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Posts posted by Sirbubbley

  1. Minecraft name: sirbubbley 
    Skype ID: tailion_the_stealthy 
    Time zone: Central  
    Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link: Nope. 
    Why do you want to be both a builder and an actor for the ET?: I enjoy building dungeons/events/ random RP places, and enjoy participating. So i guess it just fit. 
    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible)http://imgur.com/a/hfQob My Dungeon shop in Aegis. Not the best looking, but held an massive amount of RP and memories for me. 
    Do you hold any other staff positions?: Nope. 
    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?: Argus Wolfheart and Tailion Divorare. Not sure why i would, but if it comes down to it i can. 
    Pick three of the following building styles, and show us a build, of yours, that corresponds to each choice.(terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, underground): The reworking of theis area included terraforming, organic building to sculpt to the land, and high fantasy with the treese and design. http://imgur.com/a/aIs0E Ravenhold, from Aegis, remastered edition. A before, and 2 afters with Sphax and Conquest. http://imgur.com/a/XUHPo Ravenhold W/Shaders, courtesy of Alec. 
    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?: Mostly independent but working with a small team is just as easy. I can handle almost the entire build, but some help with voxel and things like that is usually a good thing. 
    Create two distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 1) For a group of 5-10 2) For a group of 20+: 1) Old ruins, restless spirits questioning why the group is there. Possible attack, Treasure likely. 2) World Boss event, large scale creature for a large group of players to have to deal with.  *Note* Altered the first scenario to be less random and fit into Athera, but without knowing the lore of a given area setting up a specific, non random, event that follows lore is a bit difficult
    How long does it take for you to complete a build?: It depends, if I'm enjoying the build i doesn't take me long at all, after the planning it just flows from there. 
    Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build: For Small builds i usually just shoot from the hip and see what happens, for Medium and Large i usually do a test build in single player, or on a build server, to see how it works out and what needs to be changed. 
    Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...): Voxel, not very well, but i have made trees and stuff. World Edit, Yup. Craftbook, Still yup. 
    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?: As long as events are still being done, and enjoyed. 
    Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads): Double Itemframe: 1) Place a fence, put the Itemframe and item on it. 2) Go to the side fo the fence, place another Itemframe on the inside part of the fence. 3) walk into the Itemframe, place the item and rotate as needed.
    Tell me what you want from the ET: The chance to make, and participate in the things i love doing. Other then being a merchant, dungeons and small fun events are my favorite thing about RP.
    *Note* I'm also good with redstone. Tad late, but oh well whatever it takes.
  2. Could you tell me a bit about you character? It's just helpful when editing things. I'd like to change a few things but I don't want to make him look completely wrong to what he's like.

    lets see O.o. Wood elf.Medium length red hair, golden beads holding together a couple braided strands. Dark green eyes. Wood elven skin tone, tan.Covered in scars, but you dont have to have them there if it doesnt look good. Wears loose black/grey robes with a bright green trim and a grey sash across his chest. Bright green cloth belt and wraps around his ankles with leather sandals. he is also basicly a carpenter if a "toolbelt" is possible but that part is totally optional ;p. cant think of anything else :)

  3. sigh... Yes, the war and the intolerance to others is a nice story. In MODERATION. every race/group/city wanting to kill each other? Just makes it seem more and more PvP focused the RP, you know.? Dont get me wrong, i dont expect people to go back the Aegis style of all "kind of" working together ever again, its to far gone. But for once can i just enjoy some RP instead of wondering which bumbling race wants to kill me that day?

  4. Shh...quickly now, quickly...this will distract the beast for a time, but we need to slay the VA before it awakens. You, halfling in the cookpot armor, you go with the farmer and take out that highly trained military elite guarding the entrance to it's den while he's sleeping, I'll watch the road for travelers and if anyone gets too close, I'll make quick work of them with my rapid fire clicker program. Hoot once like a barn-owl and twice like a screech-owl when the coast is clear. Time is of the essence.

    sarcasm is a great thing aint it? Ned... please tell em you are nto in support of this PvP defalt BS?

  5. Military guy trips and impales himself on a pitchfork.  ^^ There, I explained it! Honestly, it makes as much sense as someone backflipping over a sword, catching a mace and tossing it to the side, swimming with armor, surviving fifty foot falls, our literal inability to die, and a myriad of over things. 


    Our yearning for hyper-realism is what hurt us the most, IMO.We replaced fun and spur of the moment with calculated and deliberate. Will this fix all of our problems? Nope! But it's a start, or at least an attempt.

    lol spur of the moment. you jsut put into word swhy Aegis was great, the calculating part and the chokign rules that dont let you enojy a character without an app for it is why i hate playing at times.


    and all the crap about backflipping over a sword is becuase ppl dont wanta lose. when it comes to combat veyr very few can match Tailion in skill and experience. but i lose almsot all the time becuase it dont matter, losing one fight isnt going to ruin your life. but tell that to the rest of the ppl. 

  6. And you're blindly complaining without giving this change a chance why, again?


    Sure, PVP default wasn't what made Aegis great. It was a myriad of things. But PVP default played a part. So let's give a shot, hmm?

    Ever you are amzing. but come on????? rly????? why the hell can soem farmer who's irl prson can click, win against a highly trained elite militant????? tell me where that logic is.

  7. Something i forgot to mention. the reasont he server was good in Aegis was not the PvP defaut. it was the on choking rules that allowed for a wide range of RP without having to fill out a form and wait 3 weeks for it to be denied. yes we had trolls, but we have jsut as many now even with the " tight" application process. Aegis was good becuase rules and applications wernt your goal, your goal was to enjoy RP, PvP happened in Arenas. thats why ever city had an arena, you would solve your pvp related problems there. now you start beating where and when ever. GG

    You are trolling, right? Right...?

    i dont rly troll to often i mean eveyrthing im posting here. i thoguht LOTC had maybe a year before it became [insert crappy server name here]. appertly it had a week.

  8. lel


    And yeah. Here's my f**king master's thesis if you really need it.


    1. People vote for a reason.


    2. The reason is that they like one more than the other.


    3. People who like PVP more like it because:


    • They are good at it

    • They enjoy PVP

    • They use hacks or mods

    • They have a character who is more powerful in PVP than RP fighting


    I still see lots of this coming down to items.


    People opposed to PVP because they dislike it because:


    • They aren't good at PVP

    • They don't enjoy PVP

    • They have some kind of unfair disadvantage

    • They have a character who is more powerful in RP fights than he/she/it is in PVP



    lets see.... im very good at PvP, i like PvP. thats why i play on a f**king pvp server when im bored. i dont rly have an unfair disadvantage other then crap internet. my character is an ex militant. he is perfect for PvP but this is a RP server. if ppl wantta PvP open an arena, thats always been how we would get players PvP itch under control. not goign right to beating the crap out of your left click.


    the people who prefer PvP over RP combat most likely hit some place, if nto all acorss, this list :

    - probly suck at RP

    -probly use hacks, or special mouse that allows quicker input then the normal.

    -are probly an oren human zealot

     if you wold rather PvP then you should get on battlecraft and not ruin the RP server's becuase you wanta make a jesus/spartan/ninja swordmaster with no real IC RP so you can stroke your e-peen by clicking 1 mouse button rly rly quick, or using a turbo click program.


     so once again, PvP default is stupid and is jsut another addition that ruins the already crappy RP quality of the  current LOTC. now go back to the filth you PvP crazed oren zealots. enjoy.

  9. was to big for an update so ill post it here, GG LOTC, you rly screwed it up this time.



    Honestly, i had hopes for the server with Mog gone. i came back, i started working on test builds for things. now you toss in pvp default... becuase ppl needed another reason to get rapid fire clicker programs? pvp default was awful in Aegis, anybody who says otherwise didnt travel the king's road enough. this is the second dumbest thing i have seen... LOTC is now reduced to any old server where you can build and pvp for fun... you sicken me. the last 2 times i have takne a break i knew i might come back. this time.... unless LOTC even gets a glimmer of its former glory, you wont see me around. not that any of you give a damn. enjoy your server, to all the people who piss and moan on the forums, you got your wish. writhe in the filth.

  10. You have a right, to think or feel how you like about me, I well not force you to respect me or require you to do so.

    But I wish to correct you on the fact that I controlled both the Humans/Orcs with little rp, First off when I took over the Orcs I was not an Admin, second when I took over Renatus I never took over all the Humans, I did do weeks of Rp until all the nobles recognized my Claim to Rule over Renatus, and then I worked from there to rule all the Humans there was no instantly take over humans.

    Also I never controlled both nations at the same time when I became King of the Renatus I already had stepped down from being Rex.

    I do not know what are you basing your opinion off of because I am quite sure you were inactive at that time.

    sorry i have not been able to reply till now, at school. yes i was semi-inactive then as i have been most of my time on the server becuase of lack of real internets. im soryr i wasnt clearer in my earlier post, i didnt mena to imply you ruled them at the same time or that you had no RP for the position, but the RP for it i witnessed was well..lacking for a position of such importance. when it comes to ruling the orcs i know you wernt admin i RP'ed with you alot back then, i also agreed wiht the amount of RP it tookf or rule to take over the rocs due to there lore and the "government" of the orcs. What i dont agree with is the way you have RP'ed somethings and the way i ahve heard you talking to people in the orc TS. thw way you RP has offended many people, and the good you have done has not outweighed the bad. you scream at people who dont follow the lore of the orcs, yet you dont do anything about the elfs who havent follwoed lroe in along time? why?

  11. if im being honest.. i dont like you mog, i dont like the way you RP'ed some things, i dont like the way you have treated some people, i dont like hwo you assumed command of both the orcs and the humans with very little IC promotion. all in all i think the server would be better off without your kind fo roleplay, becuase you have lead both of these groups who have a large population your brand of RP has spread ebcuase well, "follow the leader", i honeslty feel the server would be better off without you as an admin, as a GM even i think you should return to the role of a regular player.

    PS. i still respect some of the things you have done but i dont respect the way you have treated some people.


  12. MC Name: sirbubbley

    RP Name: Thegnus

    What is your smithing skill: N/A

    What is your role-play smithing skill: probly bought as good as it comes

    What is your skill in either axe or sword: i use a hammer

    Reason For Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): I needed a job. found a possible job. figured why not. here i am.

    What Will You Add to the Guild: fresh set of hands strong back and great skill

    How active are you on the server: as active as possible

  13. To continue on my previous post, teacher caught me during physics, if this plugin is tested to the point where it makes the "god chest" im possible and keeps the non-physical aspect that i loved then i will absolutly support this. I would however prefer minas returning to a non physical form i like the idea of physical banking things but not the physical mina themselves it would make the bulk transactions i usally did impossible to do safely becuase 1 peice of paper would hold an entire kingdom's budget and if a supprisingly common buggy mob finds you you get blamed and murdered RP'ly for a OOC thing.

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