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Posts posted by Petyr

  1. Speaking from past experience, your work will be something like this:

    The unveiling of a new area or mechanic. Perhaps the admins are opening up a portal to a jungle world with updated biomes, and they need an explanation lore-wise (*coughcough* the Verge). It is your responsibility that this has purpose and meaning behind it.

    A future, GM-planned event. The admins will ask you to write a page or so preview to a new exciting RP event to get players excited.

    Documenting a past event. Perhaps a city was recently razed to the ground. The admins will ask you to make a pretty historical yet dramatic report of the event.

    Going into detail regarding something that has been around for a while. This takes place on the wiki as well and might include tasks such as updating location or racial pages, adding new pages, simply re-writing current ones, etc.

    Occasionally, you'll get that opportunity where you really get to imagine and create something all by yourself. However, don't dream that you will simply get to create whatever you want because you are a "master of lore". This is not your chance to finally implement that new race you've been writing about the whole time. It is not a selfish job.

    Don't apply if you don't enjoy writing and don't apply if you aren't a damn good writer. It's not about having an A in English class, or adding in lots of fancy adjectives that you found reading George R. R. Martin (although sometimes it is,). It's about cranking out solid, quality writing that will make players excited.

  2. Argh I hate villains now... "URRGH DOOII MINAS GORE LIFE." Bloody hell... every villain has nearly become the same sideshow. "URGMAMA MAH PARENTS DIED... I'MA GONNA KILL PEOPLE NOW". how does that make sense at all? Urgh... more subtle villains like political villains. Stop accepting these half arse villains that only rob people on the main road and one line you if you do anything else. You need more diverse villains, ones that capture our imaginations, not our minas. They need to be more fun for both sides, I have literally had it with villains that are only in it for the minas. What ever happened to the song and dance act? The funny ones, the ones that actually had emotions and weren't just "Minas or life". That is what I get nowdays...

    Every time I see your profile picture, I initially think that it is an Orangutan.

  3. I've seen so many bandit villains that just run around and rob people. That's not fun for anyone but them...

    In general, I would agree. It's hard to find players who want to play a bandit but possess the skills to play a character that is fun for both sides.

  4. This poll is to help guide the Villain Application Team accept applications that will be most beneficial to the server. At the end of the day, we want to make you happy, so it's important to see what you guys want in terms of villainous roleplay. Feel free to express your opinions about items left out of the poll in the comments, but try to avoid flaming or complaining.

  5. It's not lore breaking. But it is history breaking.

    Availer never adopted a son, nor would he have let someone play as his son were he here. Simple as that. You can put on some wizard robes and wander, but you'll probably be killed for heresy or something.

    Thread locked.


    Ask Mogroka for directions. Ye need not take my word. However, peace treaty or no, you try and attack us halflings, and I'll grow you some "Undergarment Fungi". It's not pretty.

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