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problematic z

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Posts posted by problematic z

  1. Eh i like the 5 second rule but am not fond of the roll system, it would make the chase slow and not very exciting.

    A good chase=Surprises !

    Usually if i'm chasing someone or am about to initiate i say:

    *Draw's sword

    The other person would say something like *steps back

    And then the chase will start.

  2. *You find the next page on the ground with ink stains and messier writing*

    It was cold and wet, i woke after a long sleep full of nightmares.

    I shiver as i punch through the dirt covering the entrance.

    The sun is blinding, i go back in the small hole and gather my belongings.

    The last of my food is soggy and dirty, i eat it anyway better then nothing, as i headed back to where i left the halflings a young elf looking similar to me was walking by, he stopped and started walking the other way constantly looking back at me, i said hello, he then broke out into a run i chased him confused at why he is running and if i should run too.

    "Stop !" he cried, "please dont hurt me !" he exclaimed, i explained to him that i wasn't going to hurt him and that he was acting like a fool running away from me.

    " what are you doing here ?" he asked, "i was searching for someone.." i replied.

    He looked around "who in the right of mind would search for someone out here especially after what happened"

    "I really must leave now" he nodded and walked off into the wilds glancing back once in a while.

    I arrived at where i left the halflings.

    There where no footprints or any signs of life.

    I was frustrated, i came all the way over here to find nothing, i could have headed for alk'hazar and finally get a taste of ale and some fine cuisine.

    I kicked the snow, i suddenly felt light-headed i melted the snow with the warmth of my hand and drank the water.

    I decided to take a shortcut through the wilds to reach my destination faster.

    the snow stared to fall heavier, i covered my face in some cloth, i started to run, then i saw a shadow dashing between the trees, it tackled me onto the ground and thrust it's golden sword at me, i rolled and dodged the attack, i stood up and hit it in the temple, it got more enraged and swung again, this time ducking i managed to draw my blade, it hit me with the blunt end of its sword, i slid across a frozen lake and my blade was about a meter to my left, i rolled and jumped into the thick snow, i scrambled to get up it came from behind this time and almost impaled me, it roared, then i threw a good hard punch to his nose, it was knocked out.

    with a bleeding nose and cut arm, i found my blade broken above the handle, i sighed and kept on going through the trees.

    It was night time and it was very dark, cold and windy.

    I found a cavern in wich i stayed, it had various tunnels, i blocked them off with some wooden planks, I sat against the wall holding my bleeding arm.

    I awoke again feeling terrible, it kept getting worse and worse i set off again.

    Within two hours of leaving the cave i arrived at the gates of alk'hazar,I went into an inn not far from the main city, a strange man was at the counter with a different coloured eyes,red and green.

    His name was Nitholiak, a strange but nice man, he gave me shelter in one of the luxury rooms.

    I slept there and kept reading the books the druids gave me, over and over again, the myth of the great war, Dwarven mining songs so and so.

    Nitholiak knocked on the door in a series of fast, strong knocks.

    i shuffled over to the door, he brang in a cup of herb and we sat and talked, i told him my story, he looked shocked.

    " I..i dont know what to say" he said with a strange accent i couldn't quite recognise.

    A weak, almost pathetic knock came from the door.

    He forced a smile at me which ended up looking like a smirk.

    He quickly headed downstairs and greeted the stranger.

    The stranger wore a cloak with purple trim, I peered out my door and down the stairs, the man was walking around down there while nitholiak was trying to speak to him, the stranger didn't seem to have a care in the world about manners.

    Nitholiak and the hooded stranger spoke for a while,i went to sleep and had a nightmare.

    In my dream, i was still my younger self, on the high fields, hopping from fence to fence with my wooden sword, parrying and dodging my uncle's attack's, he was found of me, then my sword turned iron and i thrust it in his stomach, his eyes went wide with helplessness and sadness,He died in front of me, by my hands, i cried and hugged his dead body, trying to revive him, Then i found myself at the foot of the nether, with those things clawing at my flesh until i was ripped to shreds.

    I screamed, and was sweating so much my bed was soaked with it.

    Nitholiak ran up the stairs, the stranger following closely behind him.

    "What is it Allix ?"he said, looking frightened, "I had a terrible dream"i replied, the stranger smirked,"What happened?"said nitholiak.

    Time seemed to slow until nitholiak's words where just a faint echo in the room,i could barely breath, voices came to me and sounds of trumpets, sounds of crashing and clanging and cries of doom,Hallucinations, a skull with flames in the emptiness of where its eyes where.

    Whispers, i knew this was not just sleep deprivation.

    My arms started to spasm, whispers in my head saying "Im here, run".

    I moaned and collapsed, stood back up and my vision faded.

    When i awoke again, in the middle of the room nitholiak and the stranger where arguing, "The void walker would never

    chose a fool like that to use as a messenger to the living !" The stranger argued.

    "He's awake again !, lock the door !" I stood up and leaned against a post, "..What happened ?.." i asked, my head throbbed.

    "Stay back !" Nitholiak said, "..can i have some food ?.."i said, looking confused.

    Nitholiak explained that i was almost possessed by something, something evil, The Void walker,The Whisperer,The Dark mage.

    The stranger looked frustrated, he showed his thin boney wrist as he flicked the front of his hood out of the way,"Your a fool allix."

    He said, I was extremely confused at this point i didnt know whether to be angry or ask the same question again "What happened ?"

    After the stranger had stormed off me and nitholiak spoke for some time with another cup of herbal.

    About a week past, One day while washing i noticed a large red mark on my back.

    It looked deep and infected,i tried to touch it but it stung so much when i did i didn't have the courage to do it ever again.

    While sitting on the hill in front of the inn, a young woman walked into the inn.

    I heard her negotiating with nitholiak trying to sell cloth.

    I walked past and glanced at nitholiak, and smiled at him,

    I walked up to my room and had another rest,

    I had another dream, i was walking down a large circular path made of cobble, all the homes looked the same

    when i reached the end of the spiralling path there was a glowing blue stone, i touched it and instantly had witnessed pain that was unimaginable, I awoke again with strange words in my head, i must have screamed in my sleep because the whole inn had come to my door.

    "We must be careful now last time he was hostile" Nitholiak said, "Whats wrong with him ?" the woman asked, "he's cursed" Another man said.

    (( i had to make another part since i wasn't expecting to have this much story to write i managed to leave out a whole chapter *facepalm

    Oh well ile write the next one tomorrow guys, please leave ypur constructive criticism!))

  3. After reading the letter i stayed up all night.

    Paranoia was running me keeping me alert all the time, I was wondering "would they track this letter ?", i didn't think they would, considering they are just bandits.

    The next morning i wasn't tired although I had stayed up all night, I washed myself with a bucket and decided to pack the essentials.

    I walked out the door with pots and pans banging against each other, I then saw a group of halflings, They where all very amazed at Malinor.

    "What are ye up to Halflin's ?" I asked

    "Oh..Are you Allix cousin of dirt?" The tallest of them replied only reaching my chest, "Aye i am how do ye know this ?" i replied

    "We have come here for you, to bring you to your cousin, he is being kept in the north".

    I chatted with them for a while, i thought it was suspicious they knew who i am so quickly but i guess its pretty easy to tell with the resemblance.

    So me and the halflings set off to reach the north.

    When we arrived at Alk'Hazar the halflings didnt want to be searched for some reason so they guided me around the side of the grand city.

    When we had travelled through the night we finnaly reached snowy fields,

    The Town seemed warm and inviting, we walked inside and headed for an inn

    We had supper there and they slept in a room upstairs, i got drunk with a few guards and everything was a blur until i woke up to find myself almost burning.

    The inn was on fire and dead men on the streets.

    Thunder resonated through the walls and across the room, I immediately Ran towards the door, not remembering the halflings inside, I looked around at the chaos before me… Screaming’ children and cries of death coming from all angles

    Then one of them Zombies came from behind i gave it a good hard punch to the head, It didn't seem to care and kept going for me i gave up on it and ran into the burning inn in search of the Halflings, Inside the smouldering inn I stumbled through smoke and burning debris till I found the remains of the stairs, I swiftly ran up to find the Halflings huddled in a corner.

    I poured water over us all and picked them all up, hoisting them out the front.

    With the lightning and utter chaos all around we headed away from the town.

    It was dark and stormy, we quietly huddled on the road as I heard movement in the bushes around us.

    A man emerged wearing a cloak with gold trimmings, “..Hello there, I’ve heard of you.” He mumbled

    “I don’t want any trouble now please let us pass”.

    A few other shadows emerged.

    “Oh we’re no trouble at all.. Tis you that is the trouble” he mumbled a bit louder

    “What are ye on about now ?” one of the Halflings said.

    The shadows closed in a tight circle.

    “Shut your mouth, Filthy Halfling” The shadow hissed

    The Halfling did keep his mouth closed but didn’t seem very happy about it.

    “Let us pass now, I don’t like to use force” I said

    The shadows laugh in a symphony of croaky and low voices.

    “You wont be using force with anybody here, you’ll be dead before you lay a finger on any one of us.”

    I drew my sword, “Move now.”

    He didn’t hesitate he signalled his allies, the darkness stirred.

    A volley of arrows rained around us.

    I quickly shoved the Halflings into a hole in the ground and sealed it.

    Hundreds of arrows pierced into my flesh.

    I didn’t feel any pain at the moment just numb.

    It was all a blur for a long time.

    Strange dreams of sea and desert.

    I awoke after what seemed like years of unconsciousness, It was a dark room with a faint glow from outside and a few torches on the walls outside.

    I heard random screams and shuffles around, once in a while an odd whisper.

    It was very hot and stunk of dead flesh, I was in there for about two days.

    I heard footsteps coming from the path Obscure Heavy metallic ones.

    Thumping in the hot and dry air, I heard a metal door unlock and squeak open.

    “Hrrr..” I hear

    Then I feel a cold hand grasp my throat and squeeze the air out of it.

    It then released and I receive a kick in the gut.

    Then a searing hot pain in the shoulder, All is silent except for my breath.

    Then I hear a humming sound from all around, a deep low humming resonating through the room.

    Then I hear things starting to speak strange tongues.

    I had glimpses of a man with no pupils thrusting a book with shifting strange letters on it.

    I hear more chanting “A’lok Me’kh Ku’rill”

    I had no idea what this meant anyway.

    I saw the man again..

    “A’lok Me’kh Ku’sill”

    A strange glow coming from behind me.

    “A’lok Me’kh Ku’yell”

    A burning hot pain forming at the top of my spine.


    I begin to scream, the pain is intense not like I had ever experienced before, both physical and Mental.

    Then the ground erupts before us.

    I see a familiar face, I then find myself being dragged along a marble ground with debris everywhere, A long bridge, The familiar face again and then I do not slip into consciousness for a while.

    I find myself naked at the gates of the north on the floating island, red rock almost razor sharp.

    I faint again.

    I find myself in the forest somewhere unable to move, gaining function on my arms I drag myself into a nearby cave, I survive there for weeks, inside I find a dark garnment with a hood, I also find an Iron sword I stuck by this weapon for some time.

    After a weeks time I set off at dawn, wandering the northern wastes for some time, scavenging old food from ruins I developed a cold from walking around barefoot everywhere.

    With my cold I lived under a bridge, I made it as comfy as possible with my chests underneath me when I sleep and my weapon always drawn.

    My greatest danger was my own mind, I began to hallucinate terrible things I wont even write down.

    After regaining my sanity I headed for Alk’Hazar to continue to find my cousin

    Little did I know of the mark in my back or of the burden I had just been given.

    *you see the next page has been ripped*

    ((Please leave me your constructive criticism, thank you ! ))

  4. All my life I have dreamt of Adventure,The glory,The riches,The feeling of being part of something big something I have never experienced until I came back to Aegis.

    As a peaceful would elf living in a quiet little village I didn't expect to embark on such peril, my family didn't like change they didn't like new things either, neither did they like to think about things such as magic or the void they spoke of money and farming that's all.

    People liked to keep things simple and safe.

    I didn't, I didnt like to stick to tradition, "there's no such thing as magic allix","look mother I made you a hat ! ","don't waste straw on such things !"."why don't you let me read ?","because then you'll think too much".

    I never understood my parents,when I was 5 years of age my parents died when I went exploring the valley,I made it back before dark but they didn't.

    I'm writing this as I recall the events that took place before the war at snowy fields.

    Part 1

    One beautiful morning in the city of laurelin I awoke to hear respiren mumbling to the soil, I must say it startled me at first but then calmed me in a strange way.

    I dressed myself and made some stew as I sharpened my blade, pondering my thoughts about syn, I decided to head for the grotto to ask Respiren about him,

    I arrived shortly after finishing my stew I greeted him , "Hail Druid !" he replied with a Wave and a smile,

    "ye know syn ?" "aye I do" " I haven't seen him for some time do ye know where he might be ?" "ah" he replied I believe he goes by the name of rathiez ?, wait no rathielle ?,razithel? never mind his name".

    We continued to talk for a while until we had spoken all day I then left after supper to go to sleep.

    The next day I received a letter :

    Dear cousin this is Dirt, I have heard the news about your folks.

    But I really need your help !

    Bandits have stolen my wealth and beaten the snot out of me near Kal Urguan, and since I didn't give it all they have put a price on my head !

    Sincerely yours -Dirt

    To Be Continued

  5. Hail brother I am allix fablenight guardian Druid of malinor and I have managed to unite one of each race exept orc which I soon hope to if ye

    Can help me unite this last brother I would be forever grateful

    Let us meet somewhere and speak.


    Allix Fabelnight guardian Druid of malinor

  6. The land of aegis a vast,and beautiful world

    Allix born in the temple,with the blessing of his grandfather


    Allix's parents died when he was young they left his grandfather as his sole guardian.

    But one beautiful winter's day something absolutely horrid happened.

    Allix felt the breeze in his hair in the mountains of northern aegis he heard

    Rumors of strange people further north and great tales of a high prince and of a man in the name of Availer The wandering wizard.

    That morning he thought his grandfather was a bit worried.

    He had given allix an amazing shiny blue diamond sword

    Allix marveled at it and took it hunting as he threw his old wooden toy away he ran up the cliff face.

    Gone for hours hungry and tired allix decided to head home.

    A plume of smoke was spiralling above the village he thought it was just a bon fire so he ran down the hill with his weapon sheathed.

    He stumbled into the town.

    Orks everywhere roaring as they cut through another brave soul.

    Allix crashed through his door finding his dead grandfather,

    He was long dead no way the monks could save him now.

    He weeped and then a sudden anger burned inside of him with great force he grabbed his shiny blue weapon and charged outside the orks seemed surprised allix had no time for analyzing he Slashes two in the neck and then swung his weapon round and decapitated the leader he then ran.

    As far as he could.OOC More stories to come later if you guys are interesred might be a few spelling errors I'm typing on an iPod

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:

    I am 16 years of age

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Eastern Australia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I speak fluent English and write fluent english

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a high school student with a talent for street art and I Also speak fluent French and I love brownies

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    2 to 3 hours daily

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    Since 1.5

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    I know that you have to act like a character of your choice I have not been on a role-play server before but this one looks great.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I expect this server to be Extremely Fun and exiting I cannot wait till I am accepted

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Nitrate gaming servers all my friends where perm banned and I got griefed a lot

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    Yes I have full understanding of the lore

    -Name the 4 races on this server:


    -How did you hear about us?:

    Server listings and old friends

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:



    Allix has been dreaming of Adventure his whole life but has never found it in his quiet little village of Dagon He escaped when his village was being burnt down by ork warriors he ran back to try and save his Grandfather but when he came back to his burning crumbling house his Grandfather was laying on the floor with an arrow through his chest in his last words he said to Allix “ Go far My son “ Before this all happened he used to watch the blacksmith's craft armor and weapons he saw them as hero's one of the blacksmiths Ender liked to let him practice his skills with wooden swords which Allix crafted himself he also used to play sword fights with his friends he liked to read books about the great Native Prince Which he hopes to fight alongside one day. On the way to Aegis, Allix became a man at 16 not because of his appearance but because of the things he had gone through he was no longer innocent he had to fend for himself now, He came across a group of humans they where robbers they went for him but he leapt into a tree where they could no longer see him he then proceeded to open his bag for something to fight with nothing of use so

    he grabbed a branch on the tree and broke it off, jumped of the tree and slammed the branch into the humans chest he fell backwards gasping for air

    a human tried to cut him with a knife but failed when Allix slammed the branch into his elbow,breaking the robber's arm the third robber who was a bit bulky came crashing down at the feet of the small crossbreed, he checked the body there was a long arrow in the back of the robbers head "who could that be " he whispered to himself.

    Allix continued his walk to the lands of Aegis.

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    Tall, Moderately Strong With Bright green eyes

    -Character Personality:

    Not very shy his ancestry is populated with leaders and fearsome warriors

    -Your ambitions:

    To Embark on an adventure of great peril and glory and one day write a book about it

    -Can your character read or write?:

    He is a Good writer but dreads to think about what happened in his home town

    -Can your character mine?:

    He does not like dark places but will go if there are monsters to kill

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    Yes I like to build for my friends and edit my house and I will always be improving my house

    -Can you wield a sword?:


    -Enjoy Farming?:


    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    He is a talented blacksmith, and likes to practice his blades with monsters of all kinds

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://minersshoes.com/?id=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5taW5lcnNuZWVkY29vbHNob2VzLmNvbS9za2lucy8wNy0wMi0xMS8xMzA5NTk4MzYzNC5wbmc

    -Other Information:

    I hope to get started on this server and make new friends and maybe one day start a business or Adventurous Group, i also make a vow to respect the server's laws

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