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Posts posted by Agith

  1. Peering down at the paper, Cir lightly sighs. He looks outward to the copious amounts of cows and massive piles of leather that has mounded up around him. Releasing the paper into the wind, the war cleric simply shakes his head. His respite unending.


    MC name:


    Character's name and age:

    Name: Eldwehn Strongbow

    Age: 691


    Character’s Race:

    Wood Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?:

    Tahariae - War Cleric


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:

       Eldwehn befriended one 'Jakir Axem', many years before his involvement with the Clerical order. After years apart the two met again after the order had suffered a serious blow. Eldwehn offered himself and his services to the order as Jakir made sure to express the order's need for new warriors. Jakir aided Eldwehn in connecting to Tahariae and devoting himself to the order. 


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

       Clerical magic requires its user to be connecting to an Aengul as Eldwehn is connected to Tahariae, drawing on his power and devoting himself to desires of Tahariae. This power is channeled by he user into a holy aura. This emites a powerful blinding light. This can be manipulated to form beams, orbs and even weapons (althought they are weak). War clerics can also heal injuries, though only extreme injuries such as broken bones or organ damage can only be healed by a Priest. For a cleric to heal they must have prior knowledge of what they are healing. How blood clots, how organs channel and how muscles contract. This power can als o be used to combat those tainted by darkness and cleanse land that has been tainted by the same darkness. Eldwehn has honed his skills since he was connected many many years ago and used this powers in combat (forming beams and orbs and learning to form simple weaponary) and to heal those injured. 


    Going to note several problems with this application leading me to believe it is illegitimate.


    It takes two highly proficient war clerics to connect and thus create a new war cleric. Jakir to my knowledge never even learned that connection ritual.


    Healing and War cleric are two different subtypes, any trained cleric should know this fact. Furthermore healing can not be made use of in combat.


    Beams are not a thing.


    Cleaning land of taint is not part of the healing subtype (to my knowledge)


    An aura is a result of ones personality as far as old lore is concerned. There is no use of any 'holy aura' in war cleric. 


    Holy weapons are not all that 'weak'. Barriers formed however, are.


    While healing magic can be drawn from any patron, only Tahariae has war clerics, just as only Xan has paladins.


    From what I have seen in the clerical chat, no one recognizes this person/character either.

  3. Gwynevere approaches Coren, envelope sealed in purple wax in hand. She extends it to him with a faint nod, stating "You'll remember this 'un, Coren." before make her way off.  (Permission from Gwyn given)


    MC Name: Agith


    IC Name: Cir'dian


    Age: 257


    Race: Mali'ame


    Minor Backstory:  

    *Written in swift quill* 

    I suppose that some backstory would be necessary. I am of the Nymphea bloodline, direct son to the once mighty shade Salamandra. My past has often been somewhat varied depending on who is doing the recollection. However I suppose the only true facts I'd need to state are not in feats, but in my miss-steppings, and my knowledge. My father started my alchemy lessons on my eighth birthday. He gave me a decent amount of accouterments and lead me go wild. Much to his dismay when the house was filled with blue berry flavored foam a week later. On my tenth, he introduced me to water evocation, a magic I become well versed in before it was severed due to the unwise tampering done on several particularly ancient artifacts. Prior to this, I was a student to the elder alchemist Kardel, who took me in as his apprentice after finding my self learned knowledge to be surprisingly well thought out. I helped to flush out both his and my own alchemical knowledge, which we then as elder alchemists spread to the world. Giving knowledge of useful concoctions and the like to all those dubbed worth. Upon turning one hundred and forty nine, I began my studies of clerical magic under the caring and watchful guide of Hosper, Jakir, and Mandru of the clerical order. This is a job that I still enact, as a war cleric to the patron Aengul of judgement, Tahariae. With regards to combat ability, I was trained from age five by the Sol'array family, my father, and a decent bit from other various men and women met in my travels. 


    Light be with you,

    Cir'dian Nymphea

  4. Vadok looked upward to the starry sky, the socket of his rotted eye fractured from the mighty blow of the fallen shaman. Seconds turned to hours as he stood there, unaware to the surrounding area as the burial ritual was completed. The cub had never met Buubztik before this encounter, internally resenting himself for the inability to loath the orc who so dishonorably assaulted him. Though the true reason why this was remained clouded to him, buried in a the sooty fog of war and the mist of coppery blood. He had killed in the name of Buubztik, slain the High Cleric Mandru in hopes to rescue the shaman who his father had so strongly fought for. Though his father had fallen in the chaos of it all, leaving him alone in the chaos.


    The cub recalled the circumstances, seeming to blame himself for the death of the fallen shaman. The imagery of what had happened leading up to this moment running through his mind without halt. He retreated to his home, beginning to drag the rotting corpses of the three bodies he had been collecting in the name of the spirit of disease, Orgon. Throwing them to the ground, Vadok glowered, encapsulated by hatred which permeated through his body. He then took up a torch from nearby, and surrounded the bodies with dried tinder. Vadok cast the torch downwards, igniting the tinder and began the incineration of the bodies. Through all this, not a sound was uttered by the cub, and he turned away, escaping the scene of the pyre. 


    The cub made his way home, tearing free a blade from the kitchen and took it to the back of his left hand, carving into it a large 'X' as to ensure he never forgot the severity of his failure. For being unable to preserve the life of the great shaman.

  5. Cir'dian grins, looking onward to the group beneath the red hued black iron norman helmet which conceals his face. He tilts his head, situating himself in a fairly dark area and simply watches intently. His eyes shift to Mandru as time progresses. And as such Cir'dian looks down, sighing and pulling free the wrought helmet from his head.


    "Mandru...I am to be taking a leave of absence. From everything in this plane. Where you seem to have maintained your proper views of Tahariae, and of the order. Mine are beginning to- Degrade. As such, I am taking time of leave with no promise of return until such a day is that I am confident that I will be able to once more take up proper belief to match the strength of my sword arm. So until then, I ask your patience and understanding in this, old friend. With me will come all the relics I have procured, and all the knowledge as well. Should the day come where I can once more take up them faithfully in the name of Tahariae. Until then I will pray, and I will work to re-attain my faith and my will to serve. Until then, I bid my fair well. Give my regards to the rest of the members." Cir remarks with a warm smile, his helmet under his arm. He appears to have a large backpack on, filled to the brim with items unknown. Unusual for those aware of the various artifacts he wields which negate the need for such containers. 


    Cir'dian then turns, making his way out, pausing but for a moment at the door. Upon his face forms a meak smile, and then he continues on, fading from view.

  6. Orcs would be slower than humans if you go through a realistic physics angle, but you have to remember that Orcs consume huge amounts of energy when they do things, much more than a human does. They eat a ton to make up for this.


    What does this mean? It means Orcs move pretty much as fast as a human does, although they have a lot of momentum that works both for them and against them at times.


    Yep...Burst speed. Just like a bear

  7. What point are you referring to with this?


    The point is that the statement that speed is directly correlated to size is silly, of course there is more to it than just that. However you stating because humans are smaller, they are more agile, doesn't makes sense in itself. That's what you're implying by stating humans are inherantly faster. Elves are bigger than humans. They're faster still. Usain bolt for example, the fastest man alive is 6'5''. The average NBA player? 6'7''. THe reason anything taller is slower, is because humans aren't built to be taller, we get lanky. Orcs don't, they are scaled, rather than stretched. A human at 7 feet is stretching his limits, his body can't keep up because it's not meant to. An orc isn't built the same. Their bodies can keep up with that. 


    It's the same reason that a bear can run at 45 MPH. No one thinks bears are fast either, until they get clobbered by them. Bears are 10 feet tall and weigh more.

  8. The video wasn't made to determine who will win in a fight between an orc or a human, it was just shown as an example of different combat styles. Orcs aren't as fast, or agile as a human, so even if they do have reach advantage, it doesn't matter that much. I do believe in most cases, an orc would win in a 1v1 with a human, but the original poster is saying they will basically win 100% of the time and easily destroy any human(kinda PG). Some humans could be trained to fight like Oberyn, and defeat a giant. the halflingvshuman comparison is kinda dumb considering many factors.


    Eh, you're arguing size = speed and tactics. It is a transfer of logic and perfectly rational. Does that make it true? No...That's the point. 

  9. Has it not been confirmed several times that most orcs are in fact not goliaths? I'm rather certain predominant orc figures have in the past stated that orcs on lotc are around 6'5 and 250ish pounds of muscle. 


    Olags on the other hand are that huge. 


    No...Ologs have always been around 13 ft tall. Goblins are 5-6 feet, orcs are 7-9 usually (It's been this way since Aegis)


    And really I'd like to point out that in that video clip...Gregor still wins. Lol...And Oberyn has to use poison to kill him...Not to mention not many humans use spears, which are the only weapon that Oberyn would have won with (Why do you think he chose it...Reach advantage). Put a spear in an orc's hands? Reach advantage lost. He had to stay out of the "Death zone" of Gregor. And he didn't...THus he died. Furthermore...By your argument parade. A halfling should be able to beat a human just as easily. The reality it humans and orcs aren't on equal playing fields. And orc has the advantage. Orcs are rather intelligent...AND huge. Unline Gregor..Who is just huge (And he is 7 feet tall, while an orc can be 9. Gregor was an indomitable force to all in westeros...Now add two feet to him and look at how fearsome he'd be...Now add a brain)


    And size =/= slowness...See NBA players, see NFL players

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