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Posts posted by hRV

  1. MC Name: Harveey


    IC Name: Aspida


    Original Race [N/A if not applicable]: N/A


    Transformed Form: Golem.


    Creator [MC name and IC name, N/A if not applicable]: arocksta28, Dagor Irongrinder


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature

    A golem is a sentient construct, created when a stone body is empowered by a magical core. To create a golem, it takes the skill of a master blacksmith and the wisdom of a master magician combined, resulting in the animation of the stone construct. Upon creation, the construct must follow it's Impera's commands to a fault, and it's during it's first moments that the Impera has best control over the construct. As time passes, the mind of the Golem will degrade, from it's already simple state, resulting in it only being able to contain a very simple vocabulary, with sarcasm, metaphors and implications being a foreign world to them. The golems sole purpose is to serve, and to love serving, so will never have the capacity to be a leader of men.

  2. 21 minutes ago, Arteh said:

    I've tested cavalry on the LoTC test server with Irish and other people on this server. I have questions regarding the future of cavalry, the sustainability of it's combat in wars and how useful it actually is right now.

    To branch from this question, when was this test server set up, and how exactly are players chosen to test? I'm not calling bias, I'm just saying a wide range of players from all nations, and more importantly skills, should be allowed to give an input, as they are the people more directly affected by some changes, and it will give us a more balanced opinion on it, rather than an enclosed group.

  3. Just now, JadenOfCanada said:

    I didn't disagree with that in any of my posts, but horse archers were OP for more than the bows themselves.


    Sorry that's a misunderstanding by me then. I agree though, bows do need to be nerfed, but on a whole these things need to be tested by someone from each faction before they implement something that literally destroys a section of the game is pretty poor planning.

  4. 3 minutes ago, JadenOfCanada said:

    Of course it is, I'm just making an observation at his wording of how they should be nerfed... Just perfectly to not affect the dunamis riders. There is no doubt that the horses should be buffed a tad now, but Dunamis is the reason they got nerfed and nerfing only the stuff that doesn't affect them makes no sense. Perhaps we should set our eyes to the breeder profession itself. Perhaps the sheer amount of hearts/speed/jump ability a horse gets is utterly ridiculous. 

    I am more than happy for taking nerfs for when they are deserved, like the alchemy XP nerf I am perfectly happy with as an alchemist.

    I also recognize that horse archers are overpowered, but the method that has been gone about is wrong.

  5. On 12/31/2015 at 11:51 AM, Toastersaurus said:

    I've looked and I don't understand it. I'd rather someone just tell me the exact ingredients instead of symbols. There is the same amount of meta-gaming from looking at the lore as if someone were to just tell me so it really doesn't matter. I just want the recipes.


    Just go to the Library, there's a section dedicated to Alchemy, as well as the Farming section, and between them you'll learn everything you need to.


    A small notice is hanging upon the local trading board. It details the requirement of a rare plant, found in the harsh desert climate.


    Buying Item(s): "Drake's Tail"

    Amount of Item(s) required: There is no minimum or maximum, as the item can be a rare ingredient to come by.

    Price: Willing to buy for 50 each as I intent to buy in bulk, but will discuss further with the seller.


    Meeting Place: Can be arranged to suit the seller.



  7. Maybe have it so that certain types of arrows have a percentage chance of dismounting and slowing, adding just a little bit of risk to using a horse. Maybe 10% 

    If I'm not wrong, Jistuma is working on something like those arrow types already, plus he said in game that he'd pretty much created pikes, which gives a balance to horses. 

    Also, I'm not speaking for Jistuma here, I'm just saying what he said in global, so if the staff decide to not implement it or whatever, don't crucify me.

  8. we need a blacksmith who is available for the majority of the day.

    -Nux, Orcish Axeman

    *attaching a scrunched note, easily recognised as a hastily written note.*

    I think ye' find that none of ye' need to concern yerselves with Blacksmithing, jus' pop into the Military District if ye' need some repairs 'n' such.

    As fee jobs, the Navy will be in need of some labour workers when construction' the new flagship.

  9. *sitting down in his newly refurbished office, Gortan wipes a sweat drop from his brow, then, cracking his knuckles, he raises his quill, then shifts through some applications.*


    Accepted, come visit me at me office, te' collect yer' uniform.


    Sorry lad, ber' this doesn't seem like yer' ready for war yet. Come to me when ye' have trained yourself, make sure ye' know how te' handle a blade.


    Accepted, ye' may be fresh, but ye' look able bodied to me. Come find me in me office, I'll get ye' your uniform.

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