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Kickstarted and Running

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About Kickstarted and Running

  • Birthday April 2

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    Bass Sultan
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  1. Anyone wanna join a Neopets RP server??????

  2. Trivia: Still no correct answer. Name of Tristan Tresery's kitana, anyone?

  3. Trivia: Why is Snow/Frost Elf race illegitimate as a player race?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. ShameJax


      This is a very debatable question, although I do see possible toxicity within this. The reason the inner snelves got was that as it started as an ET race we were not supposed to play it.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      That's correct. It was an ET only race, and the players were told to cease and refused which should have resulted in bans.

  4. There's no real reason for so many characters to be as they are. They were made the way there were with no character progression. Magnus was tricked into becoming a Dread Knight with promises of power and immortality, which he craved. I had a solid two years with him before he became a 'villain' at all. I understand where both of you are coming from. A villain needs to have actually character progression, not a made up bio because that's ****-tier roleplay and a poor excuse to be a bad guy. Look at the White Rose. They were technically 'villains', with great character background.
  5. I'm going to expose you to my peanuts.

  6. Damn my last status had some salty comments. Jokes people.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. nordicg_d


      or if ur feeling really cheeky use "xp" xp

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Im always cheeky on account of my not having pants xp

  7. Tbh Rael is the worst GM. Never does modreqs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swgrclan


      That is not the primary moderator responsibility.

    3. Mephistophelian


      Pessimism like that isn't welcomed.

      Jeezz, Kickstarted and Running. Stop being so pessimistic, Kickstarted and Running. Why you gotta be like that, Kick...Too much to write.

    4. Praetor


      its probably cause he's a high elf and was elected through bias

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