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Posts posted by Aryon

  1. Denied.

    I wish for you to change your meta-gaming and power-emoting definitions, to prove to us that you actually understand what they actually are. I also wish for you to change your biography to include the lore of our server, and note that you can only live in Asulon. Please change your ORQ's ( Mainly the one with the Orc ) so that they are not power-gaming, and they are lore-abiding.

    Please re-apply in 24 hours.

  2. On a serious note, it's been amazingly fun for me. The only reason I ever joined LotC was for a single goal - To join the Undead or Ascended. I was classily blacklisted from the Undead, which still makes me giggle when I think about it, so I ended up joining the Ascended. I would totally play my Ascended character, but I don't have the skin. Do any ex-Ascended have the Robes of Okonkwo skin? I miss my green trim.

  3. Denied.

    I am sorry to say, but you will have to try once again. Your biography is decent enough, but I wish for you to expand your definitions of Meta-Gaming and Power-Emoting. I also wish for you to change your open Response Questions to fit in a bit more. Orcs aren't idiots, you know.

    Please re-apply in 24 hours.

  4. Denied.

    I cannot pin you down for copy | pasting your meta-gaming and power-emoting definitions, but something tells me you did. None-the-less, I wish for you to change & expand your meta-gaming and power-emoting definitions. I also wish for you to implement some of the servers lore into the app, and expand your Open Response Questions.

    Please re-apply in 24 hours, goodluck, and have fun writing !

  5. Name: Aryon | Aoze | Matt

    RP name: Valnor Grandaxe | Yuric Doomforged

    Experience: Creative Servers, my Private Server, Event Team dungeons. Unlike the others who make the pretty things, I make all redstone-related things. I am also heavily experienced in WorldEdit ( Noting I had to fix all the world griefs on my private server... ) and know how to create regions and sub-regions if required.

    Pictures of previous builds (Must have at least three): Images are currently derping on the forums for me, so I had to put them into an Imgur gallery. Sorry for the inconvenience ^_^

  6. Denied.

    As much as it aches my heart to finish an act such as this, I am duty-bound to break the dreams of those who do not follow our laws. The lore of our majestic server must be taken into account in this application of sorts, and you must apply said lore into your biography of characters. Apart from that minor faults, I wish for you to change nothing else. The applications fine edge is immense, and it is incredible to find one as intelligent as yourself applying. Improve the lore of our creation and races, and you shall be accepted into our land of adventure without a second inch of doubt.

    Please re-apply in 24 hours.

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