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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. Advanced placement classes ._.

  2. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/81723-lotc-twitter-facebook/page-?mode=show In case you didn't see this last night. Please take a look :) It'll really help the media team.
  3. Answer the poll in the LOTC twitter/Facebook page guys :) Helping us out a lot.

  4. It'll be me mostly tweeting on LOTC from now on so you guys should check the new stuff I'll be posting out!

  5. Biggest concern on the human boat - A woman is driving.

  6. MAN, that clydesdale commercial, every time. ;-;

  7. Rittsy = best Modreq ever.

  8. Please fix /region info >.

  9. Props to Reag Tythus and Shoi, the server was lagging for ages when Asulon came out. Anthos is pretty good right now.

  10. Offline for a few daya

  11. Juice is delicious

  12. Addicted to changing my forum pictures lol

  13. Are you good at recording and or video recording? Media team needs your services! Apply now :)

  14. Over camping -.-

  15. This is the weirdest RP I've ever been involved in

  16. This is gonna be fun

  17. All Hail Telanir

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