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Posts posted by SpiritSpectre

  1. DdZy2gD.png


    The Talaran Sailing Company - Zevandir Ships - Vivendi Building Co.


    Description and History:


    The USCP is a shipwright cartel. Their goal is to secure a steady income to the members and a secure supply of ships to their customers. The USCP is a non governmental organization that was created at the Vivendi-Talaran Conference in 1398 by Vivendi Building Co. (A subsidiary of Vivendi), The Talaran Sailing Company (A subsidiariy of The Talaran Co.) and Zevandir Ships.


    USCP was formed at a time when the shipbuilding market was largely separate from centrally planned economies, and was dominated by multinational companies. At the same time, this companies held heavy tension between the market. USCP's Policy Statement states that "The economy and the sailing market don't have to be affected by the conflicts between the always disputing firms."


    The three company owners: Nathan Ashby, Faendal Al'adan, and Zevandir agreed that the conflicts had to stop and focus on the incoming new companies that will try to take the market by any means necesary. Stating this, during the Conference the three Company owners signed the USCP, giving an end to the conflicts and starting a united colaboration.


    USCP Statements:


    [To be writen]



    Members and Respective Signatures:


    Zevandir Ships - Zevandir


    The Talaran Sailing Company - Captain Faendal Al'adan, Talaran SC.


    Vivendi Building Co. - Nathan Ashby, Vivendi CEO.

  2. *A random dwarf shouts to you from across the street.

    "Whut are ye payin?!"


    Nathan aproaches the dwarf.


    "As I stated before here in Vivendi we all work as equals, since each job requires a diferent type of work, but still a work. Our employes are payed by themselves. ¿How does this works?


    Each employe is asigned to a certain team. In this case it could be 1 seller, 1 designer and 2 Builders/Collectors. Lets say the seller manages to get a contract for a ship, he then takes the contract to the designer to provide a good design for the wanted project, this then goes to the Builders/Collectors which with also the help of the designer and the seller if they wish, will build the project and deliver it to the client which then will proceed to pay the company who will keep 5% of the collected money to pay taxes and maintenance, the rest of the money will be devided in equal parts to the 4 employes, giving them arround 300 minas per work.


    Obviously this may vary, and you may win more or less depending on the project. You may ask. "Why do we work this way?" We do it to encourage our workers to make more projects in less time. More work = More payment = Happy Employee. Easy math, right?" 

  3. RP Value is always the First Aspect when I build my ships. I get what you're trying to say. It annoys me too.


    Because I sell by pre-designed "catalogue", I like to keep the stock low, and dont just mass produce them, even though they are small. They have their RP challenge.




    "Should Duration and Effort effect the quality and capabilities of a ship in scenarios when put up against a crap ship?"


    Yes, though not the words I would have used.

  4. A paper is pinned all arround Anthos.


    Hello there! My name is Nathan Ashby and I'm currently looking to buy land from anyone who is interesed. I'm looking to buy a plot next to a river or ocean. The plot needs to be of a considerable size. I'm currently open to any price as soon as its worth the land.


    Contact me if you are interesed by sending me a bird ((William_Talbot or a PM in the forums))


    Thank you! And Safe Travels!

    -Vivendi CEO, Nathan Ashby


  5. A large poster is pinned all arround Anthos showing pictures of a beautiful small boat.




    ((Back to Vivendi Building Co. Main Topic))


    Greetings Anthos, Vivendi Building Co. pleases to announce that we've finaly finished the brand new IC-2 Class Ship.


    A tiny and well suited ship. The IC-2 is a modified design of the Dwarven P2-501, manufactured 10 years ago but never used because of stability and sinking problems (mostly because the ship was made out of brick). The IC-2 was redesigned and their materials replaced improving his original concept. Re-designed by Salvatore Platinum. The IC-2 design makes it perfect for traveling in river sides and for fast travel with no setbacks. Although small the IC-2 aerodinamic design alows easy handling and estability while mantaining a constant high speed. The ship is thinked for fleets, giving them the "small" surprise factor while in battle.


    IC-2 Specifications:


    Size: Tiny (12m x 18m)

    Materials: Wool - Wood - Iron Reinforced Glass

    Durability: 9/10

    Speed: 100 km/h (Best)

    Handling: 10/10

    Top Load Capacity: .5 Tons (1 Full Chests or 5 Average Humans)

    Battle Ready: Yes

    Common Usage: Scout Ship and Personal Ship





    Current Available: 3 (Filled every week acording to demand.)


    Note: Prices may vary between 15-50 minas because of colors.




    IC-2 Class "Icarus" - 70 Minas




    IC-2 Class "Liberty" - 50 Minas




    IC-2 Class "Defiant" - 50 Minas







    Dont think it twice and become the owner of an IC-2 today! Just fill our form HERE:


    Ship's Name:
    Deliver Site: (By land or by water, the deliver wont have any extra charges.)
    Do you agree with our terms and conditions?: (Located at the bottom)
    ((MC Name:          ))
    ((Suitable Deliver Date and Hour IRL:     The Date can't be longer than 1 week from the posting time     ))
    Other Requests or Notes:
    -Send to: Vivendi HQ, Sunfall Estate. Salvus-


    Have a Nice Day! And Safe Travels!

    -Vivendi CEO, Nathan Ashby



    Terms and Conditions:

    -Time of deliver is subject to available stock and it may take more than 1 (irl) week to be delivered.

    -Deliver time-count will start as soon as an official Vivendi Executive has answered the request.

    -If Vivendi takes more than 1(irl) week to deliver your product,

    interest of 100 mina per day will be pay to the client.

    -Vivendi, The Ashby Family and Vivendi Building Co. is not responsable for the use of its products.

    -This Terms and Conditions may be used in any court of any nation.

  6. A large poster is pinned all arround Anthos.



    "Stability and Security, pureness and simplicity, sophistication and formality. Thats what White, Grey and Black represents from Vivendi, and thats what we want our clients to see in our work. Vivendi is a group of companies owned by Nathan Ashby. Vivendi's companies are specialized in the main needs that the current world needs, such as food, handwork and mercenary services. Vivendi's goal is to bring our clients and the world of Anthos the best that they need." 


    -Nathan Ashby, Vivendi CEO and Foundator




    Vivendi Building Company focuses on giving individuals and nations top quality buildings that own balance between design by our talented architects and hard handwork from our builders.


    Today we bring you the oportunity to be part of our project here in Vivendi and to be part of the group of people who will be changing the world. Yes, because Vivendi is more than a company, is more than money and selling. Here in Vivendi we call ourselves a family, dedicated to bring Anthos and its people the best of the best.


    This time Vivendi Building Co. is looking for builders, designers, sellers and resource collectors to be part of Vivendi. If you are interesed or you see yourself working with us, dont hesitate and fill the proper application bellow.





    (Terms and conditions are located at the bottom of the page.)


    Seller Application


    "The seller will find clients and will look to sell the current stock."
    Selling Experience: (0/10)
    Past Jobs:
    Do you agree with our terms and conditions?:
    ((MC Name:          ))
    ((Available IRL Time:          ))
    Other Notes:
    -Send to Vivendi HQ, Sunfall Estate. Salvus.-

    Designer/Architect Application


    "The designer will draw and provide schematics for the diferent jobs that he is assigned."
    Building Experience: (0/10)
    Example Images of your work: (Pref. only links)
    Past Jobs:
     Do you agree with our terms and conditions?:
    ((MC Name:          ))
    ((Available IRL Time:          ))
    Other Notes:
    -Send to Vivendi HQ, Sunfall Estate. Salvus.-


    Builder's / Resource Collectors


    "The builders and resource collectors are an essential part of the team, since they are the ones who will assamble the pieces from the schematics, while the collectors will provide with the materials needed for the build. Their roles will be switched time by time for the sake of variety."




    How good can you copy(+paste) a building (in Survival): (0/10)

    Past Jobs:

    Do you agree with our terms and conditions?:
    ((MC Name:          ))
    ((Available IRL Time:          ))
    Other Notes:
    -Send to Vivendi HQ, Sunfall Estate. Salvus.-




    Have a nice day! And hope you get choosen!

    -Vivendi CEO, Nathan Ashby




    Terms and Conditions:

    -(To be written)

  7. A large poster is pinned all arround Anthos showing pictures of a beautiful small boat.




    ((Back to Vivendi Building Co. Main Topic))


    Greetings Anthos, Vivendi Building Co. pleases to show you its very first ship class. The IC-1.


    A small, beautifull and elegant ship. The IC-1 is the modification of the Elven Royal Vessel "Greenpeace" used by the Elven Diplomats on their long trips to the southern lands of Hanseti in Asulon, decomisioned 50 years ago but redesigned by the talented ship designer Salvatore Platinum. The IC-1 size and materials makes it an easy to drive ship and fast always considerating the hard hull durability. The ship's hull is made of reinforced glass brought directly from the best blacksmiths of the dwarven lands. The ship is able to hold heavy loads making it perfect for trading and travel. The ship is thinked for nobles with a good taste on modern design or busy traders looking to transport their goods fast in one single trip.


    IC-1 Specifications:


    Size: Small (40m x 18m)

    Materials: Wool - Wood - Iron Reinforced Glass

    Durability: 7/10

    Speed: 100 km/h (Best)

    Handling: 9/10

    Top Load Capacity: 5 Tons (15 Full Chests or 30 Average Humans)

    Battle Ready: No

    Common Usage: Personal Ship or Merchant Ship





    Current Available: 1 (Filled every week acording to demand.)


    Note: Prices may vary between 100-150 minas because of colors.




    IC-1 Class "The Ice Angel" - 320 Minas







    Dont think it twice and become the owner of an IC-1 today! Just fill our form HERE:



    Ship's Name:

    Deliver Site: (By land or by water, the deliver wont have any extra charges.)

    Do you agree with our terms and conditions?: (Located at the bottom)

    ((MC Name:          ))

    ((Suitable Deliver Date and Hour IRL:     The Date can't be longer than 1 week from the posting time     ))

    Other Requests or Notes:

    -Send to: Vivendi HQ, Sunfall Estate. Salvus-




    Have a Nice Day! And Safe Travels!

    -Vivendi CEO, Nathan Ashby



    Terms and Conditions:

    -Time of deliver is subject to available stock and it may take more than 1 (irl) week to be delivered.

    -Deliver time-count will start as soon as an official Vivendi Executive has answered the request.

    -If Vivendi takes more than 1(irl) week to deliver your product,

    interest of 100 mina per day will be pay to the client.

    -Vivendi, The Ashby Family and Vivendi Building Co. is not responsable for the use of its products.

    -This Terms and Conditions may be used in any court of any nation.

  8. Character Name: Nathan Ashby

    Nicknames: Nat.

    Age: 45 Years

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Status: Alive


    Height: 1.7 Feet

    Weight: 75 Kg.

    Body Type: Medium Buffed.

    Eyes: Purple

    Hair: White-Goldish

    Skin: White

    Markings/Tattoos: None

    Health: Healthy

    Personality: Business man, average talkative, overly-protective and loyal. Mostly calmed but easily to get mad and violent.

    Inventory: Regular Dark Hooded Robes, Notes Book.

    Further Details: His family comes first over everything. Business stay as business for him.

    Life Style

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral

    Deity: Aeriel

    Religion: Puritarianism

    Alliance/Nation/Home: None

    Job/Class: Former Businessman.

    Title(s): None

    Special Skill(s): Way of the Word, Selling.

    Flaw(s): Economical Reforms and Laws.


    Current Status: Null


    Fighting Style: Swordsmanship and Archery

    Trained Weapon: Light Sword

    Favored Weapon: Light Short Sword

    Archery: Amateur

    Sword: Mastery


    Parents: Daniel and Emily Ashby

    Siblings: Dawn Ashby, Anna Ashby.

    Children: None

    Extended Family: None

    Pet(s): None






    (So I based my character appearance on Hetalia's Russia)






  9. Please hold the hate to Air Ships response, this is not the topic for that.
    Ok so I was wondering weather or not if Im allowed to build a simple and really fragile Hot Air Balloon. Aparently there has been a lot of people before who have built them and got blueprints for them. I wanted to make the whole roleplay for it. Even a post in the lore section.
    Note that Im not asking to make a complex steam engine ship. Just a balloon where in RP I will be able to transport my goods through the lands, but 100% asthetical. and that can be easily broken with an arrow. Also just to note the Hot Air Balloon tecnology has existed since the 3rd Century BC, known as Sky Lamps just if Timeline was a fact.
    Thank you and have a nice day.

    Final Veredict:


    As has been stated above, lore has been submitted for the implementation of Hot Air Balloons. The current status of it has been that it was accepted, but now that decision has been reconsidered and it will have to be reviewed again. Should the lore be re-implemented, and you have access to a blueprint of it in roleplay, you may build a Hot Air Balloon.

  10. Are you talking about the bug where you cant see any skins? Because if its so, there's not much to do about it. Though some stuff works for me.


    When my character isn't showing the skin. I restart my Minecraft client and that always fix it. If not my conection is bugged and mostly when that happens im not able to join any server without lag. Though I think you already tried that, so this are empty words.


    Anyway, its an MC Glitch, there's always unfixable MC Glitches. Like that double-place bug where some chunks get corrupted and everytime you place a block it generates a FPS Lag Spike and place 2 or 3 instead. That bug has been running since 1.0 and it hasn't ever been fixed, not even in high end computers.


    Anyway, hope you fix it! :D

  11. I didn't wanted to get this as far as It did. Forum Moderators can do their job and punish me... As Danny stated Im really not up to fight right now. Sending the statement to Availer will just end up in his SPAM board... Sorry guys not really looking foward a flame war here but look what I've done for a single post. Thats kind of messed up and Im sorry.

    Still dont feel bad for him. I just took the oportunity, and you can see Im not a bad person if you look at my profile you'll find lots of good stuff, but one canot be nice all the time.

    Really sorry... To the comunity that felt offended, not for Mogroka itself.

    *readies to recieve Warning in the forums*

    Goodbye in 3 months... :)

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