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Posts posted by Rasta


    We have an official skin! Please use the correct one Here.

    In the case that i somehow create a great one later today (i am bored atm)

    You shall have to look at it.... It might just be for the Decended, such as me, but you will just have to see when I am done.

    Coordinates will be sent via Pigeon shortly.

  2. Great news! Lord Rasta will be providing a temporary base/camp in his town until we can find a permanent location!

    Ah indeed I will be, Brother!

    I have already shown Azrael around the town, along with the sanctuary (Beginning)and the Castle as well.

    He thinks it is grand and I appreciate the thought. Hopefully you will be able to see it soon.

  3. The Autobiography of a Wise Man

    “The following writing was passed down to me by my parents before they had passed away... This is a small passage from my Father's Biography. I humbly pass on his legacy to any and all who read this, as it also intertwines with around the time I was born.”

    Prologue: It was a calm, cool, Autumn day. The wind was blowing at a thin whisper and everyone was set about to their daily duties and chores. It seemed everything was at peace for the little town and my parents who entered it for the first time.. They slowly walked down the main street of the sublime town and looked at all the wonders it had to offer. They had not been in the town for more than ten minutes when they had already noticed a Bakery, a Blacksmith, a General Store, a Church and even a Brothel farther down a narrow alley that they did not care to travel.

    While they continued to stare in awe at all the splendors of the town, memory suddenly struck my Father and he remembered why they had traveled to this relaxed place. He started to shake timidly and zoned out into the distance... The memory came flowing back into his mind.

    The scene filling in around him as if he was back there, again.


    'It had been a long, hard day of work out in the field. He was tired and ready to eat anything that came in his path. He walked back to his tiny cabin, that wasn't to far away from the fields. Walking fast, he made it in a matter of minutes, ready for dinner.. He entered the Cabin to the site of a lovely meal and an even lovelier fiance. The Woman made her way to my Father in a rush of excitement and they held each other for longer than they cared to remember... The field was rough for both of them and in more ways than one. While he had to stand there and manually hoe the fields for the light of the day. The Women would have to go and collect seeds from a nearby grove. Both jobs we're harsh and did not pay well in the least bit. They would return from work everyday exhausted. Then they were expected to be ready to do it again, within 6 hours of rest.

    They were struggling; it was more than easy to see, but it turned out everyone was in this boat when it came to the work on the farm. It seemed like a hopeless life for them. So they came up with an idea. They slowly schemed an escape plan for several days. When the night came for the plan to go into action, an even more unexpected event happened... They left the safety of there cabin to the site of a Necromancer upon a hill to the North of where they stood. In his stance he held a staff and was infinitely conjuring monsters of the night into the fenced off area of the farm. Chaos erupted from everywhere as people ran in terror and fear. Instantly, farm hands and some other tough men attempted to kill off the monsters, but it was suicide. People were dying everywhere and the couple took that as their moment of hope to escape... They ran South, in the opposite direction of the Necromancer. As they ran, the sound of the blood curdling screams and ripping flesh soon was drowned out by the intense clap of the thunder that rained down over the region.

    While plotting their escape, my Father had previous knowledge of a town not to far from the farm. It was known for supplying the small cropland with food and supplies when needed. They ran for hours in the night that extended rapidly into the early morning twilight. Upon the sun reaching the height in the sky, that would resemble noon. They saw the smoke from countless chimney's in the distance and began to run faster... The sight was more beautiful to them than anything before. It was a new life for the couple.'


    My Father slowly came back to reality and snapped into action. He had little time and needed to use it well. As much as he was grasped by the beauty of the town, he knew it wouldn't stay that way if the Necromancer had followed them. He quickly hurried in the direction of the Town Hall after asking a citizen for directions.. He grabbed his fiance's hand and they hastily made there way to the center of the town... When they arrived, they noticed right away a large gathering of people. They all seemed to be complaining about something. Yelling and ranting in the direction of a very hairy, Dwarf-looking man. Assuming he was in charge, my Father pushed through the crowd and started to shout in repetition. “I BRING NEWS! I BRING NEWS!” The crowd began to quiet down almost immediately, realizing they did not know the man that was speaking. He started to talk directly to the Dwarf; still holding his fiance's hand. He spoke at a rapid pace; making sure everyone could hear him, but also understand him. He spoke of the Farm to the North and of the Necromancer. He exclaimed at the magic that had been caste and the monsters that had killed all the others. He told them... to prepare.

    A couple nights were spent in the town, readying it for battle. The town folk were not afraid to fight for there homes. They had created a wall-like structure around the premises and had several archers placed around it. All the men of the village took up arms. Some having to use weapons from the Blacksmith's, since they did not own any themselves. Night set for the third time since the couple had reached the Town.. As the Sun slowly went down, a chill ran up everyone's spine. They could feel an eerie presence approaching. They all got tense and waited. As the waiting got more intense, they heard the moans and shrieks of the oncoming hoards of Zombies & Skeletons. The Necromancer was no where to be seen, so the town prepared for the attack.

    The monsters struck the town with a slow like ferocity. Although, they were easy to kill. They were relentless in numbers. Knowing there was no end to this madness. The Dwarf-looking Lord set off on a quest to kill the Necromancer with my Father. He left my Mother to care for the wounded; fearing the worst... The Dwarf and my Father traveled fast. Leaving the town on the East side, they entered the Forest that lye near the town and headed toward the direction of the monsters. They ran with swiftness, but also with stealth. They reached a clearing in the forest that was bathed in moonlight. They researched the area and noticed the Necromancer chanting near what looked to be a dark portal. Monsters were continuing out of this diabolical vortex, so they knew what they had to do. The Dwarf charged in a rage allowing for a distraction. The Necromancer's attention was taken in a flash and his focus on the stream of ghouls was halted. The Dwarf ran into the clearing and started the fight with a throwing ax. The ax skinned the evil one's robe and left it looking more shredded then it already was. Becoming angered, the Necromancer caste a deadly lighting bolt towards the Dwarf, who was struck instantly and violently. Crumpling into a smoking heap on the ground, which shook my Father to his core. The Necromancer continued summoning monsters and my Father realized he must have not been noticed yet. Taking this as his only chance. He crept up as slow as possible behind the Necromancer. He had been wielding a small blade this entire time and clenched it tighter. He got to the point of being a few feet away from the Evil Wizard. He became nervous and anxious, but stayed calm. He raised himself up and without thinking... Thrusted the blade in to the spine of the summoner. The Necromancer let out a howl of pain and then turned to stare at the Human. He stared with eyes of intense heat and began to laugh. “Ha ha ha,You puny mortal! You dare strik-eogh!” He was interrupted, in surprise to a blade being shoved deep into his throat. My Father had struck again without thinking... The Necromancer fell lifeless and the evil presence in the air began to dissipate. The portal evaporated and the thunder had stopped since the Dwarf's attack. Everything seemed better in the world.

    --Four Hours Later--

    The town was nearly unscathed by the attack. Only a few buildings had missing panels of material and only two men had perished: The Dwarf and unknown fighter, to my parents.

    Services were held in remembrance of both brave warriors, along with respects being said by my Father. The town was sad that day for the loss of there leader, but willingly offered the position to my Father. If he had not brought the news, they would have surely been killed in the Evil One's attempt. He accepted with surprise and finally felt he was moving up in Aegis. The town went back to normal life, in a quick fashion and my parents married within the Town Hall, a few weeks later. They lived in peace for a long time and soon came to bare me...

    “This my friends. Is where my story begins.”

    (Just a small sample. The story is just beginning.)

  4. When you arrive we can speak more, brother. But what is this "Society"? I have heard many speak of it, but non know what it is...

    The Society is a very secretive, in-depth 'cult' I guess you could refer to it as, but I like to consider it more of a organization, such as The Dark Brotherhood.

    We have been around for a good amount of time now, but have kept to ourselves.

    Completing tasks of importance, that I see fit, in our own conquests.

    More shall be released soon about us, but for now... we lye in wait.

    Speaking of The Brotherhood, though. I am still traveling for the city in which you speak... Never had been there before, it might take me a few (in-game) days and nights.

  5. I shall set out as soon as I can depart from The Society's Sanctuary...

    Speaking of which, I have a few loyal warriors under my command already within The Society..

    I humbly offer there services as much as my own in our conquests and tasks...

    I would like to think that The Society and the Dark Brotherhood could become reliant on each other :twisted: In times of need.

    Just a suggestion though... Like I said I shall head for Alstion ASAP

  6. Ingame name: Rasta_the_Wise

    Minecraft name: Glygax

    Why you want to join: I am tired of attempting to join all these other mediocre guilds! I have an accepted Evil app and I want to do tasks that require me of being crafty... I wish to gain more power while in the midst of brethren that I may call my own.

    Sword/ Bow skill: Skills are down as everyone knows, but its was 79( Sword) and 300 (Bow)

    Any mcMMo skill you have which could be deemed "Good": If they were working.. I would say my Evacuation Skill was good... It would allow for me to make an escape underground, if the need arose.

    Other Info: Most people consider me a slacker I feel and I want to show that I am much more than a mere push over.. I ask that you help me by allowing me to help the rest with any task handed me.

    Thank You

  7. ... i said if you wanted to join you can its your choice we have accepted you so talk to some one in the guild if you still want to join.

    I'd wish to apologize, first off.

    People have been giving me a hard time on Montego and it is a bit insane..

    I didn't mean to be verbally negative..

  8. ...........This is the second or third guild you've applied to Rasta. AND you're starting your own town in the wilds. Get your s**t together and figure out what you're doing man.

    Very well.... Application withdrawn... Ill stick with my falling apart town if this is what you wish.

  9. Application:

    Minecraft Name: Glynax

    Roleplaying Name: Lord Rasta

    Are you good with a sword?: Indeed.. I know the chemistry that goes into to ducks and parry's; along with countering opponents attacks with ease.

    Are you good with a Bow?: Yes.. The physics of angling the arrows is a natural talent for me.

    Are you good at fighting?: Yes, I would declare so with the up most pride and confidence.

    Any special skills?: Not being noticed... Most of the time, no one cares to see who I am. I am a no body to most and that will be there downfall.

    Sword level: Ah I believe 75.

    Fist level: 52 :/

    Bow level: 300 If I recall.

    Axe level: Unaware. 50?

    Magic powers: Neigh.. I am sorry.

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Preferred Field: Aye, I am know for being quite the Assassin... never giving anyone the chance to react to my quick like speeds... I am partial to Escorting, however... I feel my skills are more than enough to protect someone of importance. If I must though, I am also fine with being a leader of sorts... I am a good commander when giving the right men.

  10. To the Strange Man that calls himself Silco97....

    I have found your "Orc Shaman" titled book upon my premise when I awoke from a sleep....

    I did not find this to odd, until I looked in my Castle and discovered certain things destroyed (Nothing to Grand) and a burning Nether cross, in my shrine room;Tucked away in a dark place within my mountain...

    Why this was left in the place that it was with nothing taken from my chests....

    Intrigues me...

    I want to know who you are??

    If you see this, stop hiding! Send me a PM so we may speak...

    You have left this symbol for a reason.

  11. I would just like to say Thanks Again, Kind Sir.

    You are very good at what you do and am glad to hear the news of the books! I hope to see more people soon! :mrgreen:

    I fully recommend this man for any future ideas for Document Transfers or Messenger Quests.

    -With Gratitude,

    Lord Rasta

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