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Posts posted by Charles_Grimlie

  1. The playerbase doesn’t provide a good enough reason to be left alive. To leave one’s victims alive will usually always result in an unfavourable outcome for the bandit in the long run. Furthermore, the fact people can join midway through RP combat is a problem. RP banditry has to be made lackluster to ensure that there isn’t enough time being made for a meta squad or other white knights to show up. With how the system operates, banditry is only viable with a 9 man group so you can PvP default someone without the hassle that can come from the lawlessness of RP combat.

  2. MC Name: Charles_Grimlie

    Character's Name: Grand Wizard Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc, the Prince that was Promised!

    Character's Age: Post-Infinite


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Pale Pot


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:

             Ja Wohl!


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. IGN(s): Charles_Grimlie, Tarkir


    Age 23


    Timezone GMT -5:00


    Discord: Charles#9992


    What map did you join during?: Pre-Aegis


    Do you have access to a Microphone? Yes


    Average Daily Play Time? 5+


    Have you held any LotC staff position(s) before? If so, for how long?: Unofficial Game Moderator during early Aegis, nation leaders served the dual purpose: 5 Months
    Game Moderator Asulon: 2 Months


    Do you have prior history in any forms of moderation?

    Primarily from LotC, helped create/manage/own couple of offshoot servers during the 8 year history of LotC. Some of these servers being Legends of Aelryth and the Fracture.
    For real life experience I'm the Director of IT at my company, primarily for maintenance of databases.


    Why do you want to join the Moderation Team?:


    Honestly the server could use a veteran’s touch. The current state of the moderation seems more based on personal bias, like a chicken with its head cut off when it comes to enacting rules. Overall, the server is lacking a clear direction and I’d like to put forth my own feedback from the experience I’ve collected over the years as a player and former moderator. Especially by ensuring that people are being banned for actually breaking the rules, with a reasonable punishment, rather than just the whims of the individual. To specify, the previous statement isn’t meant to be a personal attack but rather a criticism that matters could be better handled with more respect between both parties.


    I am aware people may not be a big fan of Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc, but it should be noted that roleplay is roleplay. I have a big focus on fun and player enjoyment rather than the political brooding roleplay people have become so accustomed too since the “Good Ol’Days.” Game Moderator is likely the wrong place to mention this issue, but I’d like to assist the event team in these matters to try and inspire new players rather than grind them down through the current gauntlet that LotC Roleplay has become. 


    ”Lorem Ipsum”



    Have you applied for this position before and been denied? If so, link the application (Includes GM and FM apps):



    Anything else you want to tell us?:

    Perhaps Game Moderator isn't the right role to achieve my ultimate goal of improving accessibility and varied RP, it may be better to try a different team. However, we all know GM/Admin's have the most clout around here.

  4. Upon the crisp morning summer breeze, the chill of the period still clinging in the air, the Grand Wizard stands a top of hill with the other grave markers of his adoptive extended family. A bandage wrapped around his neck, having survived the ordeal, Aenos goes to put down a gift basket of his Wizard Den quality products betwixt the tomb stones. As the sun rises the Wizard’s silhouette spread across the markers of a loving and accepting family, except Sviato, who brought him much joy over the years. “I tried to break the chain of vengeance and those cursed demons put it back together! They will face their time in court for murder, because every Dimpledorc has its day.” The Grand Wizard murmured, going to turn around as a shadow casts over his grimacing eyes, departing from the lonesome seen only coming back to tend to the graves of the lost family.

    ✧・゚: *Lorem Ipsum*:・゚✧


  5. *The entire application, which is written in crayon, is somehow composed of liquid, easily consumable and as such legible to those who consume it.*

    MC Name: Charles_Grimlie

    Character's Name: Grand Wizard Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc, the bearer of Dragons!

    Character's Age: Infinite


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Pale Pot


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:

             Ja Wohl!


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. 4 minutes ago, Goblinberg said:

    @Charles_Grimlieif I'm not mistaken, you don't need a MA or TA for this magic. 

    True, but I thought it’d be funny if I was a recognized TA. For the sake of being the professor  of Janitorial Duties as well as Arts & Crafts for the Mage’s Guild

  7. MC Name: Charles_Grimlie

    Character's Name: Grand Wizard, Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc

    Character's Age: Undeterminable


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Domesticated Magic


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    *The following is written in Crayon.*

    Hocus Bogus

    The Grand Wizard’s Teaching Application of the Xtreme Domesticated Magical Arts

    Domesticated, or more commonly known as Household, Magic is the utilization of the void arts for non-combative purposes. The practice of the art is purely utilitarian, requiring the user to simply possess a connection to the void to conjure forth tasks which aid and automate day to day interactions. 


    Considered by many to be a paltry magic reserved for novice mages or mundane tasks, the arts of Household Magic can be used as a robust sampler of the various incantations the void may have to offer. Being able to animate household tools and appliances within the means that a descendant to carry, conjuring mage lights to aid in a well choreographed dance number, lighting up a small flame for the initial ignition of a fireplace, etc. All these uses bear in common the weakest nature of every magical archetype, usually within the tier 1-2 range when speaking in the fashion of the SkyGods.


    Furthermore, the use of Domesticated magic can also, rather queerly, assist in burglary by forcing or jimmying open locks on doors. A very rough use of the magic, being the only one to have any true combative purposes likely for the sake of Grand Wizard Escapes (Otherwise known as GWE’s by the fuzz).



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

    Will do!


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. Arak is pretty tasty tho.


    Also check the elves of the D&D Eberron setting. The Khorvaire Elves have a neat concept of the afterlife with positive energy Undead.


    Might be cool to do some mummy stuff with it.


    I should also mention the Abzan from Magic the Gathering’s Khans of Tarkir block. They have an ancestral worship culture where the spirits of their ancestors would manifest as sand spirits during times of need.

  9. **MC Names of all involved**



    The Hookah Recipes Black Cactus & Baby Brain fail to craft, red hookah alert pings when attempting to manufacture.

    **Date of occurrence**

    Today at this very moment of posting (Testing it again)


    **In game specifications**

    Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc, sitting in the lab underground.


    **Steps to Reproduce**
    <!--- Provide all the steps necessary to reproduce the problem -->
    1. Right Click Hookah (Brewing Stand) to open Menu.
    2. Assemble the components required, attempted in each of the various possible combinations.
    3. Click the Ender Pearl to ‘Combine Ingredients’
    4. Receive Visual/Audio Prompt for failed crafting.

    **Expected Behavior**
    Audio prompt occurs and black cactus/baby brain should be created.

    **Actual Behavior**
    Failure to craft, red hookah visual alert appears and failure noise is produced. No crafting items are consumed.

    **Additional Information**
    Attempted using Charcoal, Ferns, Vines, and Grass to see if the recipe represented on the
    Hookah information page is false.

    I didn’t attempt using mushroom soups crafted from actual mushrooms, I’ve harvested mine from mooshrooms, but I’m certain it wouldn’t interfere with item ID.

    **Error Message**

    P.S. Thanks for the Hard Word!

  10. Everyone should have access to magic, there shouldn’t be a staff based restriction on its use or spread. The major problem with magic as a whole is that it’s built on cliques, thus, invites a distasteful behaviour in its adherents and superior elitism. However, this is also due to the fact a teacher must aid in the education of a student, therefore, not everyone is allowed to be a mage.


    Furthermore, there isn’t enough magic that doesn't have a combat aspect. Why? Because at the end of the day LotC thrives on PvP, be it RP combat or using Mechanics. The majority of the population doesn’t like to resolve its conflicts without domination over the other person. This is just the crux of the situation because Perma-death isn’t an aspect of our daily Roleplay, thus, introducing easier methods of dispatching people.


    I’d say anyone is welcome to Nerf combat magic, once mages get a plugin to fight people who use melee mechanics, there’s more creative and functional magics which don’t trigger a person’s power fantasy, and when players have other means of resolving conflict than to murder one another ad naseum. There’s no consequence for death!


    P.S. Let us have science, I want to taze a bro with my redstone cane and wizard powder conductor. If magic is the only solution to everything, then make it so that it isn’t!


    P.P.S. I declare anyone who says magic should be rare is just a snow flake who should learn to share for once in their life! Also, we’re a fantasy RP server not a Political Medieval RP-Faction server.

  11. This is an affront to the Wizard’s Rights as outlined in Article B Section C of the Xtreme Teen’s Guide to Magical Wizardry! You won’t take away our goods without a Wizard Warrant... That is if our goods weren’t medicinal gardening supplies!


  12. 1 hour ago, Themeatrics said:

    Ill change my name to Sutican Library for you pal.

    I’m sure you can’t write Sutican Library without Themeatrics!


    11 hours ago, Destroyer_Bravo said:

    I forgot if I had a ta in transfig or not

    High Elves know all magics right? 


    Otherwise, having fun isn’t hard when you got a library card.

  13. MC Name: Charles_Grimlie

    Character's Name: Aenos P.G. Dimpledorc

    Character's Age: Indeterminate


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Transfiguration (ST)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Sutica Library


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:

             Unfortunately yes, RIP Clerics.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  14. ✧・゚: *The Wizard Den *:・゚✧

    A family company!


    ”Lorem Ipsum”


    Looking for the right reagents to party, unwind, or enhance your magic? Look no further for you’re at the Wizard Den, home of the finest Magical Aides.

    All our illicit, but certainly legal, substances are:

    Hookah Compatible (Except Wizard’s Powder)

     Certified Organic

    ✧ Hand crafted by reliable Wizards

    Not allowed in Renatus

    ✧ Varying in price depending on location


     Cactus Green – Classic


    The Staple for all Orc Raves and other racial shindigs, great for having long conversations about interesting and outlandish topics.


    Blueberry Cactus


    Love Blue, love berries? Blueberry cactus is your answer, now with extra blue, berries, and both combined! Hit hard and hit often, you’ll find yourself having an amoozing time. (That’s an inside joke for anyone whose taken a puff of this stuff, FYI.)


     Eternal Leaf


    Certified as an alternative medicine, Eternal Leaf can cure every possible health problem except dismemberment. Great for after battles if you’re itching from a toke with your blood stained hands... You murderer.


     Ice Kiss


    Great for cooling off after a long night of extreme exertion, we don’t judge! It’s got a minty after taste you just can’t beat, and it cools your breath to boot! Just don’t mind the flying snow men resembling Iblees itself, they’re definitely normal and you’re not crazy... I see them too!


     Box of Crayons


    I don’t know what’s in these, but they sure are edible and are guaranteed to give you a good time! Now with extra grain and edible wrapper, just as one might think each individual colour tastes just like an organic but artificial fruit flavour.


    ✧ I̜͆b̳͈̘̜̃̔́̿l̘̥̭̍̄̚ee̢̪̱͗̀͡s̛̟͔͉͑̓̈͢'͈̭̤͗̐͒s͎͎̀͐͌͢ T͔͊o͔̣̖̻͙̍̂̇͌͠ù̦͙̥̔͒c͗͟h̖͔̗̄͐͊



    D͉̙͓̅̌̕O̤̬̓͛ ̛̫̞̀N͓͓͙͋̋͡Ȯ̪Ţ̚ ͓̿C̟̯̊̌O̦͚̾͘N̛̳͍̼̿́SŲ̬̗̥̓̇̀̍M̯̥͗͌E,̻̜̀͐͆ͅ ͕̌D̮̙̤̓̅́́͜O ̜̞̒̋͜͡N͓̽Ö̲͍̥̆́T̒͜ ̢̠̫̦̾͑͆̏Ǫ̜̂̒B̧͍̰͙̭͌͂̃͛͋Ş̖̬̥̏̓̐̕Ę͎̦̑̍͠R̬̝̝̋̔̒V̨̳̰̘̋̿̓̕E,͍̰̓̾ ̭͔̽͗D͙̠͉̿̐̌̿͢O̧̙̐̕ ̜̤́̓N̦̏Ơ̺̝̼͍̓͌̇T̡̤̟͑̒̒͐ͅ ̢̒C̮̺͒͂Ṟ͓̼̳̒̆̓̽E̗̤̋̚AT̻͔̣͚̗͊̔̀̃͞E̹̤̮͑͋̓́͟,̡̕ ̖̦̯̾̒̿Ť̯̬̈́H͈́Ę̺͗̈́ ͉̍NḘ̜̜̓͒̽T̛͈̙̿H̥͎̭̑͗͗E̯̤̊̅R̛̹͉͍̆̚ ̬͎͌͂I̗͡S̛͈̫͓͔͂̔͘ Ī̟̻̓N̢̘̯̄͘͡F̨̞͗̕I̛̩͕̒N̛̲͍̭͕̟̉̾́́I̥̒T̨̡̛̩̽̊É̦͖̏,̯͗͂͢ ̦̗̬͍̇̅̔͠Ț̘͎͉͇̑̀͗̈͡H̲͋Ȩ̑ ͕͎̅̚N̛̳̮͛Ê̱͎͍̊̐T̞̥̝̅͑̑H̲̫͍̜̹̑̏͛̑͡E̞͠R̪̍ ̼͓́̿I̮͇̱͂͛̇S̲͔̠͉̀̅̅͟͞͞ ̟̮̰͛̔̆E͟͝T̛̗̬̮͗̈́Ḛ͈̓̚R͕̥̄͠Ñ͕À̻̹̓L̨̖͈̈̐͡.̤͖̿̕͢͞ ̫̙̰̫̘́̓̋̀͠P̹̀R͍͌A̡̰̳̓͡͡I̛̟͎̪̩̱͒̉̓́SE ̧̼̦͖͊̓̽̉̕͟IB̢͓͔̗͇͑̓͑̈̚L͎̳͆̽͘͟É͇E̥͓͒͑͘͢S̺̤͛̎.


     Wizard’s Powder™ – Premium


    Don’t have a Hookah around? No worries, just get a handful of Wizard’s Powder and take a deep breath. Made and invented by the Dimpledorc’s, this family recipe is a close guarded secret that’s guaranteed to cure any ailment, solve any problem, and help you achieve your wildest dreams. Warning, do not consult your doctor before use! Extra willpower must be applied for the best results. ((It’s cocaine))


    ✧ Sutica, right by the gate!

    ✧ The Inn on the Crossroads, upstairs in the lounges if you’re looking to smoke while you buy!

    ✧ The Wizard Den (Between Adria & Lueven), lounge & personal service.


  15. I've been wanting to do villain RP again for a long while. I haven't done anything truly villainous since Aegis, where I was the first person to ever submit a villain app with the good ol' assistance from Availer, where I lead the Caravan. I've spoken with SwgrClan about the matter but haven't taken the opportunity to really go into depths of the dark side. 


    Besides this my experience with dark users has pretty much always been positive, I enjoy a challenge and what they do for the server, it's a necessary evil... Get it? Overall villainy has come a long way since Aegis, having experienced the theft of the golem anvils during the reign as the Emperor of Urguan on Paragon Kjell Ireheart to fighting the Arch-Lich of the Ebenmoor for Uthrandl in Athera as an Itharel, Ser Rosencrantz Revandir. Furthermore, I've even written a guide on How to be Evil. I'd have to proudly say I've approached and experienced villainy from every possible angle! 


    My username of Skype is Charles_Grimlie. Hopefully, this focus group will really spur more folks to be bad.

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