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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by Korvic

  1. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

  2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  3. I need an adult, and donuts.

  4. http://i.imgur.com/u6lbPIQ.gif

  5. @Everyone who's posted in my 3D Model thread; Doing some housework, then I'll be on to get a bunch done.

  6. 24 hours until I close my 3D Model post, get your requests in now if you want 'em done. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/112577-3d-free-model-posing/?view=getnewpost

  7. If anyone here's good at making giant trees either by hand or with voxelsniper/worldedit, could I get you to shoot me a PM if you're not overly busy with things? I might need to steal you for a bit.

  8. Banners are broken atm. I think that sucks. They'll be back SoonTM

  9. Arrays & auto-generating HTML for easy banner addition later is fun. https://gyazo.com/dd80b813c38013ba50c372eadda98f0e

  10. It's done! 


  11. Internet died for a few hours, but yay, it's back up. :D

  12. I will never stop spinning. It is part of my soul now.



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