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Posts posted by Aerathanil

  1. I just thought of something actually from a bad idea someone made earlier, it could actually be good...they basically said Iblees would role in as a player and wreck everything...but what if, with a multi-world plugin, we did all end up having a mass exodus to a new continent as the undead have found some way to temporarily empower themselves tenfold, and even mortals who are allied with them would have to make a run for it...basically, it would become the undead continent, there would still be pockets of surviving people of course, but the majority would flee to this new continent that the Wandering Wizard found. Like I said, there empowerment would only be temporary. But this would let us keep old Aegis, add some amazing rp events, and get a new world with 1.8...we should have this event be very long and drawn out of course, probably around 2 weeks to a month. But basically, war would be declared everywhere and the undead would be going all out. This would be interesting and be a solution to all these problems...anyone else agree?

    +1 on that one, good thinking.

  2. OOC

    So all members that does not have a accapted villain application are to be severed from the guild?

    My app has not been accepted (Link to my app), but I'm still ranked as Darkness's Aeon.

    Is this because of my large donations to the guild, because of me contacting Bane before the guild was founded or because you've simply forgot to remove my name?

    If I'm allowed to stay in the Black Hand I really need to know where the new base is, so that I can set up my plot of land somewhat close to the base.

    Take care


  3. I have not yet had the pleasure of RPing with you, but I've heard quite much from- and of you in the OOC chat. From what I've seen in the OOC you're a nice person, and you do not back away from helping people in need, which I think is very important if you want to be any sort of moderator.

    I believe you're very active, which is also required.

    So yeah, only positive criticism from me.

    // Aerathanil, Tenebrae.

    PS. "I support this". :mrgreen: :D

  4. (( I'm back now, finally!))

    I think I've got redstone stashed in my tower, I'll bring some next time I visit the guildhall. I think I might have some red and black wool aswell.

    As for the locks I can set up a couple at my next visit, just make sure you have signs, know where I should put them and who I should give permission!

    ((My villain app has been checked out, all though neither denied or accepted! -_- My link))

  5. The Breaking of Samuel Dryden

    Little is know of Samuel Dryden. Few knows his true origin, and those that does know keep their mouth shut. When Dryden first stepped out of the shadows of Aegis a common belief was that he was possessed, for surely no man could have such hate for the civilizations of Aegis?

    It is unknown why he came to be as he is now, filled with wrath and unrest. What is know however is that he wishes to see the chaos that fills his heart to consume the entire world, to see the world he hate so very much to be cast down the abyss.

    Well, much more then that is not known by the current occupants of Aegis.

    But there is still much more to tell.

    When Dryden was a child he and his family was a part of a nomad group. They wandered the world, co-existing with the nature in a peaceful harmony. They taught their young how to control their emotions, how to seek solutions to problems without resorting to violence.

    And so Samuel Dryden lived, with peace in heart and mind. He lived what he believed was a perfect life.

    He was, however, unaware that his perfect life was destined to have a brutal end.

    In the cover of night they came, the greenish fiends. Dryden had heard the storyteller tell tales of them many times, how their brutal nature drove them to raid and murder. Dryden did not know the name of the fiends, but we do. The fiends are know to us as Orcs.

    The warband charged the nomad camp and slaughtered them all. None of the nomads survived, well at least that's what they thought.

    Dryden had escaped, however injured from being knocked over. He hid, and waited for the Orcs to be done. He could hear the screams of his people, even when they was since long dead.

    When the Orcs finally had left what was left of the camp Dryden left his hiding place and walked back to the camp.

    He walked amongst the bodies of the only family and friends he had ever had, he looked at their mutilated corpses and twisted faces.

    For each body he saw his mind grew weaker. The pools of blood sparkled at the sun set. A ray of sunlight found its way through the clouds and hit Dryden. He couldn't feel its warmth. As he looked around him he found that the world's colors wasn't as bright anymore. Confused he listened to the whispers of the forest for guidance, as he had been taught by his parents.

    He listened, but didn't hear. Was the forest quiet, or was he just unable to hear it.

    He was alone, abandoned. The spirits of the forest had left him, as his family had done.

    Young Dryden, just 13 years old, wandered the forests alone. He was damaged inside, and the world seemed to get darker and darker. As his family had taught him he tried to control his emotions, to not fuel the wrath he felt towards the fiends.

    He didn't succeed in controlling his anger, and so it began to consume his heart. Dryden was greatly weaken from the loss of his family, which made it hard for him to resist the darkness that was now overwhelming his heart and mind.

    He abandoned the peaceful ways of the nomads, and walked his own path.

    Twelve years later Samuel Dryden saw the first signs of civilization. Without knowing it, he had come to the walls of Alkhazar. For weeks he sneaked around Alkhazar, interested in the behavior of the humans who lived there.

    One day he saw a group of people wandering the road. There was Elves, Humans, Orcs and Dwarves. That was the moment that ended Samuel Dryden, 25. The darkness had completely consumed his heart. He was now hollow inside, there was nothing but a void where his feelings should have been. He had lost all faith in the races of Aegis. He would have thought that the Elves, Dwarves or at least the Humans would have helped him to defeat the monstrous Orc nation. But as it seemed, they were all either allied or at peace.

    Enraged he then fled from the city. Darkness and chaos grew within him. He lost himself, everything. He forgot his legacy, his family, the Orcs that slaughtered the nomads, everything but wrath. He found that he was no longer Samuel Dryden.

    His personallity changed, and a voice without origin spoke to him, and named him. He was now Tenebrae, bringer of Chaos and Darkness, destined to set the world of Aegis ablaze for their betrayal.

    He had turned away all of his beliefs, and he had now his eyes on Iblees, for he shares Tenebrae's hate towards the people Aegis.

    Wether there is anything left of Samuel Dryden in Tenebrae is to this date, unkown.

  6. Alrighty then, I just donated 105$ for Diamond Package and a Race Change, and I guess that with a race change comes a BIO change ;)


    -Minecraft Account Name:

    -How old are you?: I'm 17 years old.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Sweden

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do, yes.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a 17 years old guy from Norrköping, Sweden. In my spare time I workout in the gym, hangout with my friends and plays various games on my PC and Xbox360.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I believe that a better suited question would be wether I could leave the server or not :P

    -How long have you played minecraft?: A few couple of months now, and I've played way to much! Hard to stay away seeing as Minecraft never cease to amaze!

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Well, define roleplaying... I've played World of Warcraft, which is infact an MMORPG all though I believe that the RPG part is weak. I've also played TES: Oblivion and Dragon Age: Origins/2 which are excellent RPG-games. I've played this kind of games since I was an innocent little child ;) . I would explain RP as you being the character in a book, and that you'll have to act in a way that would fit that book.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I hope that the server will be as epic as the description says. From what I've seen it's like a dream coming true! I really hope that the server has a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've only played on a couple of underdeveloped Hamachi servers, which I left in search for a more mature community.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I've understood the rules, and I'm determined to follow those rules. I've also read the lore, which I think is very inspirational.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was looking at the Realism Texture pack and found that the developer supported this server, so I decided to check it out. After looking at some of the content of the first post I was caught, love at first sight!

    -Did you vote?: Yes, I did.

    -What was your favorite Law?: "Unlawful destruction of property is a punishable offence". I like this one, because all though it's commonsense not to destroy other people's structures a lot of people do it anyway.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: None, I believe that all the laws I've read are necessary.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Aerathanil.


    -Character Name: Tenebrae

    -What is your Race?: Tenebrae, once Samuel Dryden, is originally a Human.

    -Biography: Little is know of Samuel Dryden. Few knows his true origin, and those that does know keep their mouth shut. When Dryden first stepped out of the shadows of Aegis a common belief was that he was possessed, for surely no man could have such hate for the civilizations of Aegis?

    It is unknown why he came to be as he is now, filled with wrath and unrest. What is know however is that he wishes to see the chaos that fills his heart to consume the entire world, to see the world he hate so very much to be cast down the abyss.

    Well, much more then that is not known by the current occupants of Aegis.

    But there is still much more to tell.

    When Dryden was a child he and his family was a part of a nomad group. They wandered the world, co-existing with the nature in a peaceful harmony. They taught their young how to control their emotions, how to seek solutions to problems without resorting to violence.

    And so Samuel Dryden lived, with peace in heart and mind. He lived what he believed was a perfect life.

    He was, however, unaware that his perfect life was destined to have a brutal end.

    In the cover of night they came, the greenish fiends. Dryden had heard the storyteller tell tales of them many times, how their brutal nature drove them to raid and murder. Dryden did not know the name of the fiends, but we do. The fiends are know to us as Orcs.

    The warband charged the nomad camp and slaughtered them all. None of the nomads survived, well at least that's what they thought.

    Dryden had escaped, however injured from being knocked over. He hid, and waited for the Orcs to be done. He could hear the screams of his people, even when they was since long dead.

    When the Orcs finally had left what was left of the camp Dryden left his hiding place and walked back to the camp.

    He walked amongst the bodies of the only family and friends he had ever had, he looked at their mutilated corpses and twisted faces.

    For each body he saw his mind grew weaker. The pools of blood sparkled at the sun set. A ray of sunlight found its way through the clouds and hit Dryden. He couldn't feel its warmth. As he looked around him he found that the world's colors wasn't as bright anymore. Confused he listened to the whispers of the forest for guidance, as he had been taught by his parents.

    He listened, but didn't hear. Was the forest quiet, or was he just unable to hear it.

    He was alone, abandoned. The spirits of the forest had left him, as his family had done.

    Young Dryden, just 13 years old, wandered the forests alone. He was damaged inside, and the world seemed to get darker and darker. As his family had taught him he tried to control his emotions, to not fuel the wrath he felt towards the fiends.

    He didn't succeed in controlling his anger, and so it began to consume his heart. Dryden was greatly weaken from the loss of his family, which made it hard for him to resist the darkness that was now overwhelming his heart and mind.

    He abandoned the peaceful ways of the nomads, and walked his own path.

    Twelve years later Samuel Dryden saw the first signs of civilization. Without knowing it, he had come to the walls of Alkhazar. For weeks he sneaked around Alkhazar, interested in the behavior of the humans who lived there.

    One day he saw a group of people wandering the road. There was Elves, Humans, Orcs and Dwarves. That was the moment that ended Samuel Dryden, 25. The darkness had completely consumed his heart. He was now hollow inside, there was nothing but a void where his feelings should have been. He had lost all faith in the races of Aegis. He would have thought that the Elves, Dwarves or at least the Humans would have helped him to defeat the monstrous Orc nation. But as it seemed, they were all either allied or at peace.

    Enraged he then fled from the city. Darkness and chaos grew within him. He lost himself, everything. He forgot his legacy, his family, the Orcs that slaughtered the nomads, everything but wrath. He found that he was no longer Samuel Dryden.

    He was now Tenebrae, bringer of Chaos and Darkness, destined to set the world of Aegis ablaze for their betrayal.

    He had turned away all of his beliefs, and he had now his eyes on Iblees, for he shares Tenebrae's hate towards the people Aegis.

    -Character Age: 25

    -Character Appearance: He has a red strip of cloth tied around his head to cover the lower parts of his face. He has grey eyes and black hair. Other then that he's wearing dark clothes.

    -Character Personality: Tenebrae is a ruthless and coldhearted killer. He doesn't feel many feelings anymore, except for rage. Although unable to feel all feelings he acts as if he could, for he is a great manipulator. He can take a persons characteristics and use it against them.

    -Your ambitions: His ambitions is to have Aegis consumed by darkness. They shall feel the pain he felt. He knows that he can't do this on his own, neither can he do it without money in his pockets. Therefore he will find a group of villains to plan their deeds, and try to make some profit whilst performing the deeds.

    -Can your character read or write?: Samuel Dryden was taught to read by his parents. But as Samuel Dryden ceased to exist, and Tenebrae rose he forgot his past. It is uncertain how much knowledge was lost in the change. It is however know that he's smart and cunning.

    -Can your character mine?: Tenebrae can mine if necessary.

    -Is he a capable builder?: He will build if that is what is required for his plans to succeed.

    -Can he wield a sword?: He constructed a sword during his travels in the Wilderness. Therefore he has learnt how to use a blade.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Tenebrae enjoy very few things, and farming is not one of them.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:He know how to cover his track, how to survive in the Wild. He's also a good strategist, manipulator and he's very persuasive.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://yfrog.com/0ftenebraesp

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:

    -How old are you?: I'm 17 years old.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Sweden

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do, yes.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I enjoy experimenting with Redstone and once in a while an adventure or two. I'm also very interested in interacting with people, even though they're role-playing.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I believe that a better suited question would be wether I could leave the server or not :P

    -How long have you played minecraft?: A few couple of months now, and I've played way to much! Hard to stay away seeing as Minecraft never cease to amaze!

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: Well, define roleplaying... I've played World of Warcraft, which is infact an MMORPG all though I believe that the RPG part is weak. I've also played TES: Oblivion and Dragon Age: Origins/2 which are excellent RPG-games. I've played this kind of games since I was an innocent little child ;) . I would explain RPG as you being the character in a book, and that you'll have to act in a way that would fit that book.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I hope that the server will be as epic as the description says. From what I've seen it's like a dream coming true! I really hope that the server has a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've only played on a couple of underdevoloped Hamachi servers, which I left in search for a more mature community.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I've understood the rules, and I'm determined to follow those rules. I've also read the lore, which I think is very inspirational.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: I was looking at the Realism Texture pack and found that the developer supported this server, so I decided to check it out. After looking at some of the content of the first post I was caught, love at first sight!

    -Did you vote?: Yes, on two of them. When I was going to vote on one of them it said I had already voted for some reason, I can try again if required.

    -What was your favourite Law?: "Unlawful destruction of property is a punishable offence". I like this one, because all though it's commonsense not to destroy other people's structures alot of people do it anyway.

    -What was your least favourite Law?: None, I believe that all the laws I've read are necessary.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Aerathanil.


    -Character Name: Aerathanil

    -What is your Race?: He's an Elf.

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Aerathanil

    -Biography: Aerathanil was raised in the Wilds by his father, who taught him how to survive and how to use bow and sword. Aerathanil has now left his home, hungering for glory and a duty to serve. Once in a while he dreams this very vivid dream where he fight Orcs in the lost city of Sandafell. This dream has lead Aerathanil to believe that he has a part to play in the reconquering of Sandafell. Maybe it's his destiney to pledge his life to the armies of The Elves? Can Sandafell be reconquered and be restored to its former glory? Those are the thoughts that Aerathanil has been thinking for many years.

    -Character Age: He's 53 years old, still young by Elven measures.

    -Character Appearance: Aerathanil is a sturdy yet agile elf, with dark hair and green-ish eyes.

    -Character Personality: He has great controll of his emotions, and he vaules respect, honor and duty.

    -Your ambitions: To rise as a warrior to serve the army of the elves, where ever that might lead him.

    -Can your character read or write?: Aerathanil was taught to both read and write by his very cunning father.

    -Can your character mine?: Aerathanil has never mined a single mineral and ore in his entire life, but he's a fast learner.

    -Are you a capable builder? He has built a few wooden huts in the past, but he has still got much to learn.

    -Can you wield a sword?: He has been taught how to wield and use the sword by his father.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Aerathanil has spent his entire life in the Wilds, he knows how to survive there which means that he's an capable farmer. He does enjoy it, much because it pleases him to see the fruits of his labor but also because it's a little bit like meditation to him.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He possesess no "special" skills, but he has an exeptional morale and he's a fast learner.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://yfrog.com/jo20110729024035p(Sorry for bad picture!)

    -Other Information: I would be glad to offer any assistance I might give, with anything concerning "The Lord of the Craft".

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