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Posts posted by onetimetac64

  1. the soul purpose of the undead means they could never be allied merely use others hopes as a tool this is what the undead call fun sending people to there deaths amuses them and keeps them entertained but would never be allied that's just a disgusting concept for them to think they would have to treat disgusting mortals like equals get real hahaha

  2. no annoyed at people like you being retarded and failing at rp and if you insult me it wont end well for you i ashore you so i suggest you shut the hell up and stop posting on forums in rp that you cant know about you idiot

  3. i like how everyone seems to think they can read a letter to the undead. you say we meta hell the bloody black hand start to use all these things to recruit for his silly group all that join his army are fools so can you stop advertising in our rp section which there is now way you can see in rp there for you can not advertise (i suggest this post is deleted it is no longer of use well never was)

  4. i hope you understand that the "Alliance" you have with the undead it not 2 way we despise you and all that follow you so don't think you can claim to those you kill on the roads its in the name of Iblees to matter to us in any other way then us wonting to killing you mortals for fun i ashore your lies will be silenced by us just you wait and see From a voice in your head ((i type this to your leader in game but he was afk as i spoke to him posting here to tell him what i said))

  5. This also aplies to the Black Hand. If you went near nay of there bases in the north, they would kill you, but if they come in the cities and you question them about there robes, they call you metagamers. Also, I have been in several undead battles, and if I recognize one of the undead, then I should be able to question them without the threat of being banned. The undead have been extreme crybabies lately, trying to report every little thing, and to them there is no such thing as a rp kill unless they are doing it. The other day I stumbled across several black hand outside of snowy fields, and they threatened to kill me, plus they followed me. But when I killed one of them, he immediately reported me, trying to get me banned. I don't understand why the undead are so touchy. They are way overpowered, can kill five enemies by themselves no problem, and have tons of minions. They are obviously winning the war right now, so why don's they take a chill pill? Alo, the undead and Black Hand robes are fairly obvious, so no onshould be shocked when they are killed wearing dark robes with no face.

    THE BLACK HAND ARE NOT UNDEAD THEY NEVER WERE AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL people associate them with use all the time they are not us they wont to be hell have you seen there north base

  6. this can be done ether all animation of half half

    it opens to a map of Argos drawn on parchment slowly moving across it with a voice in the background saying "Argos a world of story's yet untold many paths to be travelled some commonly travelled others hidden and less travelled" as it reaches the edge of the map it spins and the camera zooms in on a more 3d style map with little people in it it flies over the elf city towards winterfell as a voice says "what path will you chose" it zooms right in on an group of people in front of the cloud temple one from each race male and female as it fades to a male and female human in front of alkazar with the words human above them then the camera flies over the city and fades to elf's in front of lorilen words saying elfs and the camera flies over the city so on for all the races except the undead and ascended first comes the ascended the camera flys up to the whole ascended race standing there with the word ascended above them and a voice says perhaps you will become a savour of the world and show grate good and it shows the city then it fads to black with the word or perhaps you seek another less travelled path and it fades into the whole undead race and says will you chose evil and join the ranks of the heartless followers of Iblees its your choice to make zooms out to the map again but with someone holding it and as if slowly pulls back from it you see the face of availa (his character) and he continues to speak saying "there is a whole world to explore go forth and search it fades out to the lord of the craft title slowly moving towards the screen and words pop up with the info like the team speak and website and all that

    sorry if its hard to read but i am able to tell you in ts in more detail

  7. sorry but "like Tac&Co" this is exactly like Tac&Co i dont like the idea that someone would ask for a job and me be like hell yer come join and then to be spat on in this maner not to mention my company takes a small 10% thats it the idea of Tac&Co is to stableise the market by makeing it esy to get a shop and get supplyed and hell the 10% we make off the shops goes back to the werst shops to help boost the shop up to help them acheive productivety also we offer houseing free food and dirt cheap tools and items for our employees but keeping the items at the price they are right now makes it unstable it needs to be a little cheaper that's all we aim for not to undercut anyone I am all for competition but my god you could at least come up with your own idea this is just a D% move and i would appreciate it if you gave me more credit then just "like Tac&Co" far out and to all you that join this rip off i would like to say that Tac&Co is designed to give rather then take and to pull everyone in the world of Argos up and better the world for it follow the link if interested and if this gets deleted it only proof that he doesn't wont you to know there is a better deal and so i say good day to you sir good day

    Tac&Co here to make your life better

    (all profit collected goes into bettering the world for you guaranteed)


  8. Accepted Welcome to Tac & Co. as our new Co- Architect if you could tell me what area of Architecture you are best in i will add you to it list is:

    large castle projects

    red-stone (traps, hidden doors, pistons, advanced circuits)

    small scale projects (houses, shops)

    interior design (fitting houses and shops with seats and other things)

    corporate buildings (offices, storehouses, outpost, item dumps)

  9. If you wish to help out post the following app



    VIP Y or N:

    Have you played chess:

    Do you agree to the terms typed below:

    I____ agree that in the case of my death i will not complain as to the loss of money or out of RP death at risk of being baned my self.

  10. Hay want to make money without work or maybe you have to much and want to have way to much more, who ever you are what ever you are, we invite you to come to the Gambling Den come play

    Games to chose from:

    The Slot Machine 100% cheat free for sall spenders to big spender

    The Cactus Logic 3 to chose from ranging from 1-19, 20-49, 50-99 mines bets pick a plate

    and win

    The Fight Arena 2 people fight it out to see who is the strongest

    And the upcomeing awsome est game in the world

    Dungeon Team Chess

    a game i am developing which is interiorly my own design the game consists of a number of people each side given armour and weapons according to peace the board is set out like a chess board and when to peace's meet they fight to see who wins all peace's have a weakness and a strength.

    I am looking for 20 people that would be able to come and help with the rule settings and be the peace's you will need to give all you money to someone as you may or may not die do not bring any weapons or amour ether as you may die.

    ((copyrighted, those who wish to have one must ask my promotion for the idea as it is actually contained in a copyright of an actual server I was on there for it is mandatory that use of this is strictly prohibited unless given promotion by me Tac64 aka, Jarum Hatch))

    all these games are 100% legit.

    if you have diamonds or iron or other valuable items we except them too.

    So come relax and win some big cash

    just come to the Oren market on kings road, across form the reborn church if the light is on come on in. ((if not you cam /tell Tac64 or leomogenet and we will come over))

    Ps. any and all attempts to discredit this business will be met with force we pride on being honest so if you lose don't be a sore loser and call out shenanigans out the front or we will have no chose but to get the guards to take you away its a place for fun and to win money not to cheat you out of money

  11. (this will be my store of life on this server how i have been treated and am being treated this is all ooc info so those that read can not now this in game and all things said are actual events or extremely close also this will be part of my villain app as i get denied for it being an "undead app" but this will show why i wish to have a villain app also note that my grammar nearly does not exist i am sorry but you don't have to read it and i am an iffy speller to i hope you like it i will right in past context mostly but may have parts that are like a then and there log book and the reserved things below are will the splits in my story so ye enjoy)

    The World Of My Enslavement

    Chapter 1


    Hay wake up come on get up, said a man by my bed side. i had awoken in some kind of temple chamber filled with wounded people. wear am i, i said to the man. this is the cloud temple my sun you were near die when we got you. dead what happened to me, i said as i got up and rubbed my head bewildered and confused. no idea but i have only ever seen wounds like that once in my life time said the man. i said concerned, well what was it from speak please, well the wound was coursed by a spell used by the ascended but they would never harm someone in this way they protect us... the man stop to look at me very concerned at the fact i seemed confused by his word, the who i said, ascended never herd of them. what they are our protectors the ones of grate power and strength the beacon of light to guide us down the path of right, how could you not have herd of them, he said with a sharpened tone in his voice. i don't know i cant remember anything, i said wondering as to what might be wrong with me. hmm.. this could be bad said the man it seems that you might have a loss of mind. loss of mind? i queried as i looked down and then i shouted no my hands what is wrong with them there purple, as i stood up and rubbed at my hands frantically trying to get whatever it was off my skin. stop calm down said the man strictly its fine your a dark elf it is normal to have a dark skin to others although, never seen on that was purple tho and red eyes like that, never you mind the fact you were brought here is evidence to say you are not an undead so don't worry your self, here put these on and ill send you along with a guide to the elven town of Laurelin they will help you i think with the memory loss.

    Chapter 2

    An Un-Warm Welcome

    As i walked out of the temple with the guide i noticed that the world was quite vast in its size, i could see the mountains and trees, all those trees i mean i couldn't imagine how i could forget such a place. i went one step foreword and tried, i fell down to the bottom of the steps and landed in a heap, i could here the guide running behind me i sill wasn't good with my legs, likely i was not injured, so we walked to the elven town, it wasn't long till we got there and my it was pleasant the houses in the trees and the gardens everywhere it was amazing i had never remembered such wonders as this, than a guard stepped out in front of me. Stop! he said with an aggressive tone, what business do you have with the elf's undead, tell me why i shouldn't kill you right here were you stand. undead? there is that name again, before i could say a world the guide stud between us and said he is no undead and how dear your accuse him such, he just came from the cloud temple he is a elf like you. aha a dark elf not many of them now days you now sorry for the that brother ill be shore to watch my tough next time, welcome to Laurelin town of the wood elf's, the guard said as he backed away toward his guard post. wow i said in amazement what a place, is the whole world like this. if only said the guide this is the nicest place in the world in my opinion the rest is just a grave yard for trees only the wood elf's treat the trees with respect now days, well i must be going i have other jobs to attend to, the place you are looking for is called the druid tree can't miss it he said as he walked away back through the gates. farewell i said as he dispersed down the path we had just walked, i looked around and saw many eyes watching me as if to suggest i was not welcome here, i made my way down a path to a shop as i asked the shop keep if he could point me to the druid tree but before i could get an answer he shut the windows to the shop and said were closed go away. how rode my good brother i said all i wish id an answer to my question. go now or i will call the guards on you be gone with your filth. astonished and not wanting to coarse trouble i left him and tired another but that same response go away, be gone, you disgust me, go die, these were the greetings of those supposed bothers and sisters of mine why do that hate me so if only i know.

    Chapter 3

    Discrimination and Betrayal

    I sat on the side of the path with my head in my hands, why what is wrong with me am i infected, no its this skin this purple skin the makes them treat me so, why am i like this were is there anyone like me that want treat me so cold. suddenly i felt a hand on my shoulder i turned quickly to see the face of a man that had probably seen better days he said to me , "hello friend". looking at me with a messed up smile, "how are you going not every day you see a dark elf that has purple skin, tell me what are you doing sitting on the side of the road"? he asked as he sat down next to me, so i explained to him the treatment i have been given and how all i wonted was to find the druid tree. "druid tree" he said and laughed "why would you want to go there they are all just a bunch of Steuben old people". "well i lost my memory and was told they might be able to help me remember", i said hoping that he would tell me were it was. "no no no there not the people you should talk to" he said "you need the arc mage to help you lucky for you he is a friend of mine come lets leave this place". he stud up and stretched and said again "come lets leave". so i stud up and followed him out the gate and down the road and back towards the temple then turned down another road off the path and walked and walked finally he stopped and turned to me and said, "well here we are your new home ha ha ha". "wait what do you mean" i said as 3 men walked out of the darkness while one of them started to talk, "is this the slave" he said "yes he is strong and young" said the man i had thought my friend "well ill take him john bind him and bring him" said the man "ow and luck you can kill the other ha ha ha the" man refereed to as luck puled out a sward and slid the blade through the heart of the man that sold me the man that was obviously in charge of the other two men turned to me and said "try to run and you will die ill make shore of that ha ha ha" we walk down a tunnel which opened out into a cave that was filled with chests and a diamond and gold roof these guys obviously were thieves but i had no chances of escape, they beat me and burnt me till i would do as told no matter what and than they trained me how to play decoy for there theft i was to scream guards help and run to people and ask for help from the bandits and get them to follow me to an ambush wear they would kill them for about 2 years i did this for them until that.

  12. Grand Opening Coming Soon

    ((all RP)) Hello Guilders i am Carham_the_Keeper i am here to let you all now that i have been working on a Inn just near the city of snowyfields and will have rooms and guild houses for rent at low prices and you will be safe from any enemy you may have that right food ale at low prices we except all types of pay Wether you have mines or diamonds gold steal and even other foods wont ale but no money just bread that's fine or worthless gold or maybe its your tern to shout your friends a diamond is a simple way to get lots of drinks all this in an undead free environment if you are to drunk and need to sleep we have all sized rooms from 1 night beds to 10 year housing you name it we will try to get it (in regards to what an inn would have). so come and enjoy the Weeping Skull Inn, just follow the wood road from snowyfields if you like the undead we wont discriminate you can come and be close to them if you wish so long as you don't take lives of the customers as we have no connections to the undead we ask that you don't ask about joining as that we do not now if you suspect someone of being undead leave them as they my not be and you will be kicked out for being rude and banned for a time











    Per Nighter Rooms:

    M Basic Single: 1 bed

    M Basic Double: 2 beds

    M Standard Single: 1 bed, 1 crafting table, 1 stove, 1 single chest

    M Standard Double: 2 bed, 2 crafting table, 2 stove, 2 single chest

    M Advanced single: 1 bed, 1 crafting table, 2 stove, 1 double chest

    M Advanced Double: 2 bed, 2 crafting table, 4 stove, 2 double chest

    M Advanced Group: depends on numbers given rooms could fit an army hahaha

    all advanced rooms are located in a location wear noboby

    can hear you safe for all those privet gatherings

    Per Week Rooms (and longer)

    M Basic Single: 1 bed

    M Basic Double: 2 beds

    M Standard Single: 1 bed, 1 crafting table, 1 stove, 1 single chest

    M Standard Double: 2 bed, 2 crafting table, 2 stove, 2 single chest

    M Advanced single: 1 bed, 1 crafting table, 2 stove, 1 double chest

    M Advanced Double: 2 bed, 2 crafting table, 4 stove, 2 double chest

    N/A Advanced Group: depends on numbers given rooms could fit an army hahaha

    all advanced rooms are located in a location wear nobody

    can hear you safe for all those privet gatherings

    N/A Guild Sections: a group of floors that are safe from ears and only accessible to

    people you wont

    (Night is for a full day and night in real life 24 hours starting from time percussed)

    prices are coming

    ((ooc from here down))

    p.s. we are not responsible for any and all losses of life to or from the Inn and only promise protection to those that don't go to the fort of the undead as if you anger them they will kill you and only you here so keep in mind that if you anger them and they come you will be given up at a moments notice this accounts only to those that venture past the inn as the inn is on the border of the undead land but to all others its 100% safe for a small fee we will shut anyone out that you wish

    hay yes i know i have no full stops and stuff don't comment on it please its irritable also if there is ever an undead there don't bother them they hate that read the wiki don't ask us (the staff of the bar) also if you do go past the inn with an army to the fort don't expect to hide here if they chase you we provide a place for people to drink and have fun and run there guilds there will even be games coming so look out fo updates once i set them up and there will be a shrine on one of the levels for people to worship at but don't give tribute as you will just loss items inquire at the bar if you wish to give offering and we will tell you the best way to give it to them but we wont except there offerings all info within the marks is ooc any use of it for meta gaming will be met with consequences

    ((ooc end))


  13. Your beyond an idiot.

    ok ok we are getting narky for no resign just stop the *** for tat over leader i think the best way to deicide such a high up position is to play a game such as chess or that sort of thing something that shows if there is a shred of leadership material in you if you need help picking a leader i would be willing to help by talking to candidates as i am good at reading people just pm me also any one that would even react to a comment like rebel did doesn't fit the bill same for someone that mocks a person for being a kid is a prick i now a 6 year old that could wipe the floor with any of you in any strategy game so age doesn't mean shiz

  14. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:tac64

    -How old are you?:19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:+10:00 EST AUS Australia

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:yes/medium

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: i am able to think outside the box and find my self in the middle of lots of arguments in which my favored side nearly all was find my self to come out on top i wish to find more complicated situations to solve so i turned to gaming as an excellent way to put my skills to the test and have found my self to be very diplomatic and am a firm believer in there is always a way to solve problems without violence although i also have quite a knack for military solutions from playing strategy games and feel this server is a grate place for me to put into play my skills fully.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:42

    -How long have you played minecraft?:from the beginning of 1.2.0

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:i understand that RP requires a character to develop that character as i go though trials in the world, i have been playing RP for about 2 years on off, mainly on medieval and some servers that have tried sci-fi

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:a server that allows the hard work of a player to progress and change the world around you

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:the original role-craft a few friend run servers and minecraft nations, i left these servers due to a lack of players and seek a server with a longer base of people

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes,yes,yes,yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Humans, Elves, Orks, Dwarfs.

    -How did you hear about us?:a friend

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:Theft is a punishable offence.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:don't really dislike any all good

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?onetimetac64


    -Character Name:Zack Zall

    -What is your Race?:Elf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:onetimetac64

    -Biography:a elf that has seen death and and loss yet has never let it effect him in how he lives he is a wise and noble elf that does not seek riches of glory but a purpose has lead people in the rise and fall of many rulers that abused there power not much else can be said other then that there is a dark past he left behind him long ago and will probably never speak of it is said that if u push him to far he will unleash a fury of strength that u cant stop there is something inside him something evil and mysteries(there are whispers that he may be the lost air to the thrown time will tell)

    -Character Age:500

    -Character Appearance:dark skin with a elf look blood red eyes and back hair and scares

    -Character Personality:friendly semi trusting

    -Your ambitions:help what ever side i deem to be the better

    -Can your character read or write?:yes very well

    -Can your character mine?: yes doesn't like it

    -Are you a capable builder?yes a grate builder

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes

    -Enjoy Farming?:no

    -Does your character have any special skills?:see very far distances]

    -A screenshot of your skin:http:


    -Other Information:enjoys building large elaborate buildings fitted with traps and secret doors i will be donating 200 on Friday if i like the server if not i will leave u can hold me to that but if i am not added by tonight ill just leave because 3 days wait is just stupid

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