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Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

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Status Updates posted by Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

  1. Ah, alright then. And you made a bio for him? I'll have to look at it!

  2. Ahah, we'll see. I'm kind of getting sidetracked with age of empires (I play it with Nic, Ford, and a few others) atm, not sure if I'll get back into LOTC. Oh and also, are you gonna re-apply when you can for villain? You should.

  3. already got it approved, and actually i miiight be switching back to my orc char. And im trying to find the instrument least played in the advanced band so ill have a good chance of getting in lol.

  4. Alright. Btw, are you keeping the same character for the new continent? I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a dwarf.

  5. Awwh god... just saw your va app, that sucks. This is why I don't play lots anymore. People are becoming so strict they're forgetting about the only important thing: fun. In my opinion, lotc was already getting sick near aegis but once asulon came out it died in a hole.


  7. Ehh ya. To tell the truth most of the people I meet on Oahu are asses. Just something about em. All the cool people are on Maui and the big island. And prob a lot of places on the mainland. Sucks I had to move here. On a happier note I got muh instrument! In fact a long time ago. Im a tuba! And I'm getting private lessons from Ms kusunoke so my chance of getting into advanced band i...

  8. Erm, that would be metagaming... Try to ask my character next time you see him.

  9. Ha, I was just joking about the age lol. And please do try to get an anti hero/villain app, it will improve the rp of your character a loPr

  10. Haha, well I was planning on more of an epic ending, but the wine idea is appealing I must saPr

  11. Hm, right now I'm mainly thinking of death ideas for Torak. What should I do: gets "klomped" by an orc, or jumps off a tree because he hates his life? Anyways, happy new years%Pr

  12. How are you a GM when you haven't even posted a GM app...

  13. I got banned and am not sure I wanna come back, I think I've had enough of LOTC honestly.

  14. I suppose if it looks good enough I may reapply. The first picture looked pretty decent.

  15. Meh Huganosh's all good with humans. The race he hates the most is actually orcs :P.

  16. Meh, you probably won't. Only GMs can implement you into the game, so as long as you're not a wandering soul, they will know that you have made an app and had it accepted.

  17. So... I see you are already gathering ideas for your crazy doctor's rps...

  18. Started almost a week ago. I'm in band now :O. And also I'm working on my app to get back on. Think I'm gonna be a golem. :)

  19. That, I do not know, lol. Im gunna have hiebe show me where the "holm island" where they live iPr

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