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Everything posted by aldo000100

  1. This was OUTSTANDING I dont think ive ever became engrossed in bio before but i certainly did in yours. Accepted.
  2. Approved! ps - Your bio was excellent :D
  3. Thanks its always nice to recieve positive feedback :D
  4. Im sorry i mustve forgot to add them im putting them in now.
  5. Frosty Fury The Fury's Back.... How did the FF come to be? Well sit back and indulge yourself in its lore... Lore: There is an orc Named Aldoki, an orc who has seen many a battles, He has fought with a selection of armies, The dwarven Valve (A secret assassin guild) , Petri's Rabble ( An army lead by a rebellious orc) and the U.A.C ( United Aegis Coalition), He was one of the original founders of the U.A.C, He was the orc that travelled with his companions all across aegis to unite the four nations against the evil that Lurked in the north, But when he left on his campaign into the north to defend snowyfields from the advancing undead, he was forgotten, tossed aside, He had spent MONTHS in snowyfields making friends and training them to fight and once he had repelled the undead forcing them away from the humans, He returned to the U.A.C only to find out that it had been taken over by an idiot, a man who had put the Army in debt to the humans and dwarves, The new leader cast Aldoki away Saying he had abandoned the U.A.C and he had no right to stay at their encampment, Aldoki (who was Filled with rage) gathered his things and went to Snowyfields, There He gathered his newfound friends and lead them into the north where they stayed for quite some time creating The FF (The frosty fury).They created a village and stayed there living the rest of their days in peace, or at least they tried to.. They awoke one morning to find that someone had taken Their belongings so they where forced to return to the mainland hoping to set up a trade business so that they could accumulate enough money to buy back what they needed, It took some time but eventually The FF earned enough money to start anew, They ventured back into the north for the second time and they have stayed there until this day, they seek adventure once more and are now recruiting more members so that they may venture into... THE VERGE Rules: 1. Follow the laws of Aegis 2. Never kill or harm another member of the FF 3. If captured by an enemy NEVER reveal the secrets of the FF 4. When in public wear white armour or robes (Make sure your skins clothing is white) 5. Follow Generals commands 6. Do not disrespect Aldoki or anyone that is a higher rank than yourself. Application: MC NAME: RP NAME: BIO: What skills can you offer?: Do you think your good at Rp?: Do you agree to our rules?: Have you ever been banned? If so what for? Initiation: You do not just walk into the FF you must first undergo a challenge, a challenge to prove you are worthy. The challenge will more than likely be to bring back 20 bones from a skeletons carcass, or to loot 200 minas from dead monsters. Either one would satisfy Aldoki allowing you to join. Ranks: The Snake tongues: These men have either given up information about the FF to the enemy or they have broken one of the 6 rules thereby breaking they're oath to Aldoki FF Initiates: The lowest rank available, for those that are carrying out the initiation task given to them by Aldoki FF Soldier: The average rank given to men that have recently passed initiation FF Captain: This is the highest rank achievable to men that where not part of the original 4, Given to men that have been in the FF for 2 weeks or more. FF General: Given to the original founders of the FF FF High General: Aldoki.. Current Members: Initiates:GavinTheViking Soldiers: Captains: Generals: Omnomska, Zepol_John , Aubis2 High General: Aldoki Current Goals: - Amass an army - Venture into the Verge And uncover the secrets that lie there
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