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Everything posted by pcgeek61995

  1. *A letter has arived at the HQ Raghnok has fallen into a deep slumber and we are not sure when if ever he will wake ((School has been really demanding and im also doing a small 1.9 pre server with just some friends and family so ive been over there. My bro doesn't like this server but I do so im not sure if we will be staying or not. Also its been almost 2 months since i posted my villian app with no reply so i kinda feel as if this server is slowing down. I have not forgotten you I check my villian app everyday and if it ever gets accepted i will be right back here fast as a bunny. I was told last time i spoke on ooc that i should just keep waiting and not repost if any of you know differently let me know. I miss you all.))
  2. Sorry I have been away for so long... Aye was lost in a rather extensive cave and 'ave onleh just found meh way out. ((school started and i got swamped with calc homework and havent had time for minecraft in awhile. I am still alive and if anthing needs doing send me a pm on the forums i am on here more often))
  3. haha sorry for the mix up i didnt know his stuff was in there till i logged on today after school. I moved everything into another chest since that one refused to relock under him.
  4. Name ((MC)):pcgeek61995 Name ((IG)):Raghnok Stonebeard Race: Dwarf Villain app link (I would like it if you had one):http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=14636 Combat experience: Trained as a Guard of Kal'Urguan as well as a scout. Served in the war with humans. And fought at the battle of the undead keep Past military experience: Training with the dwarven army and guard. Preferred weapon: Axe ((it will be once skills are back but til then i use a sword)) Are you wanted in any countries?:No Why do you want to join?: I need a place that will please the voices and will compensate me for it ((only makes sense if you rad my villian app)) Would you consider joining our soon to be created sorcerers league?:No aye 'ave no intrest in witchcraft Would consider being a spy?:Aye used to beh a spy for Urguan and Alras *laughs at the same time Any other comments:((villan app is not yet accepted but if it doesnt pass ill keep trying til it does))
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