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Posts posted by Flurgh

  1. As someone who has 6 Aengulic skills and some Masterful - Legendary ones. I am completely for a skill wipe since I believe that with a new map comes a fresh start (Better wipe ******* minas too). Although people will just be aengulic everything within a couple of days since there are various things that give dumb amounts of XP. A fresh start is needed.


    All of you who have two veteran skills and go "pls noooo i grind so hard" **** off.



    Skype name: Flurgh

    Username: Heimersong



    Name: Nindir Hawksong

    Race: Wood Elf

    Mage or Warrior?: Warrior

    If Mage, what Magic(s) do you know (If none, specify which you’re willing to learn): I rely on my bow mkay

    Reasons for applying:

    Do you agree to PK if RP is done well?: Tommy can PK me any day

  3. Character name(out of curiosity): Richard Greves

    Minecraft Name: Flurgh

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Age: Early - mid 30s

    Reference as of hairstyle / face / skin: I like the hairstyle of one of your templates above (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/uploads/monthly_2015_10/6.thumb.png.7296e5bfec4e8f1a67f41546f72f336a.png) I would like it to be the same color as ^the template. I want a fab looking beard (No dwarven beard, just a 1.8 outer layer kinda thing that looks pretty manly). As for skin color I don't want him looking to pale, I want him to look like he actually goes outside.

    Specific hair color / eye color: Hazel brown eyes and blackish hair like on your template.

    Reference as of clothing attire: I want him to have kind of a greyish pelt (cloak?) http://imgur.com/noiWCb5 not too long tho, just something that goes over his shoulders and onto his back like in the pic (not on his legs n booty). For his torso parts I want him to have something like this http://imgur.com/mrJcck2 minus the big ass fluffy thing. I want his arms to be sleeved tho. Pants I Just want ******* pants, maybe a belt or some ****. N sum leather/ metal studded boots or w/e that looks nice. He's a merchant so don't make him look like a peasant plox

    Specific clothing colors: Leather brown hawt upper body piece. You decide the other colors, I just don't no colorful colors, keep it dark. For the peltcloakthing I want to be a bit darker then on the pic I linked.

    Agreed price: 1k? I'll pay ******* premium mulah for this ****, PM me a price and I gotchu. 

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