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Posts posted by Groobs03

  1. Hello, we (Groobs03 & cbalzer) are in need of someone to rp our newborn child. The due date can be a bit variant upon the date that you apply (but it must wait 5 or 6 days) and it is your choice if you wish to be a boy or a girl. We only ask that you fill out an application to become a Geminine (Pretty painless, especially due to the fact you are an infant so you won't need much of a bio) >>Here<<.

    When the application asks what side of the family you will reside, you will choose Elijah; as far as your bio and such goes, you would just have to choose the most part of his/her appearance.

    The main thing we would like for you to know is that this is your character, so the way you rp is up to you (As long as you try to somewhat show you are in the boundaries of the Elijah side of the family.)

    The only rule we will have is that we would like for your aging to be accurate with Asulon time so we can keep the rp accurate.

    So if you are interested in starting a character from the very beginning, Just fill out an application >>Here<< and it will be checked on shortly after.

    Mother's name: Chloe Geminine

    Father's name: Alianor Geminine

    Additional Info:

    Groobs lives in the eastern time zone.

    cbalzer lives in Pacific.

    The position has been filled.

  2. *You are walking through the residential area of Solace and you see a three story home with a for sale sign posted.*

    *You decide to peer inside and this is what you see*

    Front view of the house


    First floor


    Second floor


    View from the balcony.


    View of the house from the loft.


    A basement with which to do what you please.


    If you are interested in purchasing this house please send a courier to Fierco and begin to make a deal. ((/tell to Melodystar or Fierco in game or on the forums.))

    The home has been sold.

  3. Well all I can say about Tommy is that he has the work ethic of a Chinese farmer (Just made that analogy). I commanded him while he was a part of the Wolverines and he worked about as hard out of character as he did in character, making google docs, setting jobs, recruiting, etc... and was one of the main reasons that the Wolverines grew to the size it did, before being completely wiped out. I think I have only seen him angry oocly Once, and I think he could do nothing but help the Event Team.

  4. What's your MC name?


    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..)

    I would probably most enjoy being an antagonist but I am willing to jump in and help wherever you need me.

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    My current character has not been around for very long, and as of now is only a squire in a small village. But I plan big things for him.

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    In my opinion the best events are the events that aren't necessarily pvp, but pull the rest of the people that come to the event into the rp. Instead of the staged rp that used to happen in Aegis, I prefer the rp events where things are variable.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    (I'm going to rp it in third person as it is how it would show up on the server.)

    *The wolf catches the scent of the cake and moves closer to the cake.*

    *The wolf snarls at the scent, as it is not what he had wanted to find within the building.*

    *The wolf decides to take matters into his own hands, and hops over the counter, to begin snooping around.*

    *The wolf creates a mess all over behind the counter, not finding anything that he wants*

    *The wolf finally climbs back over the counter and leaves the shop, seeing a small creature scurrying along, his attention has been changed.*

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how to you reveal yourself?

    Necromancer: *Stalks the people until they come to a rest, then speaks peacefully to them*

    Necromancer: "Hello... *Looks into the eyes of one, seemingly staring into his soul* how would you like to.. help me?

    First person: "We aren't exactly here to make conversation, we are here to talk to an old friend."

    Necromancer: *Smiles a maniacal smile, then says* "What if I say you could.. see him again?"

    Second Person: No thank you!

    First Person: I would do anything in the world to see him again!

    Second Person: *Looks aggravatedly at the first person then whispers to him*

    Necromancer: "Come now, Secrets are no fun! Share with me!"

    Second person: We are leaving! *Grabs person one by the arm and begins to pull*

    Necromancer: *Screams in a booming voice* Not so fasst!

    Second person: *continues pulling the person*

    Necromancer: *Then begins to cackle, his laugh fills the night, and the dead begin to rise from the ground*

    Necromancer: "You wanted to see your friend? You are soon on your way!"

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    *The drunken sailor sits at the tavern speaking of mostly tall tales that he has made up to impress people.*

    Sailor: I remember once, I was out on me ship, commandin me men, when this HUGE creature rises from te water! *Puts his hands up in a motion of something large, although not nearly as big as he is talking about.*

    Sailor: "This creature starts eatin me men! right off te damn deck, one by one!

    Sailor: *Belches* So I got me sword, ran up to the creature an.. *Pause for small belch* .. Stabbed it in the eye!

    Tavern Keeper: *Shakes his head in disbelief* "I think you are full of it! Name something recently that you have done!"

    Sailor: *Laughs out loud and says*, I woulldn't expect ya te understand, I mean, ye 'ave never even seen a treasure map. *He then slams it open on the table, due to his own ego.*

    Tavern Keeper: *Looks over the map then says* "OH! I know that place! that's right past the bay!"

    Sailor: *Then realizes what he has done and wraps the map up* "Th.. *Belches* That was a ... fake.. err.. yeah!"

    Sailor: *Then stands up and wobbles out of the tavern*

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    A very tall shady looking man who stays out of the main crowds. He would be wearing mostly dark clothes, and looking down. He could be found picking grass on the side of the road or possibly even lying in the middle of the road. When asked what he is doing, he will begin to hum a tune and ignore the person. If the person was persistent on asking what he was doing, he would calmly stand up, look the person in the face, then ****** something from the person and take off. If he successfully escaped with the object, he would add it to a shrine of things he has collected over time, then go back to his hobbies.

    Thanks for taking the time to look into my application. If you are wondering why I have been removed from the app team, it was because I had basically lost interest in doing apps, and had decided that I was only wasting space on the app team. So I sent in a letter of resignation then set out to find something new that I could get involved in on the server. Farewell, Groobs.

  5. The nightfall comes, and the Wolverines are being rushed out of their city. Everyone has successfully escaped under his command, but he can not help the nagging feeling that he has left someone behind. After getting about a half mile out, he turns back. About half way back he hears the clanking of armor and Godfrey's voice. He tries to turn and run but after a few minutes of running he knows he has met his fate. He sits and waits, out of breath. Godfrey exclaims "Who are you?!?" and after Aleier catches his breath, he stands tall, readies his sword and exclaims, "I REGRET NOTHING! LONG LIVE THE WOLVERINES!!!!" and after the men who outnumbered him began to swing, he was struck down. Farewell Aleier Groobs of the Wolverines.


  6. 3YF37.gif

    -From your last app

    your biography and open responses both contain instances of powergaming.
    , your bio was unchanged.

    -A hint for your open responses would be to stop making your character so lucky, having one lucky instance is ok, but show that bad things can happen to your character. A bit of humility for your character can go a long way in an app.

    If you are still unsure of why you were denied, send me a pm and I

    Will gladly explain.

    If I am not on, go to the teamspeak channel "Application Team Help Channel"

    For above problem.

    I suggest you take an hour to fix up the things I have said above, then go ahead and give it another go.

    Have a nice day/night :)

  7. HlIuJ.png

    Welcome to Asulon!

    Side note: In a war, you still have to be in character, and still have to rp, but you do not have to rp fight people if a battle is in session. Rping before fighting someone during a battle will get you killed.

    Please be patient while a moderator promotes you in game.

  8. 3YF37.gif

    -Power-gaming definition needs to be a bit more exact on what we are looking for.

    -Use more lore in your bio, such as city names and past events. You can find these things in the wiki.

    -In your open response act as if one of these scenarios happened on the server and how your character would act.

    If you are still unsure of why you were denied, send me a pm and I

    Will gladly explain.

    If I am not on, go to the teamspeak channel "Application Team Help Channel"

    For above problem.

    I suggest you take an hour to fix up the things I have said above, then go ahead and give it another go.

    Have a nice day/night :)

  9. 3YF37.gif

    -Your bio seemed much too fast, your brother died, and that was sad. Now your escaped from the forest and happy?

    -It seems that any server lore you may have had in your bio you have taken out.

    - I don't exactly like your power-gaming definition, try to fix it up a little bit please.

    If you are still unsure of why you were denied, send me a pm and I

    Will gladly explain.

    If I am not on, go to the teamspeak channel "Application Team Help Channel"

    For above problem.

    I suggest you take an hour to fix up the things I have said above, then go ahead and give it another go.

    Have a nice day/night :)

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