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Posts posted by Sirbubbley

  1. Would this guild be willing to do one or more of the following?:

    1. Set up a place for people to purchase these potions?

    2. teach people like me who are not 100% associated with a nation and wish to use the knowledge to help those in there community

    3. send members of this guild around to the nations towns and cities to sell ingrediants and potions to those unable to make the journey?

    (( what i mainly mean is, can anybody join i would like to have Kelasto in Salvus but i would like to be able to make and sell potions with out having to report about it to the guild and such becuase of allegance to a nation. Kelasto will hopefully be on Salvus land but be partly independent and be run by me. if i would be able to take lessons let me know freya 8D ))

  2. (( 1. i dont troll 2. i got the skins on page one because i planned on joining and wanted them for when i did, i havnt been wearing them for that reason i wasnt a member. 3. ex dont to be a **** but i dont like the robes, execpt the high ranking ones, the colors just dont look right to me. also i dont wear skins i cant edit all my skins have either been largely edited or 100% mine 4. if im so dman immature then dont u think i woulda been banned long ago? well i havent Bro been on since like june or july 22, no bans, havent even had a report.. BECUASE I RP AND ACT MATURE! ))

    (( p.s. dont ever call my maturity into play it just pisses me off ))

  3. (( The development of an entire character would not be influenced by rumors and whispers they've heard. People would normally ignore things like that....))

    (( Tailion was sworn to protect Laurlein when he got word that a member of the city was with a group af assassins, he takes it seirously, i had a big RP interigation fo a prisioner and got names, that leed me to Fawkes ( Relok'oth at that time ) he tells me he is the leader but isnt with them anymore, so i ask him to get names, i never see him again and eh changes his name, i would have added this to my last psot but edit wasnt working. im not trying to sound like a **** but my VA is made 100% fo things that ahve happened in RP, i ahve been on Tailion for a longtime i have been on this server for a long time i have ehard about alot of guilds, i ahd books with names fo members of the Black Hand, of there histroy, eveyrthing. Tailion was good at getting information, if you have any more comments about Tailion then please by all means ask, that goes to anybody ))

  4. (( Jex i have ehard of the Brotherhood thanks to the leader dude, i have ligitimitly heard of the guild in RP, you can talk to Fawkes about it if you want, and the reaosn i get denied is becuase i cant write, this is the only thing i have ever had to write seriosly, i posted the wrong draft and my second VA got deneid cuase it was inconsistent. im not dumb you may have not ment it but that post made it sold an awful lot like an insult, calm your self ))

  5. ((alright Jex thanks i jsut read the stuff about cant accept until approved VA 8D, thanks i spent 1 month wiritng my VA ( sadface,jpg) and it was easy to do the DB app after the VA one, hopefully my VA gets accepted soon, but i wont be able to get on server til maybe even this summer if the borrowed internet at home dont get better, sadly we cant afford the internet in this are ( $50 a month for basic dial up ) so it may be awile before i can do any contracts ocne accepted ))

  6. Name ((MC)):sirbubbley

    Name ((IG)):Tailion

    Real Life Age:17


    Combat experience: several undead battles, orc duels, the great Ranger war long time ago, to many to list sorry

    Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum)

    ( sorry its copy pasted but that’s Tailion’s life exluding the battles and suhc ebaucse it would have been pages long )

    Tailion lived on a small farm with his mother and father, one day just before harvest time, bandits came demanding all of the crop after harvest, my father being the rash one he was, told them to “be gone before I put a pitchfork in your gut you damned fool” this angered the bandit who drew his blade, and stabbed his father in the chest (( approximately the lungs )) killing him instantly, he watched in horror as his father slid off the bandits blade, his mother grabbed the scythe that was used to harvest and attacked, the leader of the bandits easily over powered her, they dragged me and my mother away to their camp hidden in a mountain cave

    Once they arrived at the bandit’s camp they untied his mother and took her into the leader’s tent, other than the screams of pain and agony, that was the last he heard of his mother. About 2 months later while all the bandits where in bed, Tailion grabbed a dagger off an end table. That night was one of the first times Tailion felt joy for killing. It began his life as a trained warrior.

    Tailion ran away leaving the bodies to rot, he made camp in a small forest near the King’s Road. He cooked some meat he had stolen from the bandits, Tailion had no knowledge of wilderness survival so he put the fire out. That night, the wolves came. Tailion barley had time to react the two wolves lied dead on the ground, but they did more damage than anything the bandits had done to him. Tailion was blinded.

    Tailion’s wounds healed fast, but his vision never returned, he found his way to Laurlein thanks to some help from some unidentifiable dwarf. Once there he gave everything he had for a small home there in the city, he then meet a man named Blackthorn, this meeting set in him a loyalty to the elven city, he became the 2nd Pathfinder and was in charge of the Swordsmen, he only got his title by training to use his new enhanced abilities, down in the elven crucible alongside Blackthorn. Tailion became the best swordsmen in the city, excluding the prince Flefal, his skill and days as a Pathfinder thought him to kill it wasn’t until later when he found joy in it.

    Tailion spent many years defending the cities of Aegis, finding that more than often they fell, he began to feel as if his actions where just want to undead wanted, he felt as if he was useless.

    When his city fell Tailion final felt as if he was a complete failure. He began to think of all those whom he attack, killed, imprisoned in the name of the city, he felt that they were just a way for the end to come sooner. Tailion’s years are catching up with him if not for his special blade, he wouldn’t be able to fight. He sees all those who he once hated as friends now, they made the suffering of the undead end sooner, he hopes to offer his ability to the guild of assassin’s he has heard whispers of and hope to join their ranks.

    Would you consider being a spy?: I would spy on some Nations and there people, but some I wont, i wont do anything to Salvus or its people Tailion and Dawn are really close freinds

    Past military experience: the second Pathfinder, I lead the Swordsmen even tho I was blind at that time made it even cooler when I was the best

    Past criminal experience: minor stealing, I have killed to defend the city but its not so much criminal

    Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc): Merchant/ sort of a hunter for Salvus

    Useful, Non-military Skills:I can farm ( if my skills wouldn’t have screwed them selves up )

    What have you heard of us IC? a few whispers of a guild of assassin’s but not much else, I think I found a book about you guys 1 time

    What have you heard of us OOC? best of the villan RP’ers just the best at what you do. Sorry I haven’t really heard much you guys don’t talk about it 8D

    What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Initiate a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.

    Swords:99 (should be 100 but early Asulon was buggy and I haven’t been on in awile internet at home is to bad)




    Preferred weapon: sword

    Screening Questions

    ACCEPTED villain app link (Required): My VA but its not accepted yet *LINK*

    Are you wanted in any countries?: nope, or atleast I hope not

    Why do you want to join?: Tailion’s Past as a righteous defender was a waste he sees no reason to help the people when he could get rich off of them, or there blood

    Define powergaming thoroughly: in my opinion: Powergmaing is a run to be the best, doing what ever it takes breaking rules, girnidng and so on, it also pertains to RP situations in witch no or limited chances to respond are presented, situations where I cant fail, for example *Tailion draws his bow aiming for his targets heart, he loses the arrow it flies true straight into mans heart* it gives me no chance to fial and him no time to respond or defend him self and leads to ((…)) talk

    Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC? No Tailion can keep a secret well and wont let anybody know about the guild or his involvement in it

    "Legal" stuff

    Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.No, again Tailion wont let anybody know about the guild because it may lead them to finding out about his involvment

    Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion? yes

    Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath. of course

    Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? I have started recording big RP things so yes I will have evidence of contracts and such

  7. ((all i have to do now is write the VA and send it in, then i can make my DB app but its ify when ill be on cuase borrowed internet is starting to suck bad, also when im doing the various contracts can i sue cover names? and i already made the skin to about how i want it, becuase of tailion's glowing eyes i have the eyes under shadow of the hood hope thats cool))

  8. (( a question to Ben, could i be a member of it im making a VA for Tailion, the mvoe to Asulon screwed him up, and with him leading Kelasto, i cna head Kelasto if its accepted, caryr out some contrqacts but i cna supply armor and weponry for the guild, again this all lies on it being accepted if not then ill join jsut full on regular member ))

    (( to clairfy the above: i want to join Tailion will soon have a VA, the move screwed his head of bad, he can help bye supplying goods becuase he will lead Kelasto if the charter is accepted, he can kill with a bow or a sword, 100 swords,and 100 bow, atleast it was it may have broken my stats kept rolling back when i was on, ill fill out an app after my VA is accepted, witch may be awile cuase i suck at all forms of writing ))

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