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Tempir Amedaius

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Posts posted by Tempir Amedaius

  1. Name: Tauren IGN nightstalk95

    Rank You Desire (you wont get right away): General

    Race (all welcome): Human

    Why do you want to join the Forsaken? Getting started, wanting to get a start.

    Swords Skill: 2

    Other Info: Will kill at all cost

    Welcome to the Guild!

  2. Name: Rogue_Galinder

    Rank You Desire (you wont get right away): General

    Race (all welcome): elf

    Why do you want to join the Forsaken? i have been looking for groups to join and yours seems the most interesting

    Swords Skill: i consider myself a good swordsman and am level 3

    Other Info: i am good at killing those who oppose us and anyone......for a price

    Accepted, Welcome to the Guild, General!

  3. Application!

    Name: Stoneale_Steelbeard

    Rank You Desire (you wont get right away): you said i would get general

    Race (all welcome):dwarf

    Why do you want to join the Forsaken? It seems really cool

    Swords Skill:1

    Other Info:

    Accepted! Welcome to The Guild, General!

  4. Hello! this is the forum thread for the new developing guild "The Forsaken"


    The Ranks

    - Leader

    - Co-Leader

    - General

    - General

    - General

    - Knight

    - Knight

    - Protector

    - Protector

    - Protector





    The Recruit rank is available for everyone.

    Only one Spot for Leader and Co-Leader

    Three Positions for the General Rank

    Two Positions for the Knight Rank

    Three Positions for the Protector Rank.

    There can be as many People in the Corporeal Rank as needed

    There can also be as many people needed in the Private Rank



    - NO Unlawful Killing

    - DO NOT steal from other members of the guild

    - DO NOT undertake missions without informing the guild leader first

    - DO NOT Grief our Buildings

    - Also, Obey your kingdom Laws.


    How to Become Each Rank:

    Co-Leader - Gain the trust of the guild leader,

    Difficulty to get (HARD)

    General - have atleast 20 Swords and Gain the Trust of the Guild Leader Difficulty: Medium

    Knight - have atleast 15 swords and gain the trust. of the guild leader

    Difficulty - Medium

    Protector - Have people like you, and benefit the guild in some way.

    Difficulty - Easy

    Corporeal - Have been a good Private. and 5 Swords Skill

    Difficulty - Very Easy

    Private - Just Listen to the guild leader or Co - Leader

    Difficulty - VERY VERY Easy

    Recruit - Automatically



    Tempir (Leader)

    Stoneale_Steelbeard (Co-Leader)

    Rogue_Galinder (General)

    Vlad_The_Impaler (Recruit)

    Tauren (Recruit)

    ImpendingDawn (Recruit)



    Monster Hunter


    Bounty Hunter





    Wars: None

    Allies: None

    Enemies: None

    Events: None




    Rank You Desire (you wont get right away):

    Race (all welcome):

    Why do you want to join the Forsaken?

    Swords Skill:

    Other Info:



  5. I was Thinking of Having this topic or somewhere else on the forums , Having the topic/page with the Coordinates of all the Cities, this would be beneficial, for the GM's and everyone Else

    Coordinates ---

    The Cloud Temple of Aegis ---

    The Dwarven Kingdom Of Kal'Urguan ---

    The Orc War Nation Of Kragrum ---

    The Holy Princedom of Laurelin ---

    The Royal Kingdom of Oren ---

    Just an Idea, i think it would help a TON, Just tell me what you think and i will get the Coordinates

  6. Greetings, Thank you for reading this guild thread. THK or The Holy Knights, is a very new clan, with just one member [ME!] :( We are the followers of Divine and the holy gods. we strive for the goodness in people, and we slay the dark. we fight until the death, we fight until our people are safe. and we fight until all is holy.

    The Application is at the bottom of the thread


    1.) No Unlawful Killing, this means no going about killing people without a reason.

    2.) Do not disobey the Staff, if they are being unfair, please tell me and i will sort it out.

    3.) DO NOT Steal, from anybody or anything, if i catch you, you will be kicked out of the guild. and killed.

    4.) Do Not Cause any war of any sort. we are a peaceful guild of the light.

    5.) When you Join Either Change you name To Divine_(Name) OR Paladin_(Name) It's your choice.

    Ranks of Staff:

    High Paladin (Holy Divine) ---- Leader of the guild

    Arch Paladin (FaithfulDivine)---- Co- Owner of the guild

    FatePaladin (FateDivine) ----- Controller of the wars.

    Guard Paladin (GuardDivine) ---- Guards The Staff

    HolyPaladin (HolyDivine) ---- Priests of the Guild

    WarPaladin (WarDivine ---- Soldiers of the wars

    Paladin (Divine) ---- The New Recruits/ ability to sign up for the wars.


    Guard --- Guards the High Council

    HolyPaladin ---- Priests of The Guild

    FatePaladin ---- General/ Controllers of the wars

    WarPaladin ---- The Soldiers/Troops of the wars



    Experience in a guild:

    How Long you have played Minecraft:

    Are you good with a blade?

    Why should you be a paladin?

    Other Info:

  7. Name:Slayer_Aso (BoltofFusion)

    Your fighting experience: Forged, from the light of laurelin, i craft this trusty blade, to fight off monsters. i have worked for the guards and a retired Knight,

    How long you have played Minecraft: 5 Months.

    How long you have played on Lord of the Craft:Since June 12th

    Why you think you deserve to join the Trisian: I am a trustworthy person, with a trusty blade. i never betray my fellow members, i never let anyone betray other members, i protect my members. i want to live long, and strive with my members.

    Other Information: Aceeri (Owner) asked me to join about a week ago, after helping him. being drunk and later becoming sick, i was already in a guild. i would love to be accepted



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