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Posts posted by Hwaldar

  1. 1. Because it took time to make it, I had to make a separate plugin to handle percentage chance, otherwise the system wouldn't have worked.


    2. Nope. It even stated in the OP that this is a temporary mining system. This isn't how skills are going to work, you're going to have to wait and see for that.


    1. Makes sense now. Thanks.


    2. That's not really what I asked. The idea makes me think that this is how the previous skill system came to be.

  2. Temporary Mining Plugin


    1 This plugin essentially drastically reduces the respawn times for ores in the mines, for example the 1 hour 36 minute coal respawn time was reduced to 8 minutes! However, along with the drastically reduced times, 2 we compensated by adding a percent chance factor when mining. This means that you are not guaranteed to successfully acquire an ore upon mining the block! Higher tiered ores have higher respawn times and lower percent chances, though not to a point that acquiring ore is rare. Rather than give you all the exact values for each ore, I instead implore that you take the time to give the mines a look for yourself and find out! :)


    1- Why wasn't that done to begin with? 

    2- That's how the skill system was made, wasn't it?

  3. People argue about everything, and no matter how much you tell them to shut up, they'll find something to cry about.

    This is why I hate everything equally. It makes sure that I can easily make fun out of things, which grants me satisfaction and some complementary laughs.


    Just don't be surprised when something similar starts up again.

  4. Do you look up the app of every player you role-play with or something? Why would you do that and then complain about doing it, I'm confused? The app biography is mainly designed to make sure they can create a reasonable, realistic character character, not so that people they role-play with can look up their application to metagame them. Perhaps we should restore the application archive to being hidden from players if this is going to be an issue.



     Creativity is a wonderful thing. I can imagine many ways a mute character might respond. I also don't recall dialogue being mandatory.



     We like to see an applicant knows at least a little about the world and history of LotC before they can join. Othwerwise we end up with princesses and knights from a long-lost kingdom across the sea and no one originating from Asulon or Aegis.



     One sentence, basically a re-written definition from the internet, rarely qualifies as enough. The definitions need to show a solid understanding of the concept, not of copy/paste and change some words, especially considering how aggresively some players attack those they percieve as meta- or powergaming.



     There's no lore that says Orcs are stupid. They have bloodlust, but that doesn't make them stupid. Perhaps you should read orcish lore before complaining about their language - the reason Orcs speak Blah is because of their tusks; they physically prevent them speaking normal English for any more than painful and brief periods.



    This game is based on reality. Reality will always have a bearing on the game.


    I numbered the points that I want to answer to.


    1- No, but I do have a look at them sometimes, and afterwards I accidently run into such people, and feel confused. Maybe the archive should be hidden, it could prevent a possible metagaming attempt. That's a good idea for a change.


    2- I've seen apps being denied with that being one of the reasons. I could search for 'em if you want.


    3- With the nobility and kingdoms, that's a reasonable thing. With tiny villages and towns, it doesn't feel like it.


    4-Okay, I guess that's reason enough. I just hope it doesn't have to turn into something as difficult as explaining how quantum physics work.


    5-That didn't seem to affect Orcs in other games, like Gothic 3 or Warhammer 40k Space Marine. Sure, that could be a fine reason for the server, as it could bring some originality, but it still doesn't feel right. Atleast to me, that is.


    6- That's a one hell of a debatable thing, but magic isn't really realistic. So are skeletons walking around and mugging people for no reason.

  5. Reading through the application form again (I only remember the very first one, and we all know no one gave a diddly-**** about how well it was written) I noticed that it's pretty much mandatory to tell everyone how you're going to play and what should they expect. Honestly, If I know that this guy is a rich bastard, or that elf is some posh High Elf trash collector, I just can't make myself be interested in roleplaying with them. The idea of RP to me is learning more about the characters themselves, but as of now, I only need to check out the applications they wrote. Yea, sure, you can call it Metagaming, but no matter how hard you keep all that info down in your throat, it's still going to come out sooner or later with a gag reflex.


    Open Response Questions also gave me a slight burst on the buttons. Why the hell is the dialogue mandatory? What if the guy is applying as a mute? Explaining sign language ain't no easy task, and I still get horribly dizzy when I try to imagine that happening.


    Biography. Yea, I have a problem with that too. I wouldn't be Hwaldar if I wouldn't have a problem with something. It is expected from new people to apply as characters which exsisted within the LotC world. Okay, I guess, but I have my doubts about that. What if the character was born in a human town, which was (most surprisingly) called St.Petersburg. Would that count as screwing up? Maybe there was some Saint Peter in LotC world, but everyone either forgot to write a book or something about him, or were just roaring drunk? Letting some extra imagination in wouldn't hurt too much. It could probably give a feeling that there's more to our surroundings than what is already known and documented.


    Oh wait, I almost forgot. The definitions of RP, meta and powergaming. Oh yes.

    This one's a rather small complaint, but is it really necessary to go crazy on that one? If the guy gets the right idea about it, then it shouldn't be something to pick on about. Some people seem to have the idea about those things right, but still get told that it's "not detailed enough". It hobbles my bobbles.






    Just a question, really. Is it mandatory that all who apply as Orcs must have them dumb as rocks? I'd love to see more Gothic 3 style Orcs, you know, the more intelligent type? The type that can SPEAK HUMAN LANGUAGE? Would be a nice change from the casual ooga boogars.




    I hope I wasn't too rude this time around, but I believe it was for the best that I say what I did.

    Other than that, I checked the application forms, and they seem smaller, when comparing sizes. That's a good thing. Compact and sleek apps make everyone's lives better.









    Throwing rocks at bandits is villainous. read that a few times and tell me if it sounds "realistic".

    Realism in a fantasy game, some people should drink less.

  6. The inflation will not be a problem at all if the stats plugin is put back into the server. Not everyone is going to be able to hunt mobs then because they need to specialize in something else like farming or ^ mining. You will still make money just the same. Killing mobs should only give you like 3 to 4 Minas so even without the stats update, you are going to need to kill a heck of a lot of mobs to become rich. Creating your trade will be more profitable because food is always a demand. If people had infinite money but no food then it would matter to have infinite money thus people will need to mine or farm or be a merchant and sell things back an forth.


    You are quite the comedian.

  7. As if Elysium is so small, everyone is having a huge problem fitting on it.

    The timezone wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for two things:

    1) It's GMT+02. By the time people start waking up, it's somewhere around midnight for me. I got better things to do than waste time chasing wild geese.

    2) There doesn't seem to be alot of people pulling an all-nighter, which is understandable. Perhaps more European players could balance the lack out.

  8. I think your problem is that you are drawing lines that should not be crossed, way too close to your comfort zone.

    Asulon was a bigass place, I hardly found RP, but when I did it was enjoyable

    Aegis was smaller, but it will be larger than that. And in that, you obviously aren't paying attention to what Alan is saying.

    I don't care at all what they do, just as long as whatever they do end up doing, it will bring them one step closer to finishing 3.0

    And with that being said, read what Alan has to say completely, and don't be an ignorant ass (Not that you are one, just at the moment you are being one)

    - Fengric

    My problem is that there is too much room and not enough players at the times when I can join. Because of that, I could not find ANY RP.

    If Elysium is the size of one town, then I have to assume that the rest of the map will be pretty much 3-4 times bigger. Bigger does not mean better.

    If you gonna go for the ignorant ass thing, you might aswell try harder, as you don't know **** about my comfort zone.

  9. We have not decided that smaller is better, we have decided that smaller than Asulon is better. 3.0 is still bigger than Aegis, as we have found the correct medium between size and RP. However, the current 2.5 map is VERY tiny, it's about the size of Laurelin alone. I specifically name Laurelin as the size of the island was modeled after that city in particular. Essentially we're cramming the entire population of LotC into a single city-sized island. If you think that adding another island that will most likely be the eventual ONLY island (assuming Elysium is abandoned and we get rid of it), then you'll HATE 3.0.

    So I have to assume 3.0 map will be damn large, considering Elysium is the size of one town.

    Well, here comes Asulons problems already.

  10. The map is never the problem, it's the way we shape it and our RP in it.

    Seeing as how many people complain about settlements, I can only guess that some people just don't care about others, and just don't wanna loose.

    And what happened to good old fashioned war and conflict? Why is there no fighting?

  11. But then a bunch of people would start doing villain things, thinking they were being good RPers. Problem is, most of them wouldn't be. Applying beforehand gives you the opportunity to prove that you would play your part well.

    Applying beforehand gives you the opportunity to prove that you know how to either bullshit in your applications, or that you have a creative mind.

    It sure as hell does not prove your RP capabilities.

    If bad RP'ers would try to be villains, there's GM's to fix the issue, remember?

  12. The VA's shouldn't have shown up in the first place. The only reason they are here, is because people fell for the oldest trick of the book AGAIN.

    People think they can control themselves after recieving power to do things they wanted to do. But when they get the said power, they end up loosing control of themselves. They end up changing.

    The same happened with so-called villains. Most just couldn't handle themselves anymore, after seeing how amazing it is to be bad. They are the reason we got this unnecessary thing. It also makes sure that people just become too paranoid, and ask every second person they meet (that "looks like a villain") if they got a VA.

    If you're good enough, no VA is going to stop you from achieving your goal anyway. I never did any of my evil deeds with a VA.

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