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Status Updates posted by Brokencrowe

  1. "I blame the media for this travesty." -sips his tea all zen-like, and then slams his tea cup down, angrily.-

    1. Brokencrowe


      -Really wants tea now...-

  2. And Rhisereld you are Loved... A couple of months late. XD.

  3. I don't know, I haven't talked to her since early February. She also hasn't been on skype since before that. -shrugs-

    She was fun to roleplay with though ^_^.

  4. I feel the need to express a profound thank you to all of you who have offered me their support. It is really gratifying.

  5. I have the sudden urge to play poke'mon games on my DS. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      I get that same urge every now and then ...

    3. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      I get that same urge every now and then ...

    4. Kendra


      I do it :P I recently drove 2 hours just to get my old DS from my parents house >.< at least it was free food and better than my crappy apartment

  6. I wouldn't know, I am sorry. We kind of lost contact. ._.

  7. I've never really rp'd a jerk before Varick. I wonder how this will turn out, it amuses me to no ends, because the majority of my responses are over the top and theatrical, but hey, it makes for amazing, and slightly hysterical, roleplay. ^^.

  8. Just put up the Christmas tree

  9. Love you everyone

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Aww. . . I love you too. . . <3

    2. Brokencrowe



  10. So just saw Hugo 3D in theaters. My faith in modern films, may have just been restored.

  11. What has this world come to? People just complained about me using proper grammar... However, this was done on MSN, and they were using IM lingo, so... I don't know. ^^.

  12. Why do I make so many typos? @_@.

    1. Brokencrowe


      Akorta I blame you. <3.

    2. Menchin


      And I blame YOU.

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