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Posts posted by TheRedNinja

  1. Copy cat :mrgreen:

    I dont have any screenshots but i can retell the long nights down in the pitch black of the orc's bedrock maze with my friend Brettdude and orcish companion charlie4vb. We spent days down there literary mapping it out of a piece of paper so we could be the first on the server to solve it. Avalier had said that there would be a great treasure for those who found the end of the maze. at last we never did find the end of the great treasure and to my knowledge no one ever has or ever will.

    nite nite orkies

  2. With the new maps release less then 15 hours away I was looking though my screenshot folder and was flooded with memories of the past half year with this amazing community and Oren. I dont have many screen shots since i always forget to take pictures but i will share the few i do have of Al'khazar and i encourage you guys to share your pictures or memories (good or bad) of Oren.

    First ever and last Oren carnival. with a baby Brett perea


    Another shot of the carnival and mr dothmok(charlie4vb)


    King Pompo perea doing magic for Dawn outside of the bakery he had built for her, trying to win her heart.


    Oren's first and last building competition


    Chase123 in market square


    The front gate damaged after an attack by the undead.


    A bunch of people trying to kill me.


    Good Bye Oren, Al'khazar, and Aegis,

    And i look forward to the memories to be made in Asulon!


  3. Although i have never played as a full fledged undead i have worked as support from their conception. from Building with charlie and Mrzombiez to the sleepless nights hopelessly building away in the nether. I dont have any screen shots of the building of the undead but i have a few from the early days.

    The first Undead induction ceremony.


    The destruction of Kal'bryst



    First attack on Al'khazar and death of perea



    sadly thats all i have of the undead, but they will not be forgotten.

  4. This thread is for a few things all of them having to deal with the human race and the new world in general.

    1. Post any ideas you have for either the human nation or towns.

    2. Post what you want to see in the new world.

    3. Anything having to do with the humans.

    Or if you want to help with the building,planing,lore, ect Send me a Pm on the forums, add me on skype, or email me. If you have grand ideas it may be easier for you to write them down and send me a link/file(google docs, Microsoft word, ect).

    My info, make sure you use your minecraft name or use "my epic lotc idea for the humans" or "my app for the build team".

    TheRedNinja's personal info:

    Skype: taylersheffield

    Email: [email protected]

    Build app

    Forum name:


    Minecraft name:

    Build style:

    projects you have worked on:

    Screenshots,videos,map downloads:

  5. Minecraft name: TheRedNinja

    Roleplaying name: Aldric Vaughan

    Character Race: Northerner

    Character Age: 19

    A Link to your Application to the server: Don't have one

    What is your style of build: Fantasy Medieval

    Pics/video of your talent: my work speaks for itself

    ((Really i just want to maintain Al'khazar in a state that new and old players can be love. I would work when i have free time between building the new map and work.))

  6. unfortunaly, we need these taxes, ((because Enor cant spawn his own)) these taxes are 100% necessary now, we need more money on the royal coffers

    Money was only ever spawned at the beginning of the map. I rather like this tax system, but with taxes building prices will have to be lower or else you will get people leaving the city, if a shop costs 40k its 800 a week which is quite a bit.

    Also hire some architects and fix up the city, its still damaged from the undead attacks.

  7. * while away on a diplomatic mission Enor's mother passed away in her sleep and shortly after his father was corrupted by Iblees and became Undead. After the ensuing battles Enor returned to find his home in flames and the crown up for debate, but being the only true heir he succeed to the throne.

    As the dust settles and things start to back to normal you start to wonder whats in store for the future and you fear the undead as their grasp hardens over the mortal world.

  8. We are remaking the regions before we start handing them back out, and since its just Ivrae and I for the most part its taking quite awhile to get the regions done. also i wasnt around yesterday to do any work i was busy with IRL stuff.

    We are still not sure what caused this, and We will continue to work on this until it is fixed, so please have patience. We are still not sure what caused this.

  9. So, what will happen if you did own a building but don't have a good enough proof? Will you claim it and sell it to someone else? Just a concern...

    you dont need proof but it makes it easier.

    ((Wait, what actually happened that messed up the permissions, that makes us have to do this?))

    All the regions in alkhazar got wiped somehow and need to be redone.

  10. The bizarre weather in Al'khazar has wreaked havoc over the past few days as the temperature drops well below the average for this time of the year and because of a "mishap" in the keeps record vault all the building records and permits were lost in a fire.

    This means everyone who owned a building in Al'khazar will have to step up to claim there rightful property. Now to do this you will need to fill out a property retrieval form located below.

    firstly go to your building and look for a sign that has a number on it (1,2,3,c1,c2,ect) write that number in the location area.

    fill this out and post it below.


    Minecraft Name:


    Proof(see note *1):

    shop, house, other:

    *note 1: not needed but proof will help us get your stuff back faster and can be anything to validate your claim:

    chest contents


    a book


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