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Posts posted by Fuzzy4ev3r

  1. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):

    Lecha Ashford

    Character Skillset:

    Lecha likes to try and catch fish with his paws as they swim by. His claws are very sharp.

    (Fishing and swords, haven’t decided on anything else yet.)

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender):

    Lecha is about eleven right now and is almost twelve. He is a Kha’Pantera male. Lecha’s eyes are a lightish blue and are very luring. He wears green leaves for a loincloth with a rope as a belt. His face is so adorable you just want to squish him to death.


    Lecha is mentally challenged and doesn’t really talk that much. He loves to be petted and played with. Lecha acts more like a ocelot then he does as a humanoid, but he is still young. His curiosity gets him into trouble sometimes but he can’t help it.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    Lecha was lost near the shores of Salvus. He wondered there for awhile till he came across a human named Velwyn. He was curious of the human but cautious. He observed the human for a while till he finally decided to move closer. Velwyn spotted Lecha and was curious of what he was. Lecha found the human very kind and gentle. As Velwyn left Lecha followed him all the way to Hanseti where Velwyn now takes care of him.

    While Lecha and Velwyn we’re wandering around Hanseti, They went to one of Velwyn’s old friends houses. Velwyn’s friends we’re off somewhere adventuring at the time. When someone came out of the house it was a big surprise. A young female half elf came out by the name of Triana. Velwyn and Triana talked for awhile while Lecha just sat there looking his best. They later decided that Triana could look after Lecha for while Velwyn was busy.

    As Lecha got older his curiosity also grew. Triana started to settle down more, so Lecha decided to take things in his own paws and wander around Asulon a bit. He came across some halflings that absolutely adored him. He began following them for awhile and continues to follow them to this day. Lecha still lives with Velwyn and follows Triana sometimes, but he sorta does his own thing now.

    Character's ambitions:

    To fulfill his curiosity of the world around him, and meet new people, and possibly grow old with one of them.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    (well Lecha wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place, but since it’s a hypothetical question this is what he would do.) Lecha would quickly run away and hide from him, since Lecha has no idea who this person is, and is randomly asking him stuff he doesn’t understand. Lecha would then wait tell the man wanders off, and then continue exploring the jungles.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    (this one slightly irritates me because Lecha would be out of the tavern once he looks inside, but alas I must answer from this point.) Lecha would tilt his head wondering what in all of Asulon the dwarf is saying. Lecha would then run out the door never to return.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    (I’m just going to stop talking about how Lecha wouldn’t be in these situations. :P) Lecha would tilt his head while the Kharajyr spoke tell he says cake. Lecha would then purr at the sound of the words and want some. The rest of the conversation would be a blur to him because his thoughts are focused on cake.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    Lecha doesn’t know who any of that is but he would probably follow them.

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin


    (As a side note, Tiazar said he wanted to review this app personally.)

  2. I have a few things that I have a problem with. Pigmen are to common for how much damage they do. I would suggest either lowering there spawn rate or nerfing them.

    Secondly, chain mail is a type of steel. You shouldn't need to be a archer to make chain mail. That should be the blacksmiths job.

    Fishing shouldn't be a requirement to cook fish. You should be able to fish, then take that fish to a cook, then the cook cooks it, then your done not. Cook has to fish just so he can cook.

    Making planks should not have a skill level. They are needed to often to need a skill level.

    You should also give everyone a free skill change. I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say we worked hard to get our skills where they are, and now we have to sap from skill just to get them to fit our profession. Some of us don't have the money to buy a skill change, or are to young.

    Thank you for your time, and I hope you see my point of view.

  3. Hello there. My name is not going to be revealed unless I get to know you and can trust you. But here's some other info to see if you want to know me.

    I'm a outgoing 16 year old boy. I like to listen to no lyric music especially while playing video games. I like to do some writing. I am hyper most of the time so you will not be bored with me. I try and respect other peoples wishes and beliefs. I try and not let anything ruin our friendship. I can be annoying at sometimes but if you ask me to stop it will probably work. I'm in a small group called SpiceyNet that me and a few of my friends made. Don't ask if you can join, the only way to join is to let me get to know you. I hope to meet you and greet you. Send me a private msg and say hi.

  4. *A dove comes with a message in its mouth.*

    Student Application

    Name: Fierco Sian

    Residence: I travel a lot but I'm in Hanseti right now.

    Age: Seventeen all most eighteen.

    Are you a citizen of Hanseti? (Yes / No )*


    *Passport required at registration.

    What type of magical sensitivities do you have:

    I do not know. Perhaps I can learn about this at your college.

    Describe your magical background.

    I’ve been interested in arcane arts for a long time now. I’ve had a really old scroll that had a few spells that I've tried but failed almost every one. One day my friend Velwyn came to visit me, but wasn’t exactly himself. I took him to a bed to try and see what was wrong with him and ran many tests, but couldn’t find the culprit. Worried, I decided to try one of the spells from the scroll. Eventually, I found one that involved reading someone’s mind. Following the instructions as they were written, I suddenly and somehow found myself inside of his mind. I’m not completely sure what I saw, but I knew something was wrong. When the spell was breaking he said, “It’s getting so dark.... The darkness is closing.” Then the whole thing ended. When he woke up he was unchanged and still not himself, at which point I tried to find out what was happening. While he was in this state he taught me a bit of magic. A strange spell he called, ‘the sun’s light’ that was inside of me. I used this spell to awaken him out of the strange state that he was in. The feeling I had when I used it was so thrilling that I wanted to learn more. Though I was still ashamed of what I did to him, he forgave me and started to teach me more about the light. I am now learning what I can from him, but I am more interested in healing and protective magic. Still, it is useful.

    How many years have you been able to control/conjure this power?

    Only a few weeks now.

    What subjects do you wish to learn?

    Healing, and to cast shields around others to protect them.

    Have you ever been exposed to dark magic?

    If so, elaborate: I have not.

  5. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name:Fierco

    -How old are you?:15

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:Oklahoma

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:pretty good not the best get a few things messed up but not many

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:Well im a fun guy that everyone should be able to get along with. i love playing games like minecraft. me and some of my friends are just restly starting a LP so we hope it will go well.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:2 to 5 hours proably

    -How long have you played minecraft?: sence alpha

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:Role playing also know as RP is were you at as something you have only dreamed about acting as. ive been doing it for quite a while. medivale, fantasy, and future just to name a few.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:full of new ppl to meet and a great way to have fun

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:i played 1 medivale rp quit it because of horriable admin second one i played went down because was to hard for them to keep it up

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:ive read the rules and seem very fair the lore is great i have a human skin i would like to use.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. human,dwarf, elf,and orc

    -How did you hear about us?:a few friends that are playing on it, if you want names just ask.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Fierco


    -Character Name: Fierco

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Fierco

    -Biography:A mercinary ready for any work for a price not much is known about him sence hes very secretive.

    -Character Age:21

    -Character Appearance:light brown hair, the eyes of a warrior,black cloths sword straped to his back.

    -Character Personality:has no feelings on good or evil just does any job for money if your friendly to him you can make good friends with him if your aggresive to him you might become enemys

    -Your ambitions:to become a very rich man.

    -Can your character read or write?:he can read and right somewhat

    -Can your character mine?:yes he is a good miner

    -Are you a capable builder? yes hes got some good building skills

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes hes a very good swords man

    -Enjoy Farming?:no doesnt like farming

    -Does your character have any special skills?:geting stuff done fast]

    -A screenshot of your skinmyskin.png sorry if the screen shots a little bad it didnt come out right on the website so i had to edit it also bad at sizing it so its a little larger then expected lol.

    -Other Information:nope

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