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Posts posted by craotor

  1. Forum Name:craotor
    Skype Name:craotor
    Realm/Holding (Please research your choice so that you actually know how to play it):Hungary

    Interesting Fact about your Realm:Despite being in the center of the slavic europe Hungary is the only country in this region not the be of slav descent. Hungary was actually formed from a federation of nomad tribes hailing from the Ural mountains and despite settling in the carpathian basin they kept many of their nomadic traditions for at least 3 centuries.

    Dynasty: Arpad

    Did you read the rules:No

    Brief Rp paragraph to get a feel for how well you can rp said nation: King Geza is in his deathbed, the magnificent King did much for the Kingdom of Hungary leading it to a time of stability and prosperity, his main goals though were to increase the realms influence in Kiev something he acomplished by interveining directly at least 6 times to save his weak russian ally. Now on his deathbed he passes on his titles to his son Bella III, his second son and heir. The Arpad dinasty has great plans for Europe but it all depends on rather Bella III can secure the throne from his envious older brother Stephen.

  2. Abbot Radovid watched the many years of work finally unfold before his eyes, a decade ago the Church had given the dwarf priest a task. To establish a mission in Malinor and bring as many elfs into the fold as possible, it was thought to be a impossible task and that trying was a fool's errand. But what the sceptics didn't know was that Radovid had GOD on his side.


    In front of him now stood the mission of Malinor, the first chapel to ever be built upon elven soil. A single tear ran across Radovids cheeks as the last block was finally placed. Monks knelt behind Radovid thanking God for granting them the resolve to go through with this task. The Abbot told his monks to leave him alone, he needed some quiet time with God. The monks overcome with joy smiled and quickly went their separate ways, much work had to be done.


    Radovid went to his knees and began to pray, while praying he remembered his life and the long and arduous path he had to take. His start as a mercenary, a dark period of his life filled with sin and blood, as a mercenary Radovid did disgusting things, sins that could never be washed away from his soul no matter how much work he put into the Church and he accepted that. Unlike most churchmen who believed they had a guaranteed place in one of the 7 skies Radovid knew he could just as easily go to hell. But at least he got to do some good during his life and for that he was thankful, had it not been Gods glorious light Radovid would have probably have died already on some damp and forgotten battlefield.


    As he finished praying and got back up an elf appeared in front of him. An unknown elf with silver hair and a bandana, Radovid did not know this elf but welcomed him with open arms and a smile. Looking him straight in the eyes the Dwarf began to say “Welcome friend, do you wish to-” He didn't even finish the sentence before the elf raised his hand and made a simple and yet unmistakable hand symbol. Not a second later an arrow hit Radovid straight in the chest and then another a few inches to the right.


    Radovids eyes widened as he fell to his knees, grasping his wooden Lorraine cross. Fate seemed to be inexorable, for Radovid was destined to die like a soldier despite his best efforts. The Elf walked closer and closer before finally stopping when he got into whisper reach, he came close to the dwarfs ear and said “Malinor for the elves…”. And with that he yanked the bloody Lorraine Cross from the dwarfs hand and ran back into the woods. The dwarf fell on his stomach and using his last strength he wrote a message for those who would find him later.


    After a while the monks of St Daniel found his body, cold and motionless. One hand seemed to be grasping a now gone Lorraine Cross and the other hand was bloody and had just finished to writing a bloody message:



  3. Radovid sits in his office when he a silent brother comes in and hands him a piece of parchment. The dwarf Abbot nods towards the monk and begins to read the news and his smile quickly turns into a frown and a single tear falls from his eyes.


    The abbot quickly makes his way towards the Malinor harbor where he is seen praying on his knees with a Lorraine cross in hands, if one aproaches him you can hear him say "How many more Pontiffs must I watch die ?"

  4. Lowering taxes will increase investment from the private sector since this means people get a bigger return for their investment, thus it also increases the gdp because you are going to have more money in the economy. With the investments going up you are going to have an increase in industry and in the private sector so this will creat a demand for a skilled workforce so employment is going to go up. Wages should also increase due to the private sector having expanded this being an incentive for companies to increase the pay of their workforce.

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