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Posts posted by BlueBeard

  1. Business Name -Ale 'An' Rest

    Current Owner/s -(Minecraft Name- CaliMkali and CaptainRedHead) (Character Name- BlueBeard And Broski

    Type of Shop (Ore shop, tavern, inn, etc) -inn

    All other relevant info that would be appropriate for the wiki -Ale 'An' Rest was discovered and built by BlueBeard and it is open for anyone who travel by the road along our side path and is welcome to any who like Ale in addition we don't just sell Ale, we sell food to, so basically its like a cafe as well. So anyone who wish to visit and eat our fine bread please follow the road from Kal'Urguan leading to the wolverines.

    Insert this picture too.


  2. MC Name: CaliMkali (started a new character)

    RP name: BlueBeard




    Time Zone:Eastern

    Brief Description of your characters personality: My characters personality is pretty much determination because he want to fight bandits off the roads and want to help the community.

    Biography: BlueBeard was born in 1299 and hes only goal was to be like his father and follow his traits and footsteps. After he moved to Malinor, avoiding the big battle between the orcs and the elves, they settled in and wished it didnt happen but they can change the past. Right?

    Why do you wish to join?: To get bandits off the roads and help the rangers community by fetching recources and buidling bigger walls or something like that.

    Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): I can role play

    What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): my character fight with a level 28 iron sword.

    Can your character build?: yes he can

    Any other special skills?: Not of im aware of...

    Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: yes i will and i will respect your culture.


    LotC app link:http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/4549-my-application-2/#entry16390

  3. Minecraft Name:Aidanzokia

    Character Name:Aidan Zudan

    And why you want the job:To earn money

    What guilds are you part of:None

    Breif description about yourself:I have recently left home to pursue enlightenment but I need the money to get there

    Accepted, Contact BrutalBroski thanks

  4. Minecraft Name: Zezimus

    Character Name: Valen Khorvald

    And why you want the job: I would like a job to pay for a house and any new supplies that I will need on my adventures.

    What guilds are you part of: None

    Breif description about yourself: I've recently arrived in Kal'Urguan and am looking to buy a house in the Inner section of the city. Although I haven't worked before, I try to be friendly and am quite happy to do whatever it takes to makes minas.

    I'd be happy with any of the jobs, depending on what you have free.

    Accepted, I wont be on for a while until Christmas so ask BrutalBroski were the shops is thanks :)

  5. Minecraft Name:Nigthhealz

    Character Name:Durent_Falack

    And why you want the job:i need the minas to get a home and get food to live

    What guilds are you part of:The Black Axe

    Breif description about yourself:good fighter and a good person

    i would want to guard the shop

    Accepted, contact me in-game.

  6. Note:

    Posts have been made 'The Assassins Brotherhood' and 'The Assassins Creed' those are both out of date and this the official.


    The Ancient Creed Of The Assassins, A bond between people stronger than that of two stone particles. Our history dates back to our great great grandfathers in the village of Tris'Fal. After an attack from the Undead we had no other choice but to band together to form a Creed, men that would fight side by side, to have each others backs when no one else did. Realizing no nation was yet to tackle the Undead, these band of men had to think of a way to get through silently, to gather information on others to truly know all. They knew Assassins were always known as the most secretive of people, the ones that held something over everyone, it was their duty now. They were now known as The Creed. Although The Creed was nowhere near strong enough to take on anyone yet. They needed support, support from nearby kingdoms. The great Nation of Oren came as an excellent ally to the Assassins. From here they set out to assassinate and protect, for the better of the Nations.

    The Creed Today:

    Today The Creed are walking in the footsteps of our forefathers. Taking care of the 'problems' of The World Of Aegis, one by one. We are certainly not thieves or pirates in any way, we are here to serve the people, not to be ordered around by them. As our great great grandparents were, we are based in Tris'Fal, although, unlike them we have bases set up in a few of the major cities including Al'Khazar, making ourselves more open to the general public.

    How to Join:

    To join The Creed you need to fill out an application and pass our physical examination. Simple enough?

    The Application should be formatted as follows:

    Minecraft Username:


    Quick sentences about yourself:

    In-Game-LotC Username:

    Character Age:

    Why do you want to be in The Creed?:

    What is your characters strong points?:

    What is your characters weak points?:

    What part of the Creed interests you most?:

    What Nation/City/village do you live in?:

    If you were told that you were getting kicked from The Creed, what would your response be?:

    Instead of makin your own assassain guild why dont you join one

    like the dark brotherhood or TheDarkNinja's, there realy good guilds and freindly staff. :razz:

  7. *You notice a neatly written note on the massage board of the town you are in. You step closer and read what it says.

    Hail, I am Ebs. I am forming a guild, a foundation of sorts, to chronicle, organize, and display writings from the people of Aegis. I have recemtly become a regent at Laurelin's Library, and I am coordinating my efforts with the owner of the library in Tris'Fal. I am hoping to establish libraries with regents in every major city, and to perhaps build or update a Grand Library.

    The guild will be governed by a council of regents, and every library will have one regent, the owner of the library. The council's leader will be an elected curator, chosen from among the regents by he means of an election. The curators will serve for a month, and then another election will take place in which a new one is chosen or an old one remains in power. The council's job is to make sure libraries are fully stocked and that books are archived so they can never be lost. We are going to try to establish new branches and collect works of literature for display. We hope to become places for the intellectuals in Aegis to meet, do research, and write.

    Author's may join the guild as a contributors, and they can publish books that will be copied and put in all the libraries under our jurisdiction. The general populace will be able to access the library, and I am deliberating whether they should pay a one time fee, of say 30 minas, to visit the libraries. I hope to get all librarians interested in this, so we can work together to make building these libraries easier and less stressful. Please reply on this board (thread) of you are interested in this project. I hope the foundation will one day have branches in every city, bringng knowledge to the people of Aegis.

    So you a writer?

  8. Hello,I am Head Knight Maximus and the Ariel guard/army is in need of guards.Housing Will be provided the regular pay is a income of 45 minas per irl hour. I hope to see some of you out on the field




    Application Format:


    MC Name:

    Character Name:

    Why you want to be part of the guard:

    Past Criminal Actions:

    Why do you think we should accept you:

    Make sure you sign the bottom of your application

    thank you.

    Is this related to the accended? Or is it a guild because your in the wrong topic? :P

  9. The Dark Ninja's are a group which fight for revenge and freedom, also we hide in the darkness and we worship our god Iblees and we help out the undead by scoutin for items and killin unwanted people, including people who dont deserve to live and who just dont like there life. But we need to build power and our strength to take over the Land Of Ageis but we will need some recruits to start us off, but before you do that you should fill in this application right at the bottom:


    Soldier Ladder:

    Commander- main weapon[ 100 level]

    General- main weapon[70 level]

    Captian- main weapon[ 50 level]

    Private- main weapon[30 level]

    Soldier -[Complete the Trials]

    Recruit -[Get accepted][level 10 needed]

    Ninja Ladder:

    Head Ninja (Rendo)

    Expert Ninja's - main weapon[100 level]

    Elite Ninja- main weapon[70 level]

    Secret Spy- main weapon[50]

    Private Ninja's - main weapon[30 level]

    Amatuar Ninja -[Get accepted][level 10 needed]

    Info on The Ranks:


    Commander is in the charge of all the soldiers and can give orders to any as he wishes.


    General keeps everyone in order and makes sure everyones doin there job.


    Captain is in charge of all the chores and items needin to be deilvered, and orders soldiers to go fetch these items.


    Private is just a more advanced rank as a soldier.


    A trainee trains all the soldiers and is in charge of all the trainin days.


    Recruit is basicaly a newcomer and needs to complete all the 4 trials.

    Head Ninja

    Well Head is kind of a tough job because hes in charge of all the assassains and runs the guild.

    Expert Assassains

    they are the most trained and powerful Ninja, best rank!

    Elite Assassains

    They are like the Expert Ninja's but they dont take part of dangerous missions.

    Secret Spy

    They gather information and locate high Targets such as, the kings, princes and princess's and they spy on other target what they get given to.

    Private Ninja

    They are super low profile Ninja's and get sent off to steal and rob others to get money for the guild.

    Amatuar Ninja

    They are the new comers and they cant go on missions yet.Until they proven there selves.


    Dont Attack your own brothers

    Always obey the Rules

    Betrayl leads to death

    Be nice to each other


    Head cut off!


    Burn you alive!


    Assassaination- 100 Minas-200 Minas

    Bodyguard- 300 Minas-500 Minas

    Scare someone- 200 Minas-300 Minas


    I.O name:

    I.C name:

    Villian application link:[Required]

    Do you worship Iblees:

    Why you want to join:[2-5 sentances]

    Breif Description on your character:[4-7 sentances]

    Main Weapon:[Axe, Sword, Bow]

    Main Weapon Skill Level:[Required is in need to be over 10]

    Do you accept the Rules:

    Which Catagory you want to be in:[And why][soldier or Ninja]

    We are currently savin up for a guild house costin over 40,000 minas so please donate some minas.


    Dark Brotherood

    The Black hand



  10. When Rendo woke up for is first time when he was a baby he seen a bright light, it was freedom and strength then when Rendo grow up over they years he got stronger and hes bones got stealther, and then it happen's.

    There's a big explosion in the town and everyone is shoutin and runnin in panic but Rendo's father said to him'Dont worry son, wel be okay'but they wernt, there were trapped like everybody else.

    So as they panic in fear, the towns get crowded and huddled then the huts start to burn and the tents started to fall, then from the shadows a strange man with a pumkin on his head walks slowly towards Rendo and says'You are going to be one of kind'then my father stroke in the way and held his sword to his throat and said'leave me son alone you vermon'.

    Some people get away and some people dont, it was a tragic day for everyone, we lost our homes, our family's even we lost our power to defend ourselfs because we were all scared and panicin that day on...

    10 Years later I become a soldier in the land of Ageis just incase that happen's agian, followin my fathers steps and what he completed and succeeded.Iv been trainin day in and day out for the past and for the future, to kill the undead!

    I never had a mon until I was 4 because she terribly died of hunger and back pains but I forgot that now and my life is constrated on the prize and the glory.So after I while I rented a home down whisperin isles and became a fisherman and retired being a soldier because I got old and couldnt take it anymore, so I sold fish when I caurght some but I always leave some for me.

    Everyday I go on my balcony and think 'father were are you' but I know Il find him someday, he might even be a hero or a villian but I dont realy care about that because hes my fatehr and thats who he is, and then I thought, why dont I be a evil and steal people's valuables.

    2 days later..

    I was still thinkin about becomin a villian and i had my chioce decided, it was being a villain because i had more of a chance seeing my father just incase he is evil so i signed a contract sayin I will never break there rules and I will obey every order they give me.

    And then there he is, my father was in charge of the undead and ruled all ageis so were parteners and we ruled the entire Kingdom with slaves, force, and courage but no one could ever stop us....

    Or can they?

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