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Posts posted by Viscen

  1. Do you know the applicant IC/OOC? - Yes, I've met both Havenok and his character.

    Do you think the applicant will abide by the VA rules? - I'm quite certain he will.

    How is the applicant IC/OOC? Are they prone to rage if something does not
    go in their favor. Would this affect how they RP their character?

    - I've yet to see Havenok handle IC events in a wrong way OOCly and he
    remains mature in situations that may not favor his character.

    Does the applicant break character and bring OOC into RP. (aside from the times one may need to use OOC to describe an action)- I've yet to see him do such so far, nor do I expect him to in the near future.

    Does the applicant troll? If so how much, and would it affect the way they RP if they come across someone they dislike. - Havenok very much takes his RP seriously and I doubt this would be an issue.

    Would the applicant willingly put himself into a situation they would not come out as the winner. - If it fits his character's RP, of course.

    Is the applicant's RP generally fun for everyone, not just for themself/friends. - Indeed!

    Are the evils chosen for the character relevant to the character. If not which do you think they need / don't need. - Not that I believe so, no.

    Please provide a screenshot(or multiple) of an RP session with the applicant in question. - N/A

  2. An imperial guardsman trots down the road, catching sight of the fresh poster. Curious, he stops up in his stride, taking a quickened step foward to examine the fluttering parchment. His eyebrows lift amusedly as he scans over the bloodstained message, briskly resuming the patrol route thereafter. As he trails off the utterance, "Tha's tu domn edg'eh fer me," escapes the soldier's lips.

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