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Status Updates posted by KarmaDelta

  1. Ima try LoL again, I am afraid I will turn into angry 4 year old when I do. Im only doing it to get hawt grills!!!!

  2. One time I killed someone and hid their body in The Hasselhoff's chin.

  3. Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun Wun

  4. I bet Zero is really a scrub at BB, what a nerd.

  5. Free comic book day, aw yis.

  6. Lord and savior Drfate returns.

  7. Anyone wanna make a Dwarven clan banner for the new Goldhand thread in progress? Is anyone able to do something like that?

  8. If anyone is wanting to join in on the merchant RP experience, feel free to look over the clan: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/

  9. For anyone looking to play a Dwarf and want to try some merchant RP, feel free to check out the Goldhand Clan: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/#entry1216284

  10. Dreek did nothing wrong. #Cut4Dreek

  11. Meeting of the merchants is starting in Gimblewood. If you want in, feel free to come.

  12. If anyone wants to try their hand at some merchant RP: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126489-the-goldhand-clan/ Real stuff is having this weekend.

  13. The Goldhands are looking for members, if you want to join go here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/127032-the-trials-shitpost/?p=1220865 We don't have those trolly and mean clan trials from beardling to man where you have to neuter elves or orcs, so do not worry friends!

  14. Heff, 1v1 me in CoD. Only flashbangs.

  15. Sweet mother of dragons....

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