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Everything posted by Arrinth

  1. hey, i have been inactive for a LONG TIME. I guess minecraft just lost its buzz... If I've been kicked from the wardens can I be reinstated? As soon as i find a mouse I'll get online. Thanks
  2. Well then can you put the skin uniform on the post? along with anouncements?
  3. quazar, if u know blackthorn irl, can u tell him to give u the wardens forum acc? it would be nice to have one post for news
  4. I DID miss the meeting this weekend and just so you know i sent crackerjack a message saying I would not be able to attend. SO if you could tell me the new ts password it'd be great. Thanks. ps. Crackerjack- Im from NC also!
  5. hey, i was walking to the warden base recently and there is a warden checkpoint...I didnt hear about this and since I'm a warden can u please tell me the pass?
  6. A cynder block is on my mind...IT HURTS!

  7. Minecraft Name:paulgt RP Name:Arrinth Your time Zone: (e.g.GMT+4) EST (i have no idea about its relation to gmt...sorry :D) Sword skill level:9 Archery skill level:5 Why do you want to join?: to protect the elves, and the great kingdom of aegis. also for expierrience in the fine art of the blade and for some spare cash. Arrinth also loathes those with evil in their hearts and will not stop until they are dead or turned. Which Guard you will want to be in: (Swords or Archery)swords
  8. I heard the queen runs off without you guys...
  9. application: mc name:paulgt rp name:Arrinth (may change title a little) ex:arrinth of eld sword skill/ axe skill (whatever is the highest): sword wrestling skill: 10 (and rising) blacksmithing skill: 0 other high skills: none, but im going to start skilling soon previous experience: nomadicly traveling, killing any enemies in my path why do you want to join: Arrinth is a empowered elf and hates all who show distaste for the throne. He wishes to protect the kingdom and the best way he can is fighting. He isn't very expierienced now, but he is quick to learn do you swear to protect all the princes and princesses with your life no matter what happens?:On my honor, I do swear.
  10. uh, what time period are you guys in? or are you just not active? it's been at least a few hours now...
  11. In Game Name: paulgt How long have you been on the server: I'm very new Character Name: Arrinth of Eld Why you want to join the Guardians: Arrinth is out of a job, and home. His father was killed by undead and he longs for revenge as well. Have you committed any crimes: Never, Arrinth's heart is as pure as the fountains of whisper village. Have you ever fought the Undead: Arrinth goes out on weekly raids to lower his levels of hatred. How did you hear of us: Two men walking down a path, I asked them where I could get a job as a fighter and the replied "you could apply to be a guardian..." What is your field of profession: Agile weaponry What weapon do you typically use: A light, yet strong blade Do you promise to obey our rules: Yes.
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