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Dat Meman46

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Posts posted by Dat Meman46

  1. Hi everyone!


    I'm Meman46 or  game (once) known as Gilneas, Wrath or a multitude of other aliases held my good turned evil turned undead character. I was reminiscing of the good times I had on this game a looong time ago in the original world of Aegis and stumbled upon this forum section.


    Anyways.... I'm not sure if anyone is really interested but I figured I'd post and try to talk to some of you guys! Ask me anything!

  2. *Wrath feels a slight tremor while studying and after looking up from his books he notices a few cracks in his caverns walls. After a quick investigation he passes them off as nothing and continues on with his studies.* ((On a side not a human being can easily see 3 miles... Please don't bring me into that argument though XD))

  3. The thing about this character was that there is no planning about him other than the parents and some transfer of items from Wrath (possibly the clutch, depends on how it works out). Everything about him will be decided on how he is treated and who he befriends. However, if you had some fun rp ideas send me a message over the forums, i would love to hear them. So far though it sounds like I'll be playing either a dwarf or an orc all depending on who offers to become a guardian of some sort.

    I plan on starting this character within a day or two and possibly today if somebody says they can take in a baby dwarf or orc today.

  4. I've been looking at the servers date and wrath's age recently when I noticed that Wrath only has about 50 years left in him. So starting soon I plan on developing a new character and its up to you guys to decide which kind of character. I plan on developing this character on the spot so its all up to his environment on how he behaves and what he can accomplish.

    Some sort of guardian or parent will also be needed so if anybody would like to volunteer.....

  5. *You see an inconspicuous flyer attached to a notice board and quickly recall that you've seen it all over asulon*

    To all the competition out there ye 'ave been warned, ye will not be tolerated under any circumstance. Mercy will not be given and ye'll be 'ung at the gallows if yer caught sellin slaves stealin in-valuables from the common man 'er intruding in on our business. If ye 'ave any intention of attackin me 'er any of me men ye'll face a worse fate in the darkest cell we 'ave available along with regular tortures.


  6. *Stumbles upon the note while eating some freshly cooked elf and bursts out laughing spitting food all over the note.*

    *Wrath tears the note off the board and writes on it:*

    I am delighted by yer over confident beliefs that ye can defeat one as powerful as I. However, I would 'ope that the members of these foolish Hollow Bandits would make the smarter decision and put down their blades. No mercy will be given to those who are in both groups and to those willing to fight against the infamous Keepers.

    If yer interested in 'avin a drink with me and discuss this 'ole ordeal I'll be at the Three's Peek Inn where their motto is: Come Inn Tip Too.


    MC Name: Meman46

    RP Name: Wrath

    Town Name: Three's Peek Inn (Annagram for, "The Keepers")

    Why are you/your character starting this town? What role will it play?

    Wrath has always considered himself an entrepreneur of sorts; some would even say his business is quite successful. However, people have always thought of banditry as lowly thievery and nothing else, wrath's ultimate intentions have always been to bring everything evil to a whole new level.

    What type of political system is enforced in this town? Is this town under the reign of any other nation at this time? Wrath has not and never will willingly acknowledge a superior in any way shape or form. Therefore, Wrath will be in charge of this town and will be succeeded by two second in commands below them there will be grunts and slaves. However, due to the hidden intentions of this town there will most likely be a farmer or two found minding they're own business with no knowledge of the taverns secrets.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    The, "Three's Peek Inn" has always been full of odd behaving quiet patrons, every now and then one or two of them will emerge into the taverns basement and not re-emerge for several hours. The inn does sell food and ale, along with several other oddities.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).

    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    Of course no king in his right mind would grant any man, or dwarf in this situation, a plot of land to build a fortress in which ultimate destruction and thievery of unknown levels will be carried out in. So Wrath in his witty mind told the foolish High King Syrio that he only wished to build a small farming town where he would give the king a large portion of his crops. The king agreed to Wrath's terms and granted him some land in the swamp. Wrath decided to build an tavern and farm as promised, but also built a hidden tunnel in the taverns basement which led to a magic bearing floor (AKA: a lift sign,which was enchanted by a mage that did not know of Wrath's intentions) and a large underground fortress that was dug out and built by Wrath's dwarven ingenuity and much unskilled slave labour.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (15 name minimum):

    All guild members of, "The Keepers" and future recruits

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