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Posts posted by Haelphon

  1. Hey everyone!


    Today marks another Media Team meeting, discussing some of the new video ideas we could do for our YouTube channel and we've decided on a new (old) idea to work on: Area Spotlights.


    We've decided that we haven't really shown to people what our map and server actually look like, so we're going to be doing these spotlights to show off the best of our map! Currently we have the following places on our list to show:




    -The Kha

    -Oren Kingdoms


    -Cloud Temple

    -The Arcane Delvers

    -The Orcish Badlands


    Each of these places will have a video made featuring the leader or representative of said place, doing a small interview with one of our Media Team members, about their place. The video will be about five minutes, etc.


    What we also need from you is more suggestions of places to show off, such as, for example Gallmore, or other places. ( We'll be holding off on the North to avoid a wee bit of meta-gaming that could come from that, by the way. ) And we also need suggestions of what else you would like to see, whether it be a Let's Play, or something else. We've decided to not do a trailer for now, because all we do is trailers and we want to do something less... trailer-ey.


    Anyway, please pitch your ideas below! Look forward to reading them!


    ~Hael & the rest of the Media Team


    [EDIT] What people have suggested:

    -The Druids

    -The Pirates (Maybe just the sexiful ships)



  2. Wub iz lat nayme?: Margho'Gorkil Da Gobo

    Wub iz lat age?: Mehz Fordeh Ate

    Wub role lat wub tuu fill?: Iron-Gobo! Meh fight tru arruz and hit tingz big wit meh fizt in aurmur meh craft mezelf in cave.

    Iz lat a boi ur a gurl?: Meh iz boi

    Lat gobo?: Yub

    Do lat vow tuu taykin' dun 'dah ebal Jeztur agh Uruk Quinn?:


    What time-zone are you in?: EST

    What is you maturity level, be honest?: I think I'm usually quite mature, aye!

    Are you applying with a main or an alt?: Alt!

  3. This.


    I loved the RP though :3

    I was running to and from the White Rose Keep, making sure the farm hands were safe (She don diddly logged off, and left me fer dead!)


    I think Acer saw me show up just in time to save the people from the White Rose Checkpoint Bridge before it collapsed :3


    I did indeed! On a side note, I really love doing these kinds of events, because they can be both simplistic, and enjoyable for all.

  4. I support Vekrus on his endeavor because of how well I have seen him act in the community. He has always remained very level-headed and he is very passionate about the server itself. I have heard good things about him assisting others when they have needed it. I believe he is a very fair choice for an FM.



  5. I believe that Baronvo has been on this server long enough to warrant his eligibility to be a member of the staff. I trust he can use his judgement wisely when put in the duty of work. He has maintained a very good record as a well-liked and dedicated player.



  6. Greetings #LOTC!


    It is with great pleasure, that we present to you the imminent future of Lord of the Craft!


    Today we have the first Antagonist Trailer for all of you. And in just a day, the first Livestream for said antagonist(s) will be occurring.


    Here is the trailer for the upcoming evils-


    And don't forget about the Antagonist Livestream at 3 PM EST tomorrow, hosted by Tythus and the Lore Team!



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