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Posts posted by hunter55444

  1. If i am Elected i shall do all that i can do get this community established. I will use not only my name of a Amador former nobles and rulers of the Holy Islands but also my (( bedrock vip status)).  I have lived these land though countless troubles and have played Since its founding. There are few that are more highly qualified,


    A vote for Daniel Amador is a vote for a leader that has been proven in nation building.

  2. ilitary, Merchant and Architect Application

    Out of Character

    Minecraft Name

    Forums Name:

    How active are you?:

    I am on daily
    Skype (Required for architects, you can PM me it.):

    In Character

    Name:Daniel Amador



    Tell us about yourself (1-2 paragraphs):Benard Amador Previous character /Current character Daniel Amador

     I am the descedent of Benard Amador that founded the Holy oren Island, (( last map)) he continued to rule them until his death. He transformed what was a collection of two waring villages into one mighty city. Ceru and Vendere would come together to form crestfall. However opon his death change happened.




    From which power and control was passed to Jack Amador who would rule as duke until with his relative Count Jiraiya. My place was no longer so i traveled the world with my father Allen.  We watched as chrestfall grew with the oren empire into a bright place of hope and dreams. We believed that the ever glowing stones would forever keep are city safe from the enemies. However it was not to last as area after area fell to the invaders. The destroyed are home and the amador line was split. In the new world Jack and the surviving Amadors attempted to rebuild however a evil followed them from the old world. A creature made in darknedd that hauntes the Amador line since it was almost destroyed in the assault of chrestfall. In however achieved its goal as Jack and the remaining Amador line with him were forced to flee far into the wild.


     When we where crossing my father became very ill. He died before seeing the new land, and i was left to survive on my own. Cutoff from my family and alone i worked as a farmer and befriended the farmers around me. For it is the farmer that is the lifeblood of any community. They privide the food and labor to keep it going.


    I wish to restore honor and glory to the amador line

    What job do you want?:

    I would like to be a farmer and run for mayor.



    We amadors are used to building communities.  I am also a dedicated worker that is always looking for ways to not only improve my own way of life but also of the people around me. I have lead the farmers in my town and we have worked togther to pay the taxes of the land.





    its the big island between salvus and hanseti


    MC Name: Hunter55444,Jackmonkey76

    RP Name: Zafus, Sir Jack

    Village Name: Kendere

    Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose?

    I wish to start a harbor village so that we can have access to the seas. It will be a fishing village as well as a port for any that wish to trade. There are not that many port town , even thought we have a large sea. This I wish to change. We will be able to get to many part of the map quickly to sell are wares and merchandise.

    What type of political system or leadership is within the village?

    The political system is a council of Elders. There are three hierarchy member that families have a permanent membership. Then there are two selected members elected by the public. The have a balance of power that is decided by a vote in the council.

    If a member does something that is deemed to be against the peoples trust or benefit then they can be impeached. The impeachment has two steps. One is a council vote that requires 3/5 to pass.

    Exile- a person can become exiled for the act of any level one crime. This information will be posted in the jail.

    Citizens of the town can vote for a new representatives every month. Everyone from farmer to trader can vote. If you have multiple resident in multiple towns you can still vote.

    What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

    This will be a town of trade and for people that enjoy nothing more then to sit in peace and fish. Where you can ride you boat cross the seas of this land to explore new places.

    Basic Positions

    Farmer- Melon and wheat farmers will make the majority of farmers. However there will also be pumpkin farmers.

    Fishermen- both a job and a hobby. Many resident of this town are fishermen.

    Merchant- a salesman that live in the town.

    Soldier- all are expected to work together for the defense of the community.


    Councilmen- a leader in the village that works to better the town.

    General- The commander local soldiers.

    Where would you prefer the town’s region be?

    X 380

    Z 1161

    Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

    The building stile will be stone and sand. Wood is not good for tha harbor village because of water damage.

    Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):







  4. There are many different areas that we could build are new home on the new map. Each one has there own advantages and disadvantages.


    They have deep minerals, and room to expand into the depths of the earth. Then there is also the defensive advantage that can come from this terrain. The amount of materials would be good to build a strong area against the undead.

    The build would be mostly cobble and stone with wood roofs. A thin road would circle the mountain and have shops and houses build around it. Then at the top would be the main fortress of the capital. The different layers of defense would help to keep the city safe. Then the inside of the mountain could be also used to maximize space and act as a last stand against invaders.

    Valuable could be stored and protected in the deep vaults of the mountain.


    A flat grass area, perfect for farms and building. Higher animals spawn and open area to draw people tot the town. This area would lack resources in the area but planting tree farms can solve them.

    The town will consist of mostly wood and wool buildings. They would then slope inward and be built escalating as to increase the defense of city. The openness of the city would be good for a market and openness would show we are willing to make the city more comfortable.


    A very cool builds where we find a crevice and then build into the sides of it. Possible build defenses to around it. The houses would be on the side of the canyon and then bridges built to joining them together. A hanging market would also be a possibility.

    The advantages would be good for defense and also a hidden base would be effective. Imagine a massive secret base hidden in a cavern.

    these are just rough ideas that we could do when the world resets.

  5. Back when the old rex ruled the orc land. i admit i decided to leave and build my own land. Now i admit for the last month i have not looked back. Now that there is a new rex i feel that it would be wise for me to do so. i Have made diplomatic relations with Terriko, Alras. now at this point i am considered a independent town. i have build a castle, tree of life for shamans, housing for army, several taverns and workshops, i have constructed waterways threw the city. for the most part i have built this alone, on protected land given to me by a great wizard.

    the great archives hold many a books with over 1000 bookcases that must be filled. i have worked hard for the last month to build and get now i hope that i may come back.

    now i ask that i be allowed back into the orc nations. with these new rulers i see a great new possibility.

  6. Long ago during the great war the the ancient ones in a attempt to save their knowledge. They built a library deep underground to hold the ancient books. They where forget about for many years. The fertile soil changed to sand and the lush trees died. Then the secret that had been lost to time was uncovered. By the most unlikely of people,

    The orc Zafus was exploring for a new desert to expand the orc empire. There he found the ancient book hidden amongst the ruins. Then the ancient guardians appeared. They then help to rebuild the ancient fort and reestablish the ancient protectors.

    There numbers grew and they used the knowledge to regrow the great tree. They named the kingdom Tinra. The guardians buit the island fort and expanded into a town.

  7. The city is almost completed. have been working on it for a while and now any orc that would like to move ther are welcomed.

    so far what i got is this

    12 orc houses all regioned up

    archives with over 1000 bookcases now just need to fill

    massive Shaman/nature tower

    large mined out area for Mushroom farming and more housing

    large natural mines into the deep for exploring and monster farm

    actual Monster farm

    large Wheat and mushroom farm

    thats basicaly it. i have it all regioned and protected

    Finishing up tower then i will finish orc city sanstone walls

    if you want to see just take cobblestone path next to sanhar it will bring you to terriko then just continue on and u will be there.

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: hunter55444

    -How old are you?: 18

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: eastern time zone/vermont USA

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: YES

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: hard worker and builder, that is willing to put hours into what im doing. grown up my whole life in usa and have been excepted into a good college in vermont. i hope to be a history teacher for high school.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: over 20 hours right now, as i wait for college to start.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: several months i have played and have had some rather poor servers.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: i have grown up playing these games from link on the old nintendo to modern gamed like final fantasy and halo.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: a little bit of everything. have already looked around and like what i see.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: i played on my own for a while but got bored with it. then i went to naturautopia and it was fun for a while but then when it takes 2 weeks to update, everyone left and it became a ghost server.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: yes i found it interesting the lore. i was sad that dworves dont like humans.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. human-orc-elf-dworves

    -How did you hear about us?: googled minecraft servers

    -Did you vote?: yes

    -What was your favourite Law?: the anti cheating

    -What was your least favourite Law?: um they are all well thought out laws but my least would have to be no destroying landscape. its to vague.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? hunter55444

    In-Character: zarfu

    -Character Name: hunter55444

    -What is your Race?: orc


    Lordofthecraft.net/forum account:

    -Biography: my character was born in the magcal realm and blessed by the gods. they gave him a grand destiny that could change the world. they allowed him to journey into the world as a human but allowed him to observe the people of the land to make his decion as to what to become. he chose tom be a orc and lead them to there future.

    what future that may be is not known.

    -Character Age: 18

    -Character Appearance: strong green, fierce a true orc warrior from generations of fighting.

    -Character Personality: a hardworker that is willing to use his skills to improve himself and the people around him.

    -Your ambitions: to form a band of players and make a great place where we may effect the lands.

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?: yes

    -Are you a capable builder? yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: when it is necesary he can fight for what he believes in.

    -Enjoy Farming?: yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] mining and building

    -A screenshot of your skin: -http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/orc/

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