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  1. Minecraft Name: Kampfpanzer RP Name: Valkyria Your time Zone: +10 GMT (Sydney) Sword skill level: 8 Archery skill level: 0 (apparently combat skills were disabled?) Why do you want to join? Before moving to Laurelin, Valkyria belonged to a clan of nomad wood elves, still under the rule of Malinor, but being it's own clan, they had their own military. Soon after joining the military, Valkyria was captured by Orcs, but they were unable to hold her long before she escaped, however, she was ut off from her kin and spent weeks honing her combat and survival skills. Due to her experiences, she has become very cynical and untrusting of other races and believes that the elven nation should rule all the known world as they are the only ones wise and knowledgeable enough to run the world properly. She had vast military training in her old clan and wishes to put her skills to use in the elven army, climbing the ladder until her voice will be heard by the elven leaders that it is time to take a stand and take back what is theirs before the other races destroy the world. Which Guard you will want to be in: Ideally archery, I play a Wood Elf Link Server application post too http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/1679-valkyrias-application/page__p__6876#entry6876
  2. Minecraft Name: Kampfpanzer RP Name: Valkyria Your time Zone: +10 GMT (Sydney) Sword skill level: 8 Archery skill level: 0 (apparently combat skills were disabled?) Why do you want to join? Before moving to Laurelin, Valkyria belonged to a clan of nomad wood elves, still under the rule of Malinor, but being it's own clan, they had their own military. Soon after joining the military, Valkyria was captured by Orcs, but they were unable to hold her long before she escaped, however, she was ut off from her kin and spent weeks honing her combat and survival skills. Due to her experiences, she has become very cynical and untrusting of other races and believes that the elven nation should rule all the known world as they are the only ones wise and knowledgeable enough to run the world properly. She had vast military training in her old clan and wishes to put her skills to use in the elven army, climbing the ladder until her voice will be heard by the elven leaders that it is time to take a stand and take back what is theirs before the other races destroy the world. Which Guard you will want to be in: Ideally archery, I play a Wood Elf Link Server application post too http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/1679-valkyrias-application/page__p__6876#entry6876
  3. Minecraft Name: Kampfpanzer RP Name: Valkyria Your time Zone: +10 GMT (Sydney) Sword skill level: 8 Archery skill level: 0 (apparently combat skills were disabled?) Why do you want to join? My RP history is military. I also enjoy playing a military role in servers I play in. Which Guard you will want to be in: Ideally archery, I play a Wood Elf Link Server application post too http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/1679-valkyrias-application/page__p__6876#entry6876
  4. Personal info --------------------------------------------------------------------- Minecraft Name: Kampfpanzer Real Age: 24 How long have you played Minecraft: About a 7 months Character info ------------------------------------------------ RP Name: Valkyria Character age: 273 Length of time in Aegis: 3 days (I know, not long, but I am liking it and depending on the next week or so of gameplay, I will probably donate and be here for the long haul) Do you have a home within Malinor: Yes Can a Member of the Elven Council for your purity and dedication to the forest: Unfortunately no, I haven't met any yet, however, I am willing to prove my dedication as an initiate of the lowest level. Sword and Bow skill level: Swords is 13, Bow is only one, but I am working on getting more arrows, no one seems to sell them :) Any other Skills of note: IC: I'm a scout, like to stay hidden and only kill when it is safe, not a run in an pray type. OOC: I like to get involved with ideas, planning and running of groups I am part in and will be willing to put in the effort.
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