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Posts posted by onetimetac64

  1. 4 hours ago, PtahWithin said:

    William Gage smirks and signs in impressive cursive.



    After Syrio and Gage Sign the charter, Galen cuts his thumb and presses his bloodied thumb against the charter, leaving a thick bloody thumb print. "may we help all live rich and prosperous." says  Galen.


  2. RP Name:

    Gribeling -The Brow- Strongbrow

    MC Name:


    Which Linage?:

    Hulgris The 3rd



    What do you hope to experience while with this clan?:

    To keep and improve on the tech of the Hulgris lineage.

    Are you new to Roleplay? Are you new to Dwarven Roleplay? (This is fine, If you answer yes we will assist you through the way!):

    Well i have an Alras dwarf but thay are nothing like the dwarf dwarfs.

    Give a short biography of your character(Feel free to be creative within the two lines available):

    Gribeling or Gribel for short is a dwarf of grand stature, he stands as tall as a very short human with a brow the likes only rivaled by Omi his self, although knowledgeable in the ways of the Hulgris he is quick to arms when provoked, as a young dwarf he sort adventure and excitement which often lead to him getting in trouble with the other clan elders, despite there attempts to calm his wild antics he never changed due to a talk he once had with the Strongbrow elder in which he was told by Omi that he should never loose his adventures spirit.

    Image of your skin(Don't forget the Brow!):



  3. As with others of greatness in history you will always be missed along with people such as:



    Albert Einstein



    Leonardo Da Vinci



    Robin Williams



    Jesus Christ



    Shift Allen Native

    Better Then Jesus


    *salutes with tears in his eye

    "best of luck you high off your head MoFo,

    let your beard never be shaved till the day you die."

    *He then runs off to find a new god to worship in this world of chaos

  4. In the time i have known Kwak from leader of kramoroe to the Commander of the Shad'Rin, he has been a great source of fun RP and challenging puzzels, although he is a stickler for the rules he is still a cool person to talk to and RP with, so i definitely think he would make a great ET member. +1

  5. *a flyer is pined to the notice board of all town not one has been forgotten

    it has a seal on the bottom corner with the letters (COS) and reads as follows*



    To all those that wish for riches or if you wish for adventure this is what you have been waiting for.

    I am a Captain wishing to set sail on a trip to open water,

    I already have a crew of 12 will and need more to join.

    These trip to find and uncharted island with the hopes of untold riches being found there.

    It will be dangerous but the reward will make it worth it in the end.

    If you seek to join my crew for this trip then you may contact me by bird (tac64)

    or meet at the wild docks and elven day from now



    (Any that wish to join in the trip but don't wish to join the crew permanently that's fine this crew is only for this trip, if you wish to continue to sail with us than you can join. This trip will be extremely fun for any that come. I need anyone that wants to come to be at the wild docs and this Saturday 8pm CST and we set sail as soon as we have sufficient crew. Food is provided and you need to be able to be on for at least and 1 hour or 2 hours to play for the whole trip and maximizes your fun i am talking with GM's and Admin's to be able to do as much stuff as we can for this trip and items you wish to bring are up to you.

    This is the boat that we are going on just so you can see why we need a large crew.)


    (ignore the creepers this is from a save of the boat)


  6. ((how about you deal with the fact i have crap gramma instead of trolling me while we all be a bit more understanding about an affliction i have had for years in which case i am getting better and it is hard for me all my life i have been constantly insulted about my spelling and such despite my efforts to better them so when a rude person on the net who probably is compensating for something he lacks it annoys the hell out of me so in the future i would like it to be clear that every post i make is at the best of my ability and if you don't like that then you can go sit on a flag poll because you are nothing but a troll and you are the lowest form of life in the universe so low infect that a pile of excrement is gold in comparison to you as a person and to that end i say good day sir hope you realise your pitiful worthless wast of en existence and change it before you die sad and alone (i can say and understand this out loud in one breath so if you cant ha ha you fail)))

  7. well let me start out by saying ok i understand that it is hard to read what i type most of the time i get that i am trying to better my spelling and grammar BUT i don't need people make stupid comments like wow that was painful to read because all that says is i am a D&%^ that likes to be a D^%$ all the time and insult people with problems i have dyslexia and i know the first thought in your head is no he is just lazy BUT for most of my life i haven't been able to write or type because of it and i am working on it at this point i think my spelling is what i should work on so i am doing that then grammar shot don't be a D&^% and type wow that's hard to read you prick

  8. haha you have not seen the full strength of the undead as any good strategist does say the first hand played the the assumed limit by the enemy the undead would be just as well off without the black hand (not that you are part of use as we despise you all have you seen you snowy fields base haha) you are week that is why you look to use not because of strength you see us as a source of power for you own greed and to justify you petty acts so as to not take full responsibility for your actions in a life such as yours you are as good as nothing more then the dirt we walk on and even without dirt we would just be that much closer to the heat of the earth so in that sense you do nothing but hold us back in the ways of corruption as you are seen as thugs and thief's and so because of this we are seen as supporting this act you do in our name so give me one good resin why i should not kill you when i see you and your fools disrespecting our name by claiming your association with us because i see no resin for not killing you -ooc

  9. the soul purpose of the undead means they could never be allied merely use others hopes as a tool this is what the undead call fun sending people to there deaths amuses them and keeps them entertained but would never be allied that's just a disgusting concept for them to think they would have to treat disgusting mortals like equals get real hahaha

  10. no annoyed at people like you being retarded and failing at rp and if you insult me it wont end well for you i ashore you so i suggest you shut the hell up and stop posting on forums in rp that you cant know about you idiot

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