicarius] This is the level most of our "employess will be at. These men will be paid a moderate percentage and will be given serious work. Getting past this stage is really difficult so many will stay at this stage. They have the ability to boss lowers around. -Elite Assassin (aka "The veteran) [Experti Sicarius] Those that are truely outstanding or have completed many jobs are honored. This is why this level exists. These few are experienced and trust-worthy. They are given difficult (but high-paying) missions and demand the respect of the rest of the lower assassins. -High Councillor (aka "The manager") [Praefecit Magistrum] Here is where you go from the worker to the boss. After proving yourself a not only capable but astonishingly good killer, you must prove you can handle the politics of the guild. Then, and only then are you ready to become a master of the guild. These men are not only responsible for the well-being of the guild but they are also responisble for the political issues we will soon be plagued with. They each have dominace over a Maison, or polictical area (aka The North is currently ran by Procrisio and me.) -The Grand Master (aka "The Boss") [Patronus Negotii] He's the man. Period. His word is law. If he needs a job done it is an honor to do his biding. If there is a man he dislikes, that man is made no more. He is the master, the one who determines who we like and who we kill. The political mastermind. Like a Boss! --Members-- Please note that what you see here is a list of classified members.Revealing their name ingame is metagaming and I will personally endeavor to get you punished.It isn't funny so don't do it. Leader/Grand master: NiNjAxR3M1Xx [Relok'oth] High Councillor: jsnakata [Hudor] High Councillor: fatwampa [Procrisio- villain app confirmed] High Councillor: PieMeistor [Valkyria Fierce] High Councillor: Aerog [Alex_Pan] High Councillor: dudycat1 [ dudycat1] High Councillor: [MinstryofGamess] Elite Assassin: stupdfreaks Elite Assassin: Zee762 [Zephrux] Elite Assassin: Tacoman454 [saleem Draylas] Elite Assassin: buley [Ghaul] Elite Assassin: Lolindar [Zarsies] Elite Assassin:Thatpyrodude [banok Grey- unknown villain status] Neophyte Sicarius: Aquilus (starkiller2010) List of Initiates: See a High Councillor ingame to be officially accepted... Slyth (TheCraftMaster) Garrett (Garretty) Lym (Lymdil) Remember to re app. Purification was unfourtunate, but nessecery. ---History of the Brotherhood(ancheint)--- coming soon Contracts: We, as assassins, obviously take on contracts to eliminate people's "problems." We do this in a number of ways, using a number of methods, and now you too can get someone killed, or harmed, for an affordable price. The services we offer include: -Assassinations = 300.00 minas per target. This, of course, is a base fee for an assassination. A low level assassination at that (collateral will not be taken into account). The price will vary as some targets will cost substantially more. These include officers, high merchants, and political officials. People off limits are GM's, Guild leaders and Mayctor. The hitman gains 25%, the local Maison will take a 50% cut to cover expenses, while the rest will be given to administration. -Scare someone= 200.00 minas. This too depends on the target but it does not vary as much as assassinations. We can be quite intimidating. A man is left emotionally scared after we're done with him. 50/50 split between hitman and rest of the guild. -Bodyguard= a 600.00-1200.00 minas fee depending on which assassin you want. Paid weekly, or upon contract release. Haven't decided on how to split. This not all we do though, ask your local Maison representative today for more information. Let me know your ingame and minecraft name if you would like to join but remember -dont metagame.if you find someones name on here you must not reveal it in the world without proof. --Request form-- A sword Skill of 30 is needed. Same for bows, and Acrobatics I decide... Villain app needed to be a fully active member. Ingame name: Minecraft name: Why you want to join: Sword/ Bow skill: Any skill you find worthy Any mcMMo skill you have which could be deemed "Good" Species: A link to your villain app: [not neccecery atm, until I get mine accepted. Goes for you though if you have one.] Skins Mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?93vg3rj7e645g you can,of course,edit these as you wish BUT KEEP THE ROBES!!! We nao haz Sig's again thanks to Ariana! 1: [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/thedarkbrotherhoodsig.png/][img=http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7177/thedarkbrotherhoodsig.png][/URL] 2: [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/638/thedarkbrotherhoodsig2.png/][img=http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/651/thedarkbrotherhoodsig2.png][/URL]
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