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Posts posted by Thrym

  1. (( We need more space in my opinion, and more banners, banners are nice, to give it that "homelike" feeling. Fire pits would be a nice addition too, and i would help, only if there was not an 8 hour time difference between me and most other ironguts :C ))

    ((Go ahead and do stuff. The only reason I'm doing so much building is because I just started. If you see something that would make it better go ahead and do it.))

  2. (( am i the only one that thinks the grandaxe and frostbeard clan halls look MUCH better than the irongut one in kalos?

    ((Meh, I'm not done with it yet. Resources are limited and it takes a while to get enough stone bricks to make things look carved.))

  3. I suggest you attempt to join one of the existing clans, or walk around for a while clanless. It'll serve you much more RP, and maybe you'll end up a high rank in one of those in a while! The verdict of "No new clans" was put due to many people wanting to be a clanleader, for fame and glory. But that way, there would be no simple clanmembers! Try to join a clan, and believe me, you'll have more fun in the end.

    PS: They couldn't have already lived in 3.0, that'd mean they're a tribal race, which they're not obviously.


    ((Personally, I find simple clan members are actually more fun :wink: ))

  4. Irongut%20Tree.png


    ((Alright, here an updated family tree since, well, we needed one. Now, I know that I missed some people but I'm not sure who. If I didn't add you PM me with exactly how you fit in. Don't just tell me that Dwain is your great great great grandfather and not give me any of the names of your grandparents etc.


    Also, I KNOW that I do not have Kardel Irongut or his kids listed due to the fact that I'm not going to make up all the names between Kardel and his great great great grandmother. So I need Kardel to send me a PM with those names so I can add him and his kids. Thanks!))

  5. MC Name: NoobCrafter14


    RP Name: Thrym II Irongut


    How Skilled are You in Smithing?:

    Capable of Iron and Gold repair but in no way a master, as is shown in his inability to repair Diamond. Has natural talent but has lacked true formal teaching.


    How Skilled are You in Your Weapon of Choice?:

    Able to use it well in battle but not a master as a love of smith craft prevents as much time to practice with a blade.


    Reason for Joining/Bio:

    Thrym II is the son of Thrym Silverfist. Born very late in the time of Aegis he remembers none of it. For much of his life he was raised by his mother. His father died before Thrym II was old enough to truly remember him and all he knows of his father is from what he has learned from his mother and others. However, he did learn that his father was a smith and that, at least by his mother, he took after his father in almost all things. One day Thrym had a chance to test if he had inherited the gift of the forge. Passing a forge he felt himself drawn and, upon walking in, saw none to be about. Nearby was a bit of left over iron ore, unused and seemingly unwanted. Taking this up he began to smelt it, not really knowing what to do but feeling it, almost as if it was part of him, something guiding his actions. Soon a small hammer went to anvil and before lone a small knife had been forged. Not polished like a master would make nor bearing an edge that would truly serve in combat the knife was an accomplishment none-the-less; Thrym had forged a blade, granted rough, without any form of teaching. This one seemingly random desire to explore a forge led to a passion for smith craft that, as years went by, the young dwarf boy refined into a real skill. By the time his mother passed away and he started his journey that eventually led him to the Hold in Elysium Thrym had developed a skill in smithing that would have been something to boast of anywhere, anywhere but the forges of the dwarves. He knows that there is much for him to learn, much that his raw talent cannot do until refined by the methods of the dwarven smiths. Thus he has turned to the smithing guild, seeking to one day bear a skill equal to his father's.


    What Will You Add to the Guild?:

    An experienced smith RPer. I have played smiths many times before and have grown more and more in-depth with my role-play each time. Along with this I simply enjoy smithing RP just for the sake of it. This will drive me to try and make the smithing guild known for having great and dedicated RPers.


    How Active are You on the Server?:

    I'm active though it fluctuates due to school, etc. On a scale of 1-10 I'd say a good average would be about an 8.

  6. Bael looks on as his son Adarl finishes up a grand oak noticeboard. Together, they carry it to the main hall of the hold and plant it on a wall, in plain sight, but not where any visitors to the hold are likely to encounter it. Bael begins to put up multiple notes on it.


    [[ Third post FINALLY updated. Jimmies will be rustled. ]]

    ((So it begins...I'm seeing a flame kept eternally lit by the burning bodies of the heretics in 3.0 coming from this.))

  7. Phelrin I told him it was ok as I have too many sons and no one else wanted a son. If you do please speak up))

    ((Maellik is too young but if a few more people want to be Thrym's kids I'm ok with it. Just not too many please :P Also, they don't need to use the name Silverfist, at all, I'd probably prefer they didn't.))

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