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Posts posted by Dunhagen

  1. Yesterday was a building contest held in Kal'Urguan.

    Let me show you what happend.

    Dwarven craftsmanship:

    On his travels Dunhagen stumbles over a Building Contest in Kal'Urguan.


    The contestants had one hour and only limited ressources.


    1. Lukas, he won 10.000 Minas!

    2. Eamon, he won 4.000 Minas!

    3. Thyrm and Gorm, they won 1000 Minas!


  2. Update: It's lost.







    Currently our main store is in Al'Khazar.

    We opened a couple of shops in the past days.

    One in Kal'Rog and one in the outer Kal'Urguan.

    We also use the shop plugin!

    We sell following articles:

    - Iron equipment for your adventures!

    - Bones for your personal wolf!

    - Sticky pistons for the engineers.

    - Lapiz the one and only luxus decorative item!

    - Magic gold and mighty golden hoes!

    - Rare diamonds for your elite equipment!

    - Soul Sand fresh from the nether!

    - Bricks for your homes!

    Coming soon:



    Big Cobblestone clearance sale!

    Buy 1 stacks get one free!

    25 Minas

    Clearance sale!

    Mossy cobblestone


    We are buying:

    Gold and Iron

  3. Oh, I thought wages would be paid by the state ?

    Tribunes will be elected in another topic, am i right ?(when we have a subforum)

    I thought that prefix would mean City in the dwarven language, so it would still fit.

    edit: You put on signs for the vote of the name ? so everybody will find this topic and vote.

  4. To repeat Gulroid:

    "Applications for high king and vice king can go here: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3464 "

    Aye, we have to make a decision.

    It would really look strange, if we mix roman and greek names.

    And with using greek names, people will maybe expect certain architecture.

    Or at least, i would.

    Also some of your names are just wrong.

    Sub Leader: Despotes/Despot, Kaisar

    Despot is with negative connotations today. No one would call himself a despot.

    Kaiser is the german word for imperator, the highst possible title for a ruler.

    Aye, i see you took them from the wikipedia site, but i wouldn't use them.

    I really like the Archon title though, also i believe there were nine of them.

  5. To summarize the agreement of Lord Algoda and the Leader of the Valve:

    Maith is banished from Kal'Alras.

    He may enter the city with the leader of the valve,

    If Maith is ever seen in Kal'Alras he will be killed.

    All other Member of Valve may enter the city.

    Revenge has been taken, let us live in peace again.

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