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Posts posted by MartinDaMartian

  1. MC Name: MartinDaMartian
    Character Name: Sidapo 
    Race: Human
    Reason for wanting to join: Juniper forced me to.
    Goals for Joining: Get the chance to RP something reminiscent of my own country’s culture. Also to keep Juniper from bugging me.
    Ideal Caste: Osprey
    Basic Background: Hunter and fisherman with a mild history of alcoholism.

  2. On 6/14/2019 at 12:42 AM, Gloonkey said:



    Name: Theodosius Amatias

    Race: Heartlander

    Age: 61

    Desired role: Hunter

    Reason for enlistment: “To make a better world for myself and my descendants. I have experience fighting monsters of every kind and horror, from Shadow Beasts to Dire Bears, to the Vaeyl, to dark mages, as well as dragon spotting and tracking.”



    Username: Gloonkey

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): Gloonkey#3345

    Timezone: GMT


    On 6/13/2019 at 11:15 PM, Babehab said:



    Name: Cassia

    Race: Half Elf

    Age: 20

    Desired role: Hunter

    Reason for enlistment: “Seeking field experience and further training, I need to be stronger to better help and protect people. Making a name for myself certainly wont hurt either.”



    Username: Aehab

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): Yeggs#0434

    Timezone: EST


    Please refer to this new post for recruitment details if you are still interested. 


    May I  also request that this topic be closed as it is no longer updated.


    The Huntsmen

    Huntsmen Regime, est. 1705





    The Huntsmen is a guild  that can trace their origins to the now deceased Vizmak Brigade, an old monster hunting guild. The guild primarily focuses on the research, elimination, and containment of various magical and mysterious creatures that roam the realm. Their work however is not limited to matters concerning mysterious creatures alone, but they also pursue research into new technologies as well as documenting the various flora and fauna that the world offers.


    Notice: Recruitment details for The Huntsmen can be found at the end of this post.





    What do we do?:


    The Huntsmen are expected to be able to handle themselves in the face of any creature and survive in even the harshest environments. They often take on bounties from different places across Arcas and sometimes mount their own hunting trips into the more unforgiving and uncharted territories.


    The guild also offers its services to others who may feel the need for an extra hand when taking on certain bounties or if they need someone to deal with a monster infestation. The terms of the deal will vary depending on the job.









    In the Huntsmen there will be four specializations members can pick and choose from based on their own respective skillsets or any skills they wish to improve on. These specializations can be mixed and matched in case a member wants to do multiple activities within the guild.



    The most common role taken up by members of the guild, they are primarily trained to hunt different types of monsters and other threats. Hunters are the first into combat and take on the greatest risks during operations. Outside of being combat efficient (whether it is in the form of physical prowess or magical ability), they are expected to have the mental capacity to be able to improvise and adapt to different combat scenarios.



    This specialization is classed in the art of writing and literature. This group will document any new or vaguely known creatures, flora, magic item or unidentifiable objects that are generally unknown. This troop will also oversee speaking with hunters to develop new ways for combat against the unknown atop of making battle plans if needed.



    These entities will be trained in the arts of healing and anything medical including the knowledge of making medicine. They will be trained in depth on how to treat (to the best of their current ability) broken bones, scraps, any gashes, poison and any other injuries or ailments.



    The tinkers, craftsmen, and builders of the group. Contractors will oversee creating new technologies and weapons to further equip the guild with the necessary tools to fulfill their tasks. They will often work closely with the other roles to learn what they may need to aid them in their tasks.





    Ranking System:


    Grand Harbinger:

    The primary leader of the guild, they will be in charge of facilitating and mediating council meetings as needed. The Grand Harbinger shall be responsible for dealing with affairs concerning other nations and will often seek the council of the other Harbingers in relation to major decisions concerning the guild or other parties. They will be in charge of overseeing the general activities of the guild.



    Harbingers are chosen for their ability to act as a leader for their chosen specialization. They must have earned the respect of their role members as the Harbinger represents their respective roles in the decision making of the council. Their responsibilities include notifying members of available missions, and acting as commanders and team leaders during missions. There can only be one Harbinger for each specialization and each Harbinger is the point person for concerns that directly fall under their respective specialty. They are responsible for the training and organization of the members of their specialization.Harbingers may also promote any of their role members to any rank below Vizmak and may recommend individuals for a higher promotion to the Headmaster as well as recommend demotions.



    A rank that pays homage to the guild’s origins, Vizmak are expected to be the best and the elite of the Huntsmen not only in terms of skills and knowledge but also due to the respect their fellow Huntsmen show them as well as their loyalty to the guild. They are right-hand of the council for any specific tasks they need done. Vizmak may be tasked to take over in the absence of a Harbinger if needed.



    More experienced members of the Huntsmen when compared to the bulk of the guild. They are expected to train the less experienced members of the guild to reach their full potential in their chosen specialty based on their own experiences in the field. They are also expected to facilitate and organize small events as needed to further contribute to the guild.



    Official members of the Huntsmen who have proven that they are skilled and dedicated enough for the work ahead. They have displayed certain levels of competency and skill in regards.



    This rank given to Prospects who have survived their first hunt and proven to have some promise. They may continue to participate in hunts, but they may not lead any and must be supervised by a higher ranking guild member during hunts.



    These are people who have sparked the interest of the Huntsmen and have been given the chance to prove their worth. They shall remain prospects until they have attended their first hunt and proven themselves to have some degree of skill or potential.








    The Huntsmen welcome potential members from all races. If one wishes to join they may seek out other members of the guild to inquire or they may send a bird to arrange for a meeting.


    ((You may reach me either in-game or via Discord. IGN: MartinDaMartian, Discord ID: MartinDaMartian#6979))

  4. 10 hours ago, crazymajor1221 said:



    Name: Cedric Black

    Race: Human (Heartlander)

    Age: 31

    Desired role: Hunter

    Reason for enlistment: Looking for more work and coin. Has had previous experience being a bounty hunter. Believes joining the guild might help gain further experience in the field and easier access to new job listings. 



    Username: crazymajor1221

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): Crazymajor#0991

    Timezone: EST


    Please contact the current leader (MartinDaMartian#6979) if you are still interested in joining.

    Forum recruitment for the Huntsmen is currently closed. For future applicants looking to join please seek me out on discord or forum PMs to arrange for an in-game meeting.

  5. MC Name: MartinDaMartian

    Character's Name: Celithor

    Character's Age: 180


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Erebus Tartarus


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. MC Name: MartinDaMartian

    Character's Name: Celithor

    Character's Age: 180


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Garolletios Earl


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. Hi! I recently just got back on the server after a long hiatus and I’d like to work on updating my character’s wardrobe. The old skin editing program I used to use doesn’t seem to be available anymore, so can anyone please give suggestions for a new program/website I can use to edit skins? Preferably one where I can work offline and uses the new skin format with the added layers. Thanks!




    Name: Tarin Loyola

    Race: Adunian

    Age: 30

    Desired role: Hunter

    Reason for enlistment: I’m always looking for some challenging work, and I’m eager to get back into a job that puts my combat experience to use.



    Username: MartinDaMartian

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): MartinDaMartian#6979

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