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Status Updates posted by KarmaDelta

  1. Im just going to respond to every post by putting poorly shopped pictures of my character's head on a hotter body.

  2. When fam got you with the download that wouldn't start.

  3. Please, for the love of the system, act well Jaden Smith, or you will literally be on the super **** list: http://comicbook.com/2015/05/24/jaden-smith-confirmed-as-static-shock-by-tyler-james-williams-/

  4. Gonna start betting on the TI. Has anyone already started?

  5. The Good, the Rad, and the Nubbly

  6. Holy sweet jesus christ on a pogo stick shoving carrots up someone's rectum, I can't believe it.

  7. Come, let us embrace.

  8. Lark is by far the worst memer on the staff. Disgusting.

  9. Ford's sig gives me cancer. Thought he was a pure one too after all the times he's bashed.

  10. That moment when you're selling stuff on the market and you're making bank. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/006/077/so_good.png


  12. Anyone have fightcade? Im bored and want to practice some Jojo.

  13. I hated you Josh, but you didn't have to go out like that. If only we could have made amends, farewell frienemy.

  14. I need to be whitelisted.

  15. family is the most hilarious thing ever.

  16. I bet they said no to cybering with Tythus.

  17. Menarra is NOT a hero.

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