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Posts posted by kwakamungus


    Current Username:


    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice):


    Timezone(s) you mainly play:

    UCT+10 East coast Australia (but Im on late my time, early EU time)

    What group/nation do you consider to be your main?:

    I am the leader of The Alrasin Privateer Company. A pirate guild

    Have you held a staff position before?:

    I do not currently nor have I ever held any staff positions. Though I have helped staff with work and testing in the past.

    Do you currently hold a staff position?:

    No, no I do not.

    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?:

    Maybe GM in the future, but probably not.

    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?:

    I have never been banned from LOTC in the 7 years I have been playing it for.

    What style of events do you feel you enjoy creating? (Low Fantasy, High Fantasy, Quests, Dungeons, etc.):

    I feel that I would would most enjoy and be the best (in my ability to do so) a mixture of High Fantasy and Quests.

    List three factors you feel play a part in a quality event and expand upon them:

    1. Make sure you know who you are working with.

    2. Work to make sure everyone either enjoys the event, or if not that make sure no one gets pissed off.

    3. Allow the players to do something, don't take over everything yourself.


    Which member(s) of the team would you attempt to emulate and why?:

    Although I would rather do my own work and not have to, but if I did have to emulate someone from the ET it would have to be ScreamingDingo (GrimReaper98) as he is one of the better ET’s I have RPed with in the past.

    Provide three event scenarios, in total, of the style(s) you listed above:

    Event 1 For a group of 1-5: A Lost Child

    It is late afternoon in a small town deep in a forest when a man and his wife called out for their daughter to come back as it was starting to get dark. They called out for some time before realising that their daughter wasn’t coming home. The man told his wife to return home and wait to see if she came back on her own, while he went out in search of her, She does as he says and returns home to wait. The man looked around the square for a while but did not find her anywhere to be. He sees a group of players sitting in the courtyard of the town tavern and asks if you had seen her anywhere. Sadly the players say no, but offer to help the man find her.


    From here Players will search the town for clues to where the missing daughter has gone to. They can choose search in a group or split up to cover more ground. If the girl is not found by the end of the night they may never be able to find her.


    Event 2, For a group of 6-10: A Ship Upon the Shore

    It is early dawn and the sun is still sometime from fully,  when your group is traveling down a beach side road. The fog is thick, obscuring much of the coast line and making travel slow. Far off in the fog you see lights bobbing around in the darkness, It is hard to make out what it is, so the group moves up. Upon getting closer to the lights, you begin to notice the smell of burning wood and hear men calling out orders and screaming in pain. It would appear that a ship has crashed into rocks and spilled its cargo of oils and spice along the shore line. With the oil catching fire and spreading around the ship and burning the crew. Your group rushes over to help the men, before noticing the ship's flags. The flag is that of a local pirate crew who have been terrorising the area.


    Now it is up to the players to decide weather to help the pirates and save the ship, or perhaps they might wish to kill the pirates and give the stole cargo back to the people from which they took it. Should they so wish to the players may even join the crew and come to run the ship as either a pirate ship or try and change its ways and become a pirate hunter


    Event 3, For a group of 15+: A New Home

    Driven from your village by raiders, you and the survivors of the attack wonder the empty plans looking for refuge. After days of traveling you site the walls of a small city. excited to have finally found civilization, no matter what race it may be, everyone rushes to the city gates. You arrive at the gates, to find them blown off the wall by a force of magic. The excitement leaves your group as fast as it came. after a while of discussion you decide that for at least one night it should be safe enough to stay here, so everyone enters the city. Once everyone is inside you and a few others put the large doors back up as best you can, to keep at least try and keep what's outside the walls outside.
    The first night there, nothing goes wrong, so everyone votes on what to do, either they could keep searching for another place to go, a place with people. Or they could stay where they are. almost everyone in the village votes to stay where they are and rebuild. So everyone gets to working on their new homes and cleaning the city.
    For a week or so it seems that you are safe in the city. The gates are re-attached and locked, there are a few man who volunteered to be gards a vineyard of fresh full fruit has been found. But soon after everyone had settled in, people started waking up in the middle of the night screaming and covered in blood and deep scratches, they would die within a few hours of this.  


    From there the players will decide whether they will stay in the city and try to find the cause of the deaths, or if they will leave it behind and forget about it. If they stay at the city a few mini-events will decide what happens to the people. If they leave the city will return to the way it was before they found it, waiting for another group to enter its walls.

    Why do you wish to become an ET Actor Member?:

    I wish to join the ET to provide the server and its players with new and interesting events. Help them enjoy the server for what it has to offer and make the fun for everyone. I love telling stories and making adventures for people to play, and I want to bring those adventures to LOTC.

    What strengths would you bring to the team?:

    What I would bring to the ET hard work and commitment to doing my job and making the players feel entertained with events and stories they can be a part of. I have been a part of LOTC since the early days of the server and think that my knowledge of LOTC history can help me when it comes to making events. (I am currently building a D&D world set in Aegis.)

    What are your weaknesses?:

    Like everyone I have weaknesses, I can't hide mine but I can work around them. I can get hot headed if I am getting annoyed at somethings, as a player of LOTC for 7 years now I have a bias of dislike towards Oren and most human (oren based) roleplay. There are more that I have, but they don't stand out as much as these. Considering what they are and how long I have been around I can work around them or push through them if need be.

    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?:

    As much as I need to, considering I currently have no job and spend a lot of my free time on LOTC. I can spend a lot of time working on events or anything that I may need to do.

  2. Standing at the helm of 'The Beard of The Sea' Grand Admiral Malco Dware welcomes all of the new crew aboard the ship. As the entire crew gathers on the ship, Malco begins speaking "Everyone Liston up, soon it will be time for us to set out on our first expedition. We seek to travel south and explore what is out there. Before we set out however everyone is going to need to begin gathering equipment and supplies that we will need. We will need food, wood, more cloth for sails, weapons and armour, and anything else that we may need for either ship repairs or exploring unknown lands. Any financial backing that we need for this adventure will be coming from your captains, so you should have no need to worry about money. I want everyone here to begin preparing for what we need, and what lies head.. This expedition will be setting of soon. be warned that when we set off, you are to follow the tenets or you will face the consequences the of tenets you brake. You are all dismissed until further instructions."

    With that Malco returns to his cabin and begins work on his duties.


    MC Name:


    Character's Name:

    Malco Dware

    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:
    Transfiguration, Telekenisis

    Teacher's MC Name:

    Teacher's RP Name:


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

    Nope, I have no magic on this character

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:

    Yes, Yes I do.

    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    The Alrasian Privateer Company

    Founded in Aegis under the command of Captain William Kranarl, The Alrasian Privateer Company was primarily in charge of Alrasian sea defence. Yet in the years following the fall of Aegis and expansion to other lands across the world, the company expanded its influence into other paths of interests, such as trade and exploration. In the following years it grew from a few small private ships owned by Alras, into a small fleet under the command of its King.


    Upon reaching Anthos, The Alrasian Privateer Company settled on a island and began construction ships for sail and sending out its fleet to help other nations in times of war or disaster. It was during this time that the grand flagship of the company was constructed. Dubbed The Godslayer, the ship was the largest and most powerful ship ever constructed at its time. Capable of holding up to twenty-four ballistae on its many decks and with it's magic hardened hull, The Godslayer was a force to be reckoned with.


    Though sadly, the ship and it’s crew were lost at sea during a massive storm, taking much of The Alrasian Privateer Company along with it. Never to be used for its purpose The Godslayer sunk to the bottom of the ocean.




    Now, many years later, High King Syrio, from aboard his ship, King Syrio’s Beard, far out to sea has sent out orders for The Alrasian Privateer Company to be reformed under the command of Malco Dware, High Viceroy of Alras. In secret, over the past few years the people of Alras have been working on a new flag ship. To be dubbed “The Beard of The Seas” at a hidden dry dock far from Axios. Now this ship has been completed and has made its way to Tahn, where it sits in the waters off coast of the island. Awaiting it’s new crew to sign up and join the The Alrasian Privateer Company


    In the Name of Alras, and under the authority of High King Syrio, The Alrasian Privateer Company will once again sail the open seas.



    Our Purpose:

    The Alrasian Privateer Company have been re-formed under the orders of High King Syrio in order to aid the people of the world in the ways of the sea; To trade, Explorer, Adventure and more. We seek to open the waterways of the world to all people, and insue that the ways of the sea stay alive.


    The Tenets of the Sea

    I. Every Man Shall obey civil Command; the Captain shall have one full Share and a half of all Prizes; the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain and Gunner shall have one Share and quarter.
    II. If any man shall offer to run away, or keep any secret from the Company, he shall be marooned with one knife, one bottle of water, one days of rations and the clothes on hisback.
    III. If any Man shall steal from the Company, he shall be marooned or whipped.
    IV. The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at night: if any of the crew, after that hour still remained inclined for drinking, they were to do it on the open deck
    V. All men must insure their weapons and tools are clean and fit for service.
    VI. To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, is punished with whipping or marooning.
    VII. No striking one another on board, but every man's quarrels to be ended on shore, with blade upon blade until first blood.
    VIII. That every man shall obey his commander in all respects, as if the ship was his own, and as if he received monthly wages.


    The Chain of Command


    Grand Admiral

    In charge of the entire fleet granted authority by The High King. The handler of major politics both within and outside of the fleet, as well as issuing order out for each captain to follow. The word of the Grand Admiral is lore.

    Currently held by:

    Malco Dware (Kwakamungus): The Beard of The Seas


    Ships Captain

    The person in charge of each ship in the fleet. Each captain runs their ship the way they wish, as long as they follow the Tenets set by the admiral. All crew aboard a captain's ship follower their orders.

    Currently held by:

    Malco Dware (Kwakamungus): The Beard of The Seas

    Thalrim Irongut (Aevary): APC Derde Ryk

    Harkon Silverwood (TheHavoci): The Sea Cock

    Freya (Azdromoth) : The Jackdaw


    First Mate
    First Mate is ranked just below the Captain. They should take control of the ship if the Captain can no longer perform Their duties. However, some ships may not have First Mates; Quartermasters performed their duties.

    Currently held by:

    Garsen Wyne (AFRICANESE_): The Beard of The Seas

    After Captain, the most authority on a ship had Quartermaster. As a Captain's right hand, they are in charge when Captain was not around. they have the authority, and they could punish men for not obeying commands.

    Currently held by:

    Elspeth Briarhart (Starfelt): The Beard of The Seas


    Sailing Master

    The officer in charge of Navigation and sailing the ship itself. They directs the course of the ship and is in charge of maps and charts.

    Currently held by:



    Boatswains are junior officers. They are the people who supervise all activities on a ship. Depending on the size of the ship and crew, they can have one or several duties. Duties range from anchoring to naval provisions. They report to the Quartermaster, Firstmate or the Captain. Can have more than one per ship.

    Currently held by:

    Dylan (EdGoneRogue): The Beard of The Seas

    Zipiroth Synrum (iLovePotatoes_1): The Beard of The Seas


    Mess Sergeant

    The person in charge of all food and drink aboard the ship. They cook the food, supply the booze and feed the crew.

    Currently held by:

    Phryne Evalius (Creamiest ): The Beard of The Seas



    The people who act as the crew for the ship. Doing all the work that the officers don't.

    Currently held by:

    Zrarly (HortonHeardAWho): The Beard of The Seas

    Kaizar Ashtounge (Zeedus): The Beard of The Seas

    Raglin (Porkour): The Beard of The Seas

    Basillia Tosali (overlord2304): The Beard of The Seas

    Cam Buckland (Tidemanno): The Jackdaw

    Tatsumi katsuki (the5thelements): The Beard of The Seas


    The Applicant Form

    MC Name?:
    Discord (Can PM me.):
    Character Name:
    Reasoning for joining?:
    Are you free for an interview, if so when?:
    Do you swear to follow and uphold all of the tentes to the best of your ability?:
    If seeking officer position,What position do you seek?:
    What is your favorite sea shanty?:




    (Please note, at the moment, we only have one ship.)

  5. Current Username: 
    UCT+10 (Australia)
    Have you held past Staff positions?: 
    I do not currently nor have I ever held any staff positions. Though I have helped staff with work and testing in the past.
    Do you plan on applying for other Staff Teams?:
    Not at this stage, no.
    Where do you find inspiration?:
    My inspiration comes from many places. It comes from books I read, shows and movies I watch and games I play. I am a writer and have been DMing for the past 2 years with great success from my players. Many of my ideas are things that come to me when I am dream or just thinking of what I want to write next. But when I do have an idea I like to follow it as well as I can.
    Which race/group do you believe your events might best cater to?:
    I don't think there is any specific race or group that I would hope to do events for. Though should I have to, I would love to do water based events, around ships and sea monsters. The coastal people.
    What do you believe the key factors of a successful event are?:
    There are a few things that lead into a good event, just like a good game of D&D. A good event needs to have the players have a form of urgency, you can't have an NPC take over everything and you can't just make it all about one person. When doing an event you should have the main storyline (or plot) of it planned out, but should be prepared to alter the course of the story should the players not take the path you set out. Never be set in anything turally rigid, and always be prepared to improvise.
    What strengths do you bring to the team?:
    What I would bring to the ET hard work and commitment to doing my job and making the players feel entertained with events and stories they can be a part of. I have been a part of LOTC since the early days of the server and think that my knowledge of LOTC history can help me when it comes to making events. (I am currently building a D&D world set in Aegis.)
    Why do you wish to become an ET?:
    I wish to join the ET to provide the server and its players with new and interesting events. Help them enjoy the server for what it has to offer and make the fun for everyone. I love telling stories and making adventures for people to play, and I want to bring those adventures to LOTC.


    Please create three unique event scenarios based on server lore:

    Event 1 For a group of 1-5: A Lost Child

    It is late afternoon in a small town deep in a forest when a man and his wife called out for their daughter to come back as it was starting to get dark. They called out for some time before realising that their daughter wasn’t coming home. The man told his wife to return home and wait to see if she came back on her own, while he went out in search of her, She does as he says and returns home to wait. The man looked around the square for a while but did not find her anywhere to be. He sees a group of players sitting in the courtyard of the town tavern and asks if you had seen her anywhere. Sadly the players say no, but offer to help the man find her.
    From here Players will search the town for clues to where the missing daughter has gone to. They can choose search in a group or split up to cover more ground. If the girl is not found by the end of the night they may never be able to find her.

    Event 2, For a group of 6-10: A Ship Upon the Shore

    It is early dawn and the sun is still sometime from fully,  when your group is traveling down a beach side road. The fog is thick, obscuring much of the coast line and making travel slow. Far off in the fog you see lights bobbing around in the darkness, It is hard to make out what it is, so the group moves up. Upon getting closer to the lights, you begin to notice the smell of burning wood and hear men calling out orders and screaming in pain. It would appear that a ship has crashed into rocks and spilled its cargo of oils and spice along the shore line. With the oil catching fire and spreading around the ship and burning the crew. Your group rushes over to help the men, before noticing the ship's flags. The flag is that of a local pirate crew who have been terrorising the area.

    Now it is up to the players to decide weather to help the pirates and save the ship, or perhaps they might wish to kill the pirates and give the stole cargo back to the people from which they took it. Should they so wish to the players may even join the crew and come to run the ship as either a pirate ship or try and change its ways and become a pirate hunter    


    Event 3, For a group of 15+: A New Home

    Driven from your village by raiders, you and the survivors of the attack wonder the empty plans looking for refuge. After days of travelling you site the walls of a small city. excited to have finally found civilisation, no matter what race it may be, everyone rushes to the city gates. You arrive at the gates, to find them blown off the wall by a force of magic. The excitement leaves your group as fast as it came. after a while of discussion you decide that for at least one night it should be safe enough to stay here, so everyone enters the city. Once everyone is inside you and a few others put the large doors back up as best you can, to keep at least try and keep what's outside the walls outside.
    The first night there, nothing goes wrong, so everyone votes on what to do, either they could keep searching for another place to go, a place with people. Or they could stay where they are. almost everyone in the village votes to stay where they are and rebuild. So everyone gets to working on their new homes and cleaning the city.
    For a week or so it seems that you are safe in the city. The gates are re-attached and locked, there are a few man who volunteered to be gards a vineyard of fresh full fruit has been found. But soon after everyone had settled in, people started waking up in the middle of the night screaming and covered in blood and deep scratches, they would die within a few hours of this.  


    From there the players will decide whether they will stay in the city and try to find the cause of the deaths, or if they will leave it behind and forget about it. If they stay at the city a few mini-events will decide what happens to the people. If they leave the city will return to the way it was before they found it, waiting for another group to enter its walls.

    Send me a song you enjoy:
    No, I will send you two songs I enjoy!
    My favourite song of all time is Woodkid, Conquest of Spaces
    And one song I am enjoying at the moment is Van Canto, Last Night of the Kings


    MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age: 47


    Character's Race:

    Half elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Fire Evocation


    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching:



    How did you learn this magic(s)?:

    He learnt it from tomes acquired from Evark Evocress.


    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT): Evocress


    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:

    Fire Evocation is the art of using your power to command and create fire.


    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):
    I have previously learnt this magic on this character before and it was accepted. That was before the MAT returned. I have been away from the server for some time and have decided to return and with to play this character once again.





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:

    Yes, yes I do.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. Minecraft Name: kwakamungus


    Skype ID: kwakamungus


    Time-zone: GMT+10


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: Not on this server, but I have on other servers


    Where do you grab inspiration from: I get a lot of inspiration from books, tv and movies, but the main place I like to look for inspiration is from concept art I find on line.


    What type of building are you best with: I belive I am best with building when it comes to a terraforming and medieval. The two styles go together a lot of the time in my opinion, so I prefer to do both.


    What are some of your most treasured builds:  My most treasured build that I have built would have to be the original town of Kramoroe, that was built in aegis. Even though it wasn't built by me alone I still find this as my most loved build because I spent over six months in real life working on it. During that time it grew from a small in to a thriving town all though RP in more natural way than other town in LOTC. Sadly all of the screen shots that I have of the original town were lost when my PC died. (One of the two options for medieval screenshots are of a rebuilt version of Kramoroe)


    Are you capable of handling all aspects of a build: The only thing I may not be capable with may be redstone, I can do it, just not as well as others.


    Pick three building styles and show us a build of yours that corresponds to each choice:


    • Medieval - http://imgur.com/a/RtsNA (I built this over a week when I was bored one time.)

    • Medieval - http://imgur.com/a/FejW0 (Not actuly sure if this counts as Medieval, but its close anough in my opinan. Also, the fortress was not finished at the time of these screenshots being taken, that is why there are no screens from the higher floors)

    • Organic -  http://imgur.com/a/6pLv5 (These screenshots were taken by my freind Alethion)

    • Terraforming - http://imgur.com/a/QYtGB (These screenshots were taken by my freind Alethion)


    How long does it take for you to complete a build: Depending on the size of the build it can take me anywhere from fifteen minutes to several hours or days. For an average sized build (such as a single building) would take frorn between 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how detailed I make it.


    Additional details: I know many things that could be helpful to the ET. Such as I know Voxel, World edit, most of craftbook. But I also now how many of the other plugins work as I used to run a small server, so I shouldn't need much training in the use of plugins.


    Tell me a trick about building: If you want a torch floating below a block you can use the voxelsniper it can use the no physics thing that causes a certain block to disappear but its certain 'ghost' property are still holding the torch in place


    Tell me a joke: No, you tell me a joke… Heres one I googled…

    A Russian named Rudolf woke up one morning, looked out the window and announced "It's raining."

    His wife said, "No dear, it's sleeting."

    He replied, "Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear."

    Here's another one... The Magic Plugin.


  8. Name: Malco Mingle
    Age: 1000 (My character was old in Aegis and it has been a few hundred years since then)
    Race (If not mali'ker then an interview will be required): Mali'ker
    Notable Skills: None mechanical, RPly this character is a blacksmith (I havent played for a long time and have no skills)
    How many will be moving in with you?: me my self and I
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?: Malco knows the problems of running cities, he will follow all laws to the best of his ability


    Mc Name:Kwakamungus
    Skype: same as above

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