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Status Updates posted by Jarkarll

  1. At first I tried to reason with you, then I tried to sympathize with you, then I tried to nudge you along the right way, and then I forgave you for being such a dolt, and now... now I still think your downright stupid

  2. Please support if you feel i'm cut out for it. Much obliged.

  3. Seems like the Dwarves have taken up the subudai tactic of advertising for themselves via status updates :3

  4. SCREW IT! That name sucks! THE HORDE HAS ARRIVED! Their climbing up yo windows, they're snatching yo canned beans up, so better hide yer noobs, and hide yer guns, cuz they're rapin' people in Soviet Russia

  5. THE HORDE HAS ARRIVED! They're climbing up yo windows, they're snatching yo canned beans up, so better hide yer noobs, and hide yer guns, cuz they're rapin' people in Soviet Russia ------THIS IS MINE!!! #copyright

  6. Sets the countdown for the Krughatten Projects Weapons of Mass Destruction to go off in exactly 15 minutes if server does not go up.


  8. My new avatar, is dedicated to Boxxy, or Eyerev.

  9. I have returned begin to cower peasants, your beans are not safe. Oh wrong game.

  10. The Manateearchal Order shall rise!

  11. The vague statuses pertaining to whatever drama is going on now really needs to stop. It doesn't make anything better, and trying to give a subtle one finger salute is only making an issue already slightly out of hand worse.

  12. Best moder fawgin end boss to a game evar.

  13. Matches my mood almost perfectly.
  14. Living in the sunlight, having a great time!~
  15. Guise you're all being dramatic. wat r u doin. guise stahp.

  16. "Foive! Foive shiny medals! Emperor gave me this big'un 'imself!"

  17. This pity wagon-- penetrates my skin-- so sensitive-- makes me sick| Chevelle is the best!

  18. Anyone else here like Mudvayne?

  19. #purgestupidpeople

  20. M-m-milton and Bradley at y-y-your service.

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