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Posts posted by Arrinth

  1. The wardens are great dude. They are strong in numbers and extremely organized. The reason you don't see them walking around Laurelin is because they are located in the sister city. We have 4 rule boards, like 5 different ranks, and we always have at least 2 people online. We come at the slightest requirement and are extremely loyal. Just because we don't have a gate to guard doesn't mean we need to have one. Laurelin is fairly safe and not at war with anyone.

    P.S. Oren guards suck, they can't handle the simple job of a gate operator

    P.S.S Check out the warden's base, you'll eat your words.

    P.S.S.S Sorry I overused extremely alot

    P.S.S.S.S I like the letter s

    P.S.S.S.S.S The letter of the day is: S!

    P.S.S.S.S.S.S goodbye.

  2. Minecraft Name:paulgt

    RP Name:Arrinth

    Your time Zone: (e.g.GMT+4) EST (i have no idea about its relation to gmt...sorry :D)

    Sword skill level:9

    Archery skill level:5

    Why do you want to join?: to protect the elves, and the great kingdom of aegis. also for expierrience in the fine art of the blade and for some spare cash. Arrinth also loathes those with evil in their hearts and will not stop until they are dead or turned.

    Which Guard you will want to be in: (Swords or Archery)swords

  3. application:

    mc name:paulgt

    rp name:Arrinth (may change title a little) ex:arrinth of eld

    sword skill/ axe skill (whatever is the highest): sword

    wrestling skill: 10 (and rising)

    blacksmithing skill: 0

    other high skills: none, but im going to start skilling soon

    previous experience: nomadicly traveling, killing any enemies in my path

    why do you want to join: Arrinth is a empowered elf and hates all who show distaste for the throne. He wishes to protect the kingdom and the best way he can is fighting. He isn't very expierienced now, but he is quick to learn

    do you swear to protect all the princes and princesses with your life no matter what happens?:On my honor, I do swear.

  4. In Game Name: paulgt

    How long have you been on the server: I'm very new

    Character Name: Arrinth of Eld

    Why you want to join the Guardians: Arrinth is out of a job, and home. His father was killed by undead and he longs for revenge as well.

    Have you committed any crimes: Never, Arrinth's heart is as pure as the fountains of whisper village.

    Have you ever fought the Undead: Arrinth goes out on weekly raids to lower his levels of hatred.

    How did you hear of us: Two men walking down a path, I asked them where I could get a job as a fighter and the replied "you could apply to be a guardian..."

    What is your field of profession: Agile weaponry

    What weapon do you typically use: A light, yet strong blade

    Do you promise to obey our rules: Yes.

  5. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name:paulgt

    -How old are you?: 12

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: US (est)

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Of course! I have lived in america all my life and have never spoken another language!

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a friendly, smart, enjoyable person. I have straight a's and enjoy baseball. My hobbies are Minecraft, Longbording, and just going outside :D

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Well...I can't give you an exact amount...but about 2+hrs per day.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since alpha 1.2

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I know loads of roleplay, i have been doing it for a few months now, and the servers were The Lost, Ruined World, And the lost (ch2)

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: very exciting, fun, and a group effort in everything!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I have played on 3 rp servers (i assume thats what you want to know) i havent left ruined world and the lost ch 1 and 2 i left because of too few players ;)

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: Yes, I agree to both

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Elves, Orks, and Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard about you on the ruined world forum where availer posted somthing

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?paulgt


    -Character Name: Arrinth

    -What is your Race?: elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: :) I said paulgt...

    -Biography: Arrinth is a smart young man, only recently turning 18. Coming from a rich family, he became a royal guard and was trained lavishly. He also took up a liking to politics, and excelled in both traits. Once he turned 18, he went to the temple of aegis to pay his respects and meditate. He was on his own. Now, he is preparing to set off on his new life, it has begun NOW.

    Now that im done with that, Let's take a look at this man's childhood...

    "mother?" said arrinth. "yes son?" She replied. "what does this word mean?" He queried. She smiled and walked over to the plush sofa in which he was sitting. "that's a big book son." She said as she walked. She stared at his book for a moment and remembered: "oh yes, that word means confused. Perplexed is a large word for one so young..." "well, I do enjoy reading" he replied, and he was done.

    Another seen from his life:

    *wiping blood smears off blade* "those ork bandits sure can be a bother. I can't believe they needed me to come in..." said arrinth. He wore a fine suit of armor, elegantly carved into and painted. "Oh well, I suppose it is my job" With a grunt, he lifted himself up and nodded in farewell to a fellow guard.

    Yet again:

    Arrinth fell to the ground, clutching his wound. His breath came in gasps and he could barely attack...much less talk. He was humbled by his foe and felt terrible. Even after his comrade smote him. He lay there, feeling dead but not quite, and was like that for hours.

    and finally:

    As arrinth walked through the streets he nodded and said hello to everyone he saw, for he is a joyous person. Many knew him also-since he had so many friends. He treats all people, all jobs, and all races equally. He, therefore was quite likeable

    hope that cleared up his aspects, etc.

    -Character Age: 18

    -Character Appearance: rich clothes, dignified stance, prepared and quick to act

    -Character Personality: Arrinth has a dignified personality, perfect slangless language, and is easy to befriend. He is skilled in politics and the art of war, but he can do almost anything!

    -Your ambitions: i dont get what you are trying to ask here, sorry!

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes, he is EXTREEMLY skilled in the art

    -Can your character mine?: He doesn't like the dirt but yes, if he is asked to.

    -Are you a capable builder? I wouldn't say capable but he can make small houses

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, he is skilled at this

    -Enjoy Farming?: No

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] He is found to be a great leader when required. He quite enjoys it too.

    -A screenshot of your skin: 130869339438.png

    -Other Information: nothing really, except that i was already wled in the minecraft forums post! YEAH, GO TO THE MCFORUMS POST AND SEARCH MY NAME (paulgt) I WAS ACCEPTED!

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